I've also yet to see any BC who's managed to stall an auto bus by braking so hard the clutch fails to disengage in time.
That's SBST for you...feeder service somemore. Specifically the usually "slow" 265.
I've also yet to come across anybody who can make a W3E 0405 drag its gears like another 265 BC does. He can do it for every single 0405 he lays his hands on, AC ones included.
Originally posted by fireice rox:There is a indian bus captain on 151 who like to chiong damn fast
SBS2767J driver!
Originally posted by SBS2601D:I've also yet to see any BC who's managed to stall an auto bus by braking so hard the clutch fails to disengage in time.
A auto bus uses a torque converter, not a clutch to shift its gears. A torque converter uses liquid to transfer power to the drive shaft and there is no physical contact unlike manual transmission.
Originally posted by XiaoTaro:A auto bus uses a torque converter, not a clutch to shift its gears. A torque converter uses liquid to transfer power to the drive shaft and there is no physical contact unlike manual transmission.
Who says there isn't?
Originally posted by fireice rox:There is a indian bus captain on 151 who like to chiong damn fast
Try taking those sbst young Indian BCs the buses.They always lik to chiong lik crazy..I took many of their buses and they always floor to the max.Haha.Tink they love to speed tinking that they r driving a bike or a sports car..Hahahaha.
Originally posted by SBS2601D:I've also yet to see any BC who's managed to stall an auto bus by braking so hard the clutch fails to disengage in time.
That's SBST for you...feeder service somemore. Specifically the usually "slow" 265.
I've also yet to come across anybody who can make a W3E 0405 drag its gears like another 265 BC does. He can do it for every single 0405 he lays his hands on, AC ones included.
i did! i was on one of the KUBs (sv 183) which was leaving the interchange, it braked hard as there was a mini-jam and the bus stalled.
i was like -.o like that also can!
but nt sure what happened that made the bus stall coz i was sitting at the corner back left...
Originally posted by Merczrox:
Try taking those sbst young Indian BCs the buses.They always lik to chiong lik crazy..I took many of their buses and they always floor to the max.Haha.Tink they love to speed tinking that they r driving a bike or a sports car..Hahahaha.
it's true...... indian BC's tend to drive faster.
Originally posted by ^tamago^:
it's true...... indian BC's tend to drive faster.
how about a young man VS middle-aged man?
Senior BCs can really chiong when needed :D
Originally posted by SBS2601D:
Who says there isn't?
Lol. There are clutches within the gearbox. However, the main connection between the engine and the gears isnt the clutch like the manual gearbox, but rather, the torque converter. And its impossible to stall an auto vehicle unless the gearbox is gone case. The solenoid/mechanical valves will downshift in a manner that the engine's rpm is ALWAYS higher than the output speed. Even if the output speed is higher than the engine's rpm, the engine will not stall.
Lets take this for example: A fan(A) blowing a max speed at about 1800rpm against some fan blades(B). The B started moving and spins at 1600rpm(due to power loss, their speed will NEVER be the same). However B is attached to this high speed motor. Now B is turned by the motor at 2000rpm, however, A remains at 1800rpm. I dont know how to explain this physics and mechanics behind these, but its nearly impossible to stall an auto vehicle.
Another scenario is , vehicle's tire loss traction and gained traction suddenly. In a manual vehicle this normally leads to a engine stall. My cousin last time park car in carpark encountered this situation, and his engine ALWAYS stall, due to drivetrain system shock when the tires gained traction suddenly, which the engine isnt designed to withstand. Try taking a VO3x on svc 25, 22, etc. when they enter AMK Int on a wet day.
There this row of steel gratings on the road which becomes extremely slippery when wet. So whenever it rains and the VO3x slowly enter, the bus will stall abit when the driving wheels went over these gratings as the tires spin uncontrollably. However when the tire hits the concrete surface the tire is forced to slow down to normal speed ALMOST instantenously. In a manual vehicle this would have stalled the engine. However, in a VO3x, theres a strong rattling coming from the engine and drivetrain, which i know it suffered some shock within the system.
Originally posted by ^tamago^:
it's true...... indian BC's tend to drive faster.
Not only indian drivers, chinamans also tend to drive quite fast. Same applies to young malaysian chinese drivers in their 20s.
Originally posted by Scania N113CRB luver:Lol. There are clutches within the gearbox. However, the main connection between the engine and the gears isnt the clutch like the manual gearbox, but rather, the torque converter. And its impossible to stall an auto vehicle unless the gearbox is gone case. The solenoid/mechanical valves will downshift in a manner that the engine's rpm is ALWAYS higher than the output speed. Even if the output speed is higher than the engine's rpm, the engine will not stall.
Lets take this for example: A fan(A) blowing a max speed at about 1800rpm against some fan blades(B). The B started moving and spins at 1600rpm(due to power loss, their speed will NEVER be the same). However B is attached to this high speed motor. Now B is turned by the motor at 2000rpm, however, A remains at 1800rpm. I dont know how to explain this physics and mechanics behind these, but its nearly impossible to stall an auto vehicle.Another scenario is , vehicle's tire loss traction and gained traction suddenly. In a manual vehicle this normally leads to a engine stall. My cousin last time park car in carpark encountered this situation, and his engine ALWAYS stall, due to drivetrain system shock when the tires gained traction suddenly, which the engine isnt designed to withstand. Try taking a VO3x on svc 25, 22, etc. when they enter AMK Int on a wet day.
There this row of steel gratings on the road which becomes extremely slippery when wet. So whenever it rains and the VO3x slowly enter, the bus will stall abit when the driving wheels went over these gratings as the tires spin uncontrollably. However when the tire hits the concrete surface the tire is forced to slow down to normal speed ALMOST instantenously. In a manual vehicle this would have stalled the engine. However, in a VO3x, theres a strong rattling coming from the engine and drivetrain, which i know it suffered some shock within the system.
The lock-up clutch connects the gearbox and axle when the bus gets up to speed.
This way saves fuel and cuts efficiency loss of the torque converter to zero upon connection.
Ever heard of the VOs or MKIVs whose lock-up clutch has been disabled? That's what you were referring to. Utterly horrible to listen to. And no...its not 1800 and 1600, the difference is really more in the range of 2100 and 1700 for VOs.
Yes. You can stall the auto bus if the clutch doesnt react to road conditions fast enough. I've experienced that on emergency brakings for buses twice already.
The VOs at AMK won't stall bcos by default, the clutch for the ZF4 usually disengages rather early, unlike the later generation gearboxes which emphasise engine braking, the application of which is only possible because of the presence of the clutch. You can't do that with a torque converter only auto vehicle. Personally I don't like the use of engine braking for the new buses, they make for jerky and noisy rides, especially for the already jerky K230UBs, but they reduce the reliance on contact braking, together with the retarder. But I'm also pretty sure we'll be seeing higher incidences of worn-out clutches, so that should negate the advantages somewhat.
Originally posted by ^tamago^:
it's true...... indian BC's tend to drive faster.
Yeah almost all of their buses i took simpy flew..
I wonder if BC really race with one another...using OCs & KUBs....
I think 197 Bus driver drive damn slow!Even some service like 147,961,167 or 196 want to take over ah.But some of the bus driver drive damn fast lah.
Originally posted by Edd1:I think 197 Bus driver drive damn slow!Even some service like 147,961,167 or 196 want to take over ah.But some of the bus driver drive damn fast lah.
You mean overtake?
only 2 words to describe SMRT - FUCKED UP
Originally posted by wrxs204:only 2 words to describe SMRT - FUCKED UP
by saying that, i guess that u r the one who are so, right? if u r really so, i suggest that u'll just get lost from here...dun try to talk cock here when u can't even do anything.
Originally posted by wrxs204:only 2 words to describe SMRT - FUCKED UP
only 2 words to describe YOU - SHUT UP
Bus Company isn't for you to use foul words and say about it.
Originally posted by wrxs204:only 2 words to describe SMRT - FUCKED UP
I think even if their service is lousy or the SL had made u injured due to overbraking etc (Any unpleasant incident in SMRT), this is not the right way to say. I am not saying that bus company is 100% the best or correct but, neither is this an apporpirate way to say things.
I do understand that there's no 100%. But eversince they took over the bus services in the area I'm staying, I've encountered numerous bad experiences them. I'm also not the only one who feels it this way.
To nenepokey...this is just my opinion....i'm not talkin cock here or stirring up trouble. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Me alone, there's nothing much I can do vs a big organization. However, the numerous experiences that I've gone through is really frustrating. I've sent them feedback on the same problems but sadly, it still exists. I do understand that there's no perfection but they ought to brush up their service and not merely paying lip service.
To SMB66X - I apologise if my choice of words is overly strong, but this is merely my opinion.
Somehow or rather, I still prefer SBS
My apologies once again if I've unwittingly offended anyone
Originally posted by wrxs204:only 2 words to describe SMRT - FUCKED UP
Being a multi-modal transport co that means they Lan Lan have to run Bus and Taxi operation set by Govt.Ditto for SBST they have to run rail services also.Both co set priority to their main bussiness ie Train and buses.Both are not perfect either,Cant discuss here though.It will invite more flame wars..
even then, u cant deny SMRT buses are faster than SBST.
You also can't deny SMRT can be quite screwed-up.
Heck, even their night buses can bunch up.
I took NR6 last night, not only was I treated to a 1 hr show of watching all the other NRs appear at least twice at clarke quay, when I got home, I was treated to the sight of an empty NR6 behind the bus I had taken.
What traffic condition justifies this, pray?