how come there's Svs like 850, 860, 860C, 862, 862C, 951, 952, 971, 971A, 972, 973, 982
Bus models even Citaro and K230UB inside current SMRT fleet list.
owned. 288 Bt Panjang - Hougang using King Long. There's L94UB appearing as well. WAB logo 'freely' appearing
860 & 862 obviously exposes it came from fantasy routes thread
Spam again. Haix. =X
Originally posted by sbst275:how come there's Svs like 850, 860, 860C, 862, 862C, 951, 952, 971, 971A, 972, 973, 982
Bus models even Citaro and K230UB inside current SMRT fleet list.
owned. 288 Bt Panjang - Hougang using King Long. There's L94UB appearing as well. WAB logo 'freely' appearing
860 & 862 obviously exposes it came from fantasy routes thread
if got that svc 288, then i know who is that guy liao.. He is alanlim9320 and kept trying to spam wikipedia saying that 288 REALLY exists even though we had already restored Wiki into its original state. He would sometimes start a whole new account and began changing the information in order to avoid being banned from wiki.
Jialat sial this guy.Really bo liao one.
Ok, the removal of vandalism in the Bus Routes in Singapore wikipedia page has been completed. BUT PLS TAKE NOTE - it may get vandalised again by some ppl in wikipedia (not to mention those in wikipedia). Who knows... later (or maybe in a few days time), the pages might get vandalised by those ppl over and over again when I re-visit the page.
The areas that the vandals had did in the pages:
- Services that are not confirmed or there is no official news stating that there are changes in bus services (eg. 288, 860, 862, etc - i.e. those that sbs275 had mentioned)
- Volvo B7RLE, King Long, Scania L94UB, Dennis Trdient 3, Alexander Dennis Enviro500, etc in most parts of SBS services
- Scania K230UB, Citaro, etc, on most part of SMRT services
- Several services that does not use those buses (eg. Scania K230UB reflecting on CT8, DAF SB220LT on 980 before the removal of vandalism) are reflected on the list.
- Other outdated infromation (like 45 that uses the Mercedes-Benz O405 still reflects on the list before I remove it although the service has advenced to use the Scania K230UB buses from AMDEP)
- I'm not very suprised if the two wikipedia pages (SBS Transit & SMRT Buses) had been badly vandalised. But at time of posting, both pages are still clean (meaning no vandalism as of now).
However, those accounts in wikipedia who vandalise the pages is not mainly from the bus fans in Singapore. I seek your cooperation to remove any information from wikipedia that is deemed incorrect or inaccurate, so as not to mislead others who wanted to view the current bus routes or the public transport companies thereto.
I suggest you remove the part on buses used.
Nothing unusual when I visited the webpage a while ago, but will keep an eye out.
If it seems that people are messing around with the buses used, then it would help by removing that section.
Originally posted by SBS9622Y:If it seems that people are messing around with the buses used, then it would help by removing that section.
besides i cant imagine some services like 31
Volvo B10M Scania K230UB Volvo Olympian Leyland Olympian Volvo B10TL LOL
or 80 Volvo B10M Scania K230UB Volvo Olympian Volvo B9TL Dennis Trident
51 Volvo B10M Scania K230UB Leyland Olympian Volvo Olympian Dennis Trident
Svc 60 never has Scania L94UB (SBS2888T).
Svc 96B (or rather SBST) does not have a MAN NG313, thus being an obvious edit
Svc 402 never had a Scania K230UB
Just to name a few
Originally posted by SBS9622Y:Svc 60 never has Scania L94UB (SBS2888T).
Svc 96B (or rather SBST) does not have a MAN NG313, thus being an obvious edit
Svc 402 never had a Scania K230UBJust to name a few
402 had a KUB that is x-over from 130
Really? Tks for informing.
Originally posted by SBS9622Y:Really? Tks for informing.
Yes. SBS8542B
Could someone remove the basic trunk service 902 part.902 is reflected under Woodlands Feeders not trunk.Also some part that need updated like the PA UMW Lances.4076 once i saw park at Sin Ming Ind area for a long time at night
Originally posted by SBS9622Y:If it seems that people are messing around with the buses used, then it would help by removing that section.
it'd be good to remove that section. some services that use lots of buses will get a lot of spam, and more spam will get more vandalism, and removing it is better to prevent such fantasy vandalism.
I think ill try to take down the 'Buses Used' section part of Wiki.
Can someone review the 33B section by the way?
Not sure. How about the Stadium Directs? I haven't seen them deploying.
Originally posted by SBS9622Y:Not sure. How about the Stadium Directs? I haven't seen them deploying.
There's an error on SMRT bus deployment from Depot.KJDEP control 33(Active and non active services) instead of 29.
Latest check:AMDEP can squeeze 178 buses instead of 175.Yishun Int can manage 79 buses w/o blocking any way.For 857 berth they usually left it 1 empty slot.Buses park there are usually 853/855 1st bus away from Yis.
KJDEP can squeeze 207 buses including beside bus washer instead of 199.Bt Batok can nicely slot 57 buses.Time for overnight parking at CCK.I see at least 52 buses can squeeze there SMRTB style.
WLDEP squeeze 332 buses instead of 324.Time for ON at WRI.I see at least 90 buses can park there.