hi all,
does SBS transit have a bus-fare calculator online or something similar to SMRT's online fare calculator?
Originally posted by Nikar7:hi all,
does SBS transit have a bus-fare calculator online or something similar to SMRT's online fare calculator?
You go surf SBS Transit website. provide info on where you want to go from which location, they will be able to calculate the fares for you.
i see liao dun have....smrt got only.
Originally posted by Nikar7:i see liao dun have....smrt got only.
SBS's electronic guide has
a rough guide for you, for feeder services like (WL) 900 901 and 231,232), you only need to pay 69¢
but for trunk services, the max you can go is $1.65 though
Adult fares are the priciest though
found liao! http://www.transitlink.com.sg/eguide2.html