I wonder has anyone noticed the change in format when you get the reply when texting iRis?
Today i did so, and i was surprised by the new format. The sms even displayed the rego of the bus that was arriving and the subsequent bus!
Here's what i exactly got:
158 - 3 Minutes(delayed*954*) <br> 13 Minutes(*2692*); 158B - Invalid service/bus stop numbers or no boarding/alighting at the stop. Please re-enter <bus stop
I boarded the bus arriving, and it was indeed 954Z. The next bus was 2692R. Quite accurate info... I wonder if it would display cameos...
finally got rego sia... yay!
I'm not so sure that this is so for every service.
Following your post, I decided to try this out for 225W. It showed the following:
B/S 84409 Svc 225 NextBus 9 min SubBus 24 min.For T&Cs, pls check SBST website,5c(postpaid)/10c(prepaid)
Means that for the abovementioned feeder service, the rego does not show up. Two possible reasons why this happens:
1. The addition of rego into the sms is still possibly a trial.
2. The addition of rego is only supported on selected services.
So might as well don't be too quick to assume that this will be available for all services.
Originally posted by TWS4793:I'm not so sure that this is so for every service.
Following your post, I decided to try this out for 225W. It showed the following:
B/S 84409 Svc 225 NextBus 9 min SubBus 24 min.For T&Cs, pls check SBST website,5c(postpaid)/10c(prepaid)
Means that for the abovementioned feeder service, the rego does not show up. Two possible reasons why this happens:
1. The addition of rego into the sms is still possibly a trial.
2. The addition of rego is only supported on selected services.So might as well don't be too quick to assume that this will be available for all services.
or was it an error? Since there's some coding <br> as mentioned.
Just tried out. I got this instead.
B/S 62161 Svc 158 NextBus 16 min SubBus 28 min.For T&Cs, pls check SBST website,5c(postpaid)
anyone wants to feedback to sbst to put rego
put rego might compromise security and most commuters will not be able to make use of the rego to know certain info like if it's a DD or SD (not everyone is like us)... and what if another bus comes, somehow?
Originally posted by ^tamago^:put rego might compromise security
i dun understand how LOL
Originally posted by ^tamago^:and what if another bus comes, somehow?
another bus comes, go up the bus, show the BC your hp sms.
"eh unker why this bus?!!!"
Originally posted by sinicker:another bus comes, go up the bus, show the BC your hp sms.
"eh unker why this bus?!!!"
"I want complain, because your iris is not accurate."
Originally posted by jcqh:I wonder has anyone noticed the change in format when you get the reply when texting iRis?
Today i did so, and i was surprised by the new format. The sms even displayed the rego of the bus that was arriving and the subsequent bus!
Here's what i exactly got:
158 - 3 Minutes(delayed*954*) <br> 13 Minutes(*2692*); 158B - Invalid service/bus stop numbers or no boarding/alighting at the stop. Please re-enter <bus stop
I boarded the bus arriving, and it was indeed 954Z. The next bus was 2692R. Quite accurate info... I wonder if it would display cameos...
maybe rego is for delays
and no normal pple will know 954 is a SD and 9888 is a aDD, so not important to put in rego
Originally posted by jcqh:I wonder has anyone noticed the change in format when you get the reply when texting iRis?
Today i did so, and i was surprised by the new format. The sms even displayed the rego of the bus that was arriving and the subsequent bus!
Here's what i exactly got:
158 - 3 Minutes(delayed*954*) <br> 13 Minutes(*2692*); 158B - Invalid service/bus stop numbers or no boarding/alighting at the stop. Please re-enter <bus stop
I boarded the bus arriving, and it was indeed 954Z. The next bus was 2692R. Quite accurate info... I wonder if it would display cameos...
291 dun have....
B/S 75111 Svc 291 NextBus 2 minslow traffic, expect delay(WAB) SubBus 5 min(WAB). For T&Cs, pls check SBST website,5c (postpaid)/10c(prepaid).
for me, i just check how many minutes the bus will arrive.
if the sms include rego or not, still its the same service number =)
I think it may be a trial period for the sms I got, since many of you have tried but no regoes have been displayed.
Not sure why, but i sent the sms to 74744 as usual, while the sms i received was from 741516.
Originally posted by jcqh:I think it may be a trial period for the sms I got, since many of you have tried but no regoes have been displayed.
Not sure why, but i sent the sms to 74744 as usual, while the sms i received was from 741516.
that sms is due to some error.... last time, we can also see list of bus rego on iris webpage, when encounter some error message
Originally posted by lemon1974:that sms is due to some error.... last time, we can also see list of bus rego on iris webpage, when encounter some error message
I see. Ok then, case closed. Topic can be locked.