Originally posted by SinkTel:Yr welcome!
Btw, 852J and 876R are both on 229 full day today. A good opportunity for those wanting to catch a final ride on different gearboxes MK3.
Haha true.
Originally posted by SBS 1000U:Don't agree. SMRT Citaro air con are weak as well and very dull interior. Plus that annoying and redundant in board announcements makes the ride noisy and irritating.
SBST Citaros are better, at least can ride in peace.
Both are almost the same. I prefer MAN A22, strong air-con. If you're concentrating on ur rest in the bus, the "annoying" bus stopping/door closing wouldn't affect you(I personally tried it on SMB257L 858).
Originally posted by TIB1218R:SMRT citaros have better aircon than SBST ones. SBST citaros have ugly interior in my opinion
See smrt man.i saw a 25x series and its body is so black already.
As black as obama
Originally posted by SMB66X:Both are almost the same. I prefer MAN A22, strong air-con. If you're concentrating on ur rest in the bus, the "annoying" bus stopping/door closing wouldn't affect you(I personally tried it on SMB257L 858).
I prefer OC500LE than MAN A22. More seats at the rear plus stronger aircon. Better than KUBs
Originally posted by Merczrox:
Haha power la!!Well said!!
Thank you dude.
Sometimes these people need to be shot at for some sense to instil into them.
Anyway, I think BNDEP has started to fix some of its SP buses (especially the Mk4s) as replacements for its last few outgoing Mk3s already. Like 2833B running around with NETS ad, 1930K with new rear Meiji ad.
Just that the in-house implementation date of their fleet updates are likely set internally to only come into effect on the day after the officially de-reg date of Mk3s, that's why you don't see these buses yet on the services to replace the Mk3s. Also cause BNDEP has the practice of using its dereg-ing buses till the very last day of its lifespan, unlike HG & AR/BB which lays up many of their Mk3s way before de-reg date. That's why some slots like 879H's on 358 are constantly being covered by cameos this week. On the days 879H did 45 & 15 in the past week, 5039H covered for it on 358 for example.
That's why I wouldn't be surprised if 6185L is perm 229 after 852J goes off these few days cause it has been stuck there for ages, but rotating around different slots on 229.
Did anyone spot 858T on 359 today? :/
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:
Thank you dude.
Sometimes these people need to be shot at for some sense to instil into them.
Haha no problem.
Farewell Volvo B10M Mark3, who is going off in 3/4 Days time...
Originally posted by SBS9C:Took SBS858T today and I agree it is really a freezer lol. Breeze to ride on.
Haha.This reminds me of something which i have been thinking for a while.Is the sutrak aircon on the MK3s really more stronger than their fuji aircon counterparts??Because everytime i took the MK3s,i feel that the fuji aircon loses hands down to the sutrak aircon.I wont say that the fuji aircon is really hopeless,but it seems to be perfoming a lot weaker than sutrak..Whenever u enter a sutrak aircon MK3,u can really feel the coldness everywhere in the bus.Whereas the fuji aircon is like u can only feel the aircon blowing at u slightly when u sit directly under the aircon ducts..Haha.
Connecting you to Townlink 359 with Volvo B10M Mark3, 3/4 Days left...
Originally posted by Asheytix:thanks man i give it a try hope really it is not retired yet , anyone have idea about whereabouts of sbs862 would appreciate it thanks :))
Haha 862E is a bus i would not quite forget.For the 1st time in my life,i experienced a bus breakdown and it was on this bus.Luckily i managed to take it for a few stops b4 it was declared breakdown due to it's worn out brakes not functioning properly..It actually brokedown at a bus stop inside the narrow Commonwealth Dr if i remember the road name correctly which is the looping point.But the BC was kind enough to let everybody alight at the next stop which was Commonwealth MRT stn by slowly driving the bus out there..Haha.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:Anyway, I think BNDEP has started to fix some of its SP buses (especially the Mk4s) as replacements for its last few outgoing Mk3s already. Like 2833B running around with NETS ad, 1930K with new rear Meiji ad.
Just that the in-house implementation date of their fleet updates are likely set internally to only come into effect on the day after the officially de-reg date of Mk3s, that's why you don't see these buses yet on the services to replace the Mk3s. Also cause BNDEP has the practice of using its dereg-ing buses till the very last day of its lifespan, unlike HG & AR/BB which lays up many of their Mk3s way before de-reg date. That's why some slots like 879H's on 358 are constantly being covered by cameos this week. On the days 879H did 45 & 15 in the past week, 5039H covered for it on 358 for example.That's why I wouldn't be surprised if 6185L is perm 229 after 852J goes off these few days cause it has been stuck there for ages, but rotating around different slots on 229.
Had the same thought as you on 6185L eventually replacing 852J but did not turn out that way. Maybe BNDEP prefers to have at least 1 non wab bus for each feeder services (as with 225, 228 and 292)
Wonder if the 2 citaros on 292 is the same case with 6185L (appearing daily but not perm)
3 more days before mk3s are gone !
Originally posted by SMB66X:Connecting you to Townlink 359 with Volvo B10M Mark3, 3/4 Days left...
I tink awaiting de-registration alrd... Haiz, this bus perm 359 for so many years alrd, sad to see it go... BTW, was tis picture taken yesterday?
Originally posted by Ex-busdriver:Just return to SG. Now MkIII going to scrap yard.
Cannot find the buses which I had driven. Only SBS877 and 862 left.
Time flies.
Mostly likely even more buses were awaiting de-registration.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:Mk III De-registration
De-Registration Schedule
- 7 Jun 2012: SBS849U - SBS852J, SBS854D - SBS866U, SBS868P, SBS870G - SBS872B, SBS874X - SBS881A
Awaiting De-Registration Buses
- SBS849U, SBS850P, SBS854D
Lay-Up Buses
- SBS851L, SBS870G
De-Registered Buses
SBS582M - SBS848Y, SBS853G, SBS867S, SBS869L, SBS873Z
Any visual and varable information posted are stated from SgWiki.
870G De-registered
spotted SBS 866U still doing training @ Hougang areas as of today !
Originally posted by SBS6234D:870G
Another laid-up MK3 gone so fast...
876R on 228 today, good to see it still on the roads :)
Did anyone spotted SBS858T on Townlink 359 today? Damn i camped at PSR this afternoon & it didnt appear. The only non-WAB I saw was SBS2811P (facepalm) & with SBS879H doing 40 today, SBS2795C somehow replace it.
Originally posted by bus555:Did anyone spotted SBS858T on Townlink 359 today? Damn i camped at PSR this afternoon & it didnt appear. The only non-WAB I saw was SBS2811P (facepalm) & with SBS879H doing 40 today, SBS2795C somehow replace it.
Sad. No Mk3s spotted at Hougang Interchange at all.