What happened to the Dennis Darts? Spend several hours finding and failed to find even one...
Maybe today is a public holiday????
Maybe these Darts went MIA-ing at depot? My first dart ride was on 92 (SBS8013L) and it was soooo hard to catch it. I later found out that only that Dart was operating 92 for that day, rest were all DM3500/MK3s :S
tried 42?
How long did you wait for your Dennis Dart? I know 92 has a very unusual frequency... I take that bus regularly
92 does not operate today la
Svc 42?
wads a dennis dart?
Originally posted by A.T.R:wads a dennis dart?
a bus..
Originally posted by A.T.R:wads a dennis dart?
Its a 'brand' name for the bus.. You may see these buses on route 42 and 92
Just checked out one motoring that 4 Dennis Darts from BBDEP are being laid-up...
SBS8010U Non-User Lay-Up Status till 07 Nov 2010
SBS8011S Non-User Lay-Up Status till 10 Dec 2010
SBS8014J Non-User Lay-Up Status till 17 Nov 2010
SBS8017B Non-User Lay-Up Status till 24 Dec 2010
Passed by BBDEP yesterday and saw some Dennis Darts inside with engine cover removed.
Hopefully this will answer the TS' question. Perhaps the mods can rename this thread to "Lay-up and redeployment of SBST Dennis Darts"
I still saw one off service on 92 towards BBDEP on Tue.
Originally posted by A.T.R:wads a dennis dart?
Check out here... SBST are planning to phase out the Darts from what I see.
Originally posted by SMB32T:Just checked out one motoring that 4 Dennis Darts from BBDEP are being laid-up...
Non-User Lay-Up Status till 07 Nov 2010
SBS8011SNon-User Lay-Up Status till 10 Dec 2010
SBS8014JNon-User Lay-Up Status till 17 Nov 2010
SBS8017BNon-User Lay-Up Status till 24 Dec 2010
Passed by BBDEP yesterday and saw some Dennis Darts inside with engine cover removed.
Hopefully this will answer the TS' question. Perhaps the mods can rename this thread to "Lay-up and redeployment of SBST Dennis Darts"
Huh, all are 92 buses. Sad.
Originally posted by SGCar:I still saw one off service on 92 towards BBDEP on Tue.
Likely to be SBS8013L. That's the sole survivor in BBDEP as of now...
so with Dennis dart's lay-up, i wonder how's service 92 fleet looks like
Originally posted by azharjj:so with Dennis dart's lay-up, i wonder how's service 92 fleet looks like
As mentioned earlier, 92 would be full of DM3500s & MK3s. I think by now the darts should go already, since the 'batch 1' of darts (introduced in 1993) had already reached its 17 years of its life with SBST. So fast isnt it?
kk thnks
Originally posted by SMB92U:As mentioned earlier, 92 would be full of DM3500s & MK3s. I think by now the darts should go already, since the 'batch 1' of darts (introduced in 1993) had already reached its 17 years of its life with SBST. So fast isnt it?
The 10 fleets of Dennis Darts came into service in 1994 specially deployed to services M1 and M2 (now services 92 and 42 respectively) to replace the Nissan civilians. If I am not wrong they are only 15 years then put to lay-up already. Volvo MK3s in fact are the older buses that have reached 17 years of lifepan.
Another case of buses that gets laid-up early other than the SMRT's ELBO CAC Scanias
saw them on 42 ytd... and yeah, q sad that they are going to be gone.
used to take them to go to science park to work... *wistful* =/
Originally posted by SMB32T:Just checked out one motoring that 4 Dennis Darts from BBDEP are being laid-up...
Non-User Lay-Up Status till 07 Nov 2010
SBS8011SNon-User Lay-Up Status till 10 Dec 2010
SBS8014JNon-User Lay-Up Status till 17 Nov 2010
SBS8017BNon-User Lay-Up Status till 24 Dec 2010
Passed by BBDEP yesterday and saw some Dennis Darts inside with engine cover removed.
Hopefully this will answer the TS' question. Perhaps the mods can rename this thread to "Lay-up and redeployment of SBST Dennis Darts"
very ungodly timing
was waiting on 30/12 to take a pic of sv92 dart, but there was none!
all mk3s n mk4s!
end of midi bus. Actually if they are really going to push public tpt for e long run, they're needed
Originally posted by AEW5001:very ungodly timing
was waiting on 30/12 to take a pic of sv92 dart, but there was none!
all mk3s n mk4s!
Well, still got one and only SBS8013L. Catch it while u can...
Originally posted by SMB32T:
Well, still got one and only SBS8013L. Catch it while u can...
i desperately need a pic of e dart on 92
do u know if this bus has a particular shift r not?
Originally posted by sbst275:sobs
end of midi bus. Actually if they are really going to push public tpt for e long run, they're needed
Service M1 was introduced somewhere in 1989 with Merc OF1413s (supreme star body I think). In 1990 SBS launched the 1st AC minibuses with the introduction of new Nissan civilians and were deployeed to service M1 replacing all the NAC fleets. Think this also applies to service M2 as well.
SBS also bought 5 fleets of Merc 811Ds and were deployed on the newly introduced service 20 somewhere in 1994. In 2000, service 20 was integrated with service 125, the Merc 811Ds were taken out. If I am not mistaken, the Merc 811Ds went over to SLBP and were deployed to service 183 (Tuas - Tuas South Dr).
Dennis Darts were bought in 1994 to replace the Nissan civilians and were deployed to services M1 and M2.
If I am not wrong I did ever came across Dennis Darts and Merc 811Ds on service 182 after the integration of services 182 and 183 in May 2002.