Originally posted by AEW5001:
fwee massage chairs for all seated on lower deck!
Joint production of SBST and OSIM.
Talking about vibration, try SBS7459R lower deck
I think most of the B9TLs I took doesn't virbrates as much as it was...especially 147!
All this problem of the B9TL is all down to the maintenance, if they are properly maintained, there won't be much problems like vibration and loud radiator. If that is loud, there are some BN KUBs's radiators are louder than B9TLs.
Originally posted by Airbus330Captain:All this problem of the B9TL is all down to the maintenance, if they are properly maintained, there won't be much problems like vibration and loud radiator. If that is loud, there are some BN KUBs's radiators are louder than B9TLs.
Tell that to me who has to live next to the bus-stop.
The worst B9TL's loud is L-O-U-D.
Specifically, specimens like 7335P.
It's like the lower pitched brother of the ambulance's siren.
Originally posted by Airbus330Captain:All this problem of the B9TL is all down to the maintenance, if they are properly maintained, there won't be much problems like vibration and loud radiator. If that is loud, there are some BN KUBs's radiators are louder than B9TLs.
even i can feel e difference on sv80s' b9s
having taken the svc for so long
Originally posted by carbikebus:I dun really mind the vibration on B9TLs,At least they're faster than any other slow DDs.
I agree. They are the best double deckers after the Mercedes Benz O305 and Leyland Olympians.
Originally posted by SBS2601D:
Tell that to me who has to live next to the bus-stop.No.
The worst B9TL's loud is L-O-U-D.
Specifically, specimens like 7335P.
It's like the lower pitched brother of the ambulance's siren.
Trust me on that, I live in the area filled with KUBs. Like I say, good maintenance, we won't have all these problems.
Most probably the current technicians doesnt have the depth on maintainin new engines suchs as the KUBs and B9TLs...Plus the Gemilang and ComfortDelgro bodyworks that shody and shaky.Overall i say the B9TLs is a very good DDs of all that SBST have purchased.
B9 and KUB have different kinds of vibrations. cannot be compared.
the KUB vibrations are of a lower frequency, but more violent.
B9 vibrations are of a higher frequency but less violent, so instead of things vibrating badly, this translates into a loud buzzing noise when everything in the bus vibrates harmoniously together.
B9s are fast in accelerating, i like.
my favourite is 7314. i dont take note of vibrating ones though.
Some vibrations are VERY OBVIOUS. Certain B9TLs vibrate much more than others.
Anyway the vibrations normally happen when the buses come to a stop. The whole vehicle starts vibrating very badly. One of them I remember is 7487J...
B9TLs that vibrate badly ah,
88,143 B9'S-seriously vibrate like no tomorrow esp 7487J,7486L,7456Z,7310K ect
147 b9's-Ai Yoh...terrible
Originally posted by SBS9622Y:Some vibrations are VERY OBVIOUS. Certain B9TLs vibrate much more than others.
Anyway the vibrations normally happen when the buses come to a stop. The whole vehicle starts vibrating very badly. One of them I remember is 7487J...
OT a bit, but the Trident vibration usually come at around the same time.
Originally posted by sbs8104h:147 b9's-Ai Yoh...terrible
I seriously disagree with this statement. Apart from the famous perm 147 Dragon aka 7335P and 7450P (due to ex-spare bus). I don't really find much vibration from 147 B9s. I take 147 B9TLs almost everyday and comparing to other service's B9TLs, it's so much better.
Originally posted by sbs8104h:B9TLs that vibrate badly ah,
88,143 B9'S-seriously vibrate like no tomorrow esp 7487J,7486L,7456Z,7310K ect
147 b9's-Ai Yoh...terrible
Not all 143 and 88 B9TLs vibrate badly. Have you even ride on 7496H and 7468P of 88, and 7361M and 7457X of 143? Well please try to evaluate the other serivce B9TLs before talking.
then are bbdep's196 b9tl very good?
Originally posted by Yongjunzer:then are bbdep's196 b9tl very good?
7360R for one is good
Originally posted by jayh272416:some.
7360R for one is good
7360R is good!!! for the aircon and speed.
most of B9's feeling chui liao..
suspension sound like the VO3X/LO3 before maintenance.
whenever going over bumps/strips on the road, the whole axle sounds as if its going to fall out
Originally posted by Rk 2010:Not all 143 and 88 B9TLs vibrate badly. Have you even ride on 7496H and 7468P of 88, and 7361M and 7457X of 143? Well please try to evaluate the other serivce B9TLs before talking.
the first time i rode 7468P, the first feeling was that, it is good...
Originally posted by jayh272416:some.
7360R for one is good
yea! i kind of like the way it travels smoothly... but not to forget 7382c!!!
our cdge b9tl's really got that axle problem as mentioned by 7484P above. as for vibrations it can be adjusted one la. it doesnt mean that vibrate badly = lousy. its how strong the material that 'holds' the engine that affects the vibrations. strong hold = less/no vibration. weak hold = terrible vibrations. so if you happen to take a b9 with no vibrations, try it again a few months later. its my personal experience. one point about 7493R which i used to like was that when the first time i took it, it had 0 vibrations at all. soon after like 6 months later it was terrible. i then realized the vibrations doesn't determine the performance of the bus. then months later (when it went to br143) it became better again. so what do you think?
its like u tighten a nut to prevent vibration..