did tvmobile played the countdown show during 31 dec? if so then the passengers countdown 3 2 1 then tv switch off! HAHA... just craking a joke.... btw its quite a sad thing... sometimes you can watch channel 8 repeated 9pm shows the day before...
Originally posted by service_238:No more Suzanne Jung!!
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:I'm irritated for it showing "31st Dec is the last day of service of TVM." Can't they just off it , that can save a lot of electricty.
save a lot of electricty?
Missed the distortion of the near-spoilt TVM. Missed the JFL on buses. Missed the short documentaries on buses. Missed the Malay/Chinese/Tamil short drama/info on TVM. Miss you TVM. :(
nah i rather have no tvmobile, last time used to like it but now getting bored of them already
Have music will do.
Not loud but soft music will do.
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:I'm irritated for it showing "31st Dec is the last day of service of TVM." Can't they just off it , that can save a lot of electricty.
which is like this:
I worst than u... 3/2 svc i took all B9TL and kub bah.. sian
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:I'm irritated for it showing "31st Dec is the last day of service of TVM." Can't they just off it , that can save a lot of electricty.
Just save fuel la
Watever tings they do,i can surely say tat they will nvr ever reduce the bus fares.Tat is so bloody damn obvious...
Originally posted by Merczrox:Watever tings they do,i can surely say tat they will nvr ever reduce the bus fares.Tat is so bloody damn obvious...
yeah agree. impossible for that to happen
yes, quite rides, but some DDs is too quiet liao
Originally posted by SBS8292Y:yeah agree. impossible for that to happen
In singapore,tat will nvr happen...Here only one way traffic which is increasing as always...
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:I'm irritated for it showing "31st Dec is the last day of service of TVM." Can't they just off it , that can save a lot of electricty.
some drivers did switched e TV off.
Ahh... peace at last. Back to the natural hum of the engines.
usually would heard voice come out from the TVM
about CNA
engine !!!
more good
Originally posted by Bus&Soccer l0v3r (VO3x 1):well
usually would heard voice come out from the TVM
about CNA
engine !!!
more good
im not really used to just heaaring the engine now...feels kinda weird
Originally posted by Merczrox:Watever tings they do,i can surely say tat they will nvr ever reduce the bus fares.Tat is so bloody damn obvious...
bus fares DID decrease LAST YEAR....
Originally posted by lemon1974:bus fares DID decrease LAST YEAR....
Yeah i know.By a few cents only...
Originally posted by Funf@ir:Every morning when i goes to school,TVMobile is the 1st thing i will look for in the bus.
I think that's a bad habit and addiction.
Originally posted by lianamaster:Ahh... peace at last. Back to the natural hum of the engines.
Finally we have peace. But those young people like Funf@ir already addicted to noise.
Bus cut cost.
And increase fares.
Good move.
Earn profits.
aiyah, now students from innova wont know if they are on time for school. innovians taking 168 or 161 understand
Originally posted by service_238:too quiet for comfort i find. Im used to having some noise from the tv on double decks.
Ya can say that again.