Date: 29 Nov 09 (Sun)
Time: Between 11am -12pm
Location: Along the long stretch of Bukit Batok Road (“practice” area for many BBDC motorists)
I was cycling towards a bus stop when I saw a stationary SBS bus there. As I draw nearer, I saw that the bus’s rear door was open and the uniformed bus driver (an Indian man, aged 30 – 40) was standing on the last step leading out. You would not have imagined what I saw him doing..
He was peeing onto the grass patch in front of him! The bus was empty and there was no1 at the bus stop. I think he did not see me coming. I quickly cycled past him. Unfortunately, I did not note the bus plate no. as I was in a hurry home as it was going to rain. Anyway, I don’t want to turn my head back to see what I do not wish to see…
Svc 160? i think the bus is on breakdown
wow. so lucky.
not everyone got chance to encounter this leh.
When you got to go, you got to go.
pls give more details
single deck double deck
aircon non aircon
low floor non low floor
EDS or desto
seat colour
on service or off service
last step of exit door to grass patch. so far.
everyone should try that one day too.
Should be those off serviced 160, cus I also usually saw them parking at the bus stops in both towards Johore and Jurong East Direction.
This is what happens after they bring what they learned in NS.
was there another reason why she quickly cycle home??????!!!!!!
Originally posted by jayh272416:pls give more details
single deck double deck
aircon non aircon
low floor non low floor
EDS or desto
seat colour
on service or off service
Well.. here you go ~
single deck
Don't understand
Don't understand
Did notice seat colour
Not to sure if it's on / off service cos the bus engine was off
Hmm... What are you going to do with all these details? Don't have much of a case as i did not note the bus plate no. Not too sure if it is bus 160. It was heading towards Bukit Batok / Jurong East direction thou..
Anyway, just another weird encounter happening in SG for sharing :)
you should know something about the unhealthy obsession of the bus freaks here..
the bus freaks won't care if the bus driver was sodomising a goat.. they'd want to know the intricacies of the bus itself, then probably go have an orgasm discussing the details of the bus
Originally posted by the Bear:you should know something about the unhealthy obsession of the bus freaks here..
the bus freaks won't care if the bus driver was sodomising a goat.. they'd want to know the intricacies of the bus itself, then probably go have an orgasm discussing the details of the bus
no thank you you're not welcome so shoo off bye bye.
I hope one day you high tide and out in Malaysia somewhere with no toilet for miles, and your bus breakdown. Make sure you pee in your panties... let it slide down your legs and fill your shoes. Better still gather some of it in a plastic bag and then drink it, because you run out of water.
the dude who just posted above must be the BC.
i got pee in plastic bag before on express bus NS highway. i was 10 or 11 then. the aircon was cold i couldnt take it.
let's change this topic title to "your most jialat peeing situation". i've given my input.
Originally posted by sinicker:i got pee in plastic bag before on express bus NS highway. i was 10 or 11 then. the aircon was cold i couldnt take it.
let's change this topic title to "your most jialat peeing situation". i've given my input.
kindergarten.... teacher angry, i scared... high tide... dun dare ask... she dam angry, whole face change into demon.... then in front of the girl i had crush on.... it leak out.. :(
should take a video & send to stomp..
Originally posted by jayh272416:pls give more details
single deck double deck
aircon non aircon
low floor non low floor
EDS or desto
seat colour
on service or off service
lol wth
Originally posted by Jacquelyn Tan:Well.. here you go ~
single deck
Don't understand
Don't understand
Did notice seat colour
Not to sure if it's on / off service cos the bus engine was off
Ill ask you in detail for these answers that u dun understand:
low floor non low floor - (Is the entry/exit of the bus stepless or with steps?)
EDS or desto - (Is the bus with Electronic Display Sign (the ones you see on SMRT Buses), or with desto (the ones you see on old buses @ SBS Transit buses where it sometimes shows only the number ans sometimes shows destination of the route which is not scrolling) ?
Based on your answers, ill show you my 'possibility' summary:
1st Guess:
- Bus brokedown @ Bukit Batok Road while doing 160
- Since the BC was waiting for the tow truck to arrive, he cant control his bladder, thus he peed at nearby road.
2nd Guess:
- It was maybe on 'off service' going past Bukit Batok Road.
- Since the BC cant find a nearby toilet, he cant control his bladder, thus he peed at nearby road.
Originally posted by sinicker:i got pee in plastic bag before on express bus NS highway. i was 10 or 11 then. the aircon was cold i couldnt take it.
let's change this topic title to "your most jialat peeing situation". i've given my input.
i peed bhind the tree in pulau ubin...whr to find toilet at the cycling trail???
Originally posted by ItchyArmpit:kindergarten.... teacher angry, i scared... high tide... dun dare ask... she dam angry, whole face change into demon.... then in front of the girl i had crush on.... it leak out.. :(
why u neber scratch armpit instead.
scratch armpit still not as bad as pee in pants
Originally posted by SBS7382C:
i peed bhind the tree in pulau ubin...whr to find toilet at the cycling trail???
i peed in a gatorade bottle in a moving car
Copious amounts of kopi or teh from the interchange couldn't have helped, but it doesn't excuse anyone from committing such an indecent act. If they can't help themselves then the drinks should be taken off the menu...