Originally posted by sbst275:
but NSL in train announcement"Going to Johor Bahru? Alight at Marsiling Station and transfer to SMRT Bus Service 950 opposite the Marsiling Station to Kota Raya II Terminal. The last bus leaves at 2335"
But honestly, if really wanna take from Woodlands Ctr to JB, take 170 (From 170B to 170R) cheaper
Those who frequently take buses would either hop into Bas Kilang and pay 1 ringgit.
I agree Public tpt must improve more for Singapore routes but within cross border?Most would just rent car to jb,Take express service or JB taxis which is more than faster.You wanna take 170 from Queen St to Larkin?What i understand 170blue that need amazing frequencies to kapo pax from Kranji to JB.950 just cannot make it,So what can you do shoot email to Govt to mke it 3 mins per bus?You ought to know how many buses does they have compared to SBST which got ton of buses.Period
At first I thought it was some official news that there were plans to double the cross-border services - and I came in to read the first few posts and realised it's another of those crappy "complain-king" threads full of gibberish and nonsensical immature stuff that is trying to throw the impression that SMRT is bad, stupid, nonsensical, crappy, or whatever negative thoughts you could throw in, though fruitlessly because most of us here just ignore the crap posted. Of course, that's extremist ideology propaganda - only the insane and critically insecure people would believe it!
And if people were to feel sad for me, feel free to go ahead. I feel even sadder that you cannot appreciate public transport in Singapore - you probably need to see a psychologist for your mental problems before you go mad. And stop giving that stupid stance that SMRT has done nothing recently - I myself know what they have been doing and I appreciate it. But can you? Some people just don't see the bigger picture of everything because their brain is so pea-sized-small and cannot see anything beyond today.
Yes! I know 950 has bad service standards - I experienced similar things on 857 last night. But you can whine here all day till the cows, lambs and dogs come home and nobody will give a shit about your rubbish. Why not you try managing the routes, fleets and service standards and see how easy it is? With this all-talk-no-action attitude, of course cannot lah. I figure the companies would close down within 1 month of your taking over.
So, stop wasting bandwidth please. I'd rather ignore rubbish than be tricked into reading rubbish.
Originally posted by SMB66X:I think SMRT should use all 20 bus instead of just 8-10. Roughly, 1-3 will be stand-by bus for service 950 and the rest will be on service.
SMRT can also direct Passenger to take service 911/912/913/856/178 and walk into the Woodlands Checkpoint.
problem is, the latter option would not work anymore
There's no more walking to JB allowed
Originally posted by carbikebus:Those who frequently take buses would either hop into Bas Kilang and pay 1 ringgit.
I agree Public tpt must improve more for Singapore routes but within cross border?Most would just rent car to jb,Take express service or JB taxis which is more than faster.You wanna take 170 from Queen St to Larkin?What i understand 170blue that need amazing frequencies to kapo pax from Kranji to JB.950 just cannot make it,So what can you do shoot email to Govt to mke it 3 mins per bus?You ought to know how many buses does they have compared to SBST which got ton of buses.Period
dun mention abt pirate buses, they aren't even licensed to operate. If there's langa, let's see how going to cover insurance or ICA/ LTA come and enforcement. Tat's take it at your own risk
Cross border I've said said at heading post there's no way imo it can be expanded. Anyway there are really ppl who take 170 from JB to Bt Timah, nothing surprising.
I've alrdy posted 950 holiday1 could be at 8-9 mins, so dun come and shoot out wat suggestion on gmail of 3 mins or watever. if SMRT dun have enough buses, then why 531 can be 4-8 mins? profits first right?
Originally posted by TIB1232Z:At first I thought it was some official news that there were plans to double the cross-border services - and I came in to read the first few posts and realised it's another of those crappy "complain-king" threads full of gibberish and nonsensical immature stuff that is trying to throw the impression that SMRT is bad, stupid, nonsensical, crappy, or whatever negative thoughts you could throw in, though fruitlessly because most of us here just ignore the crap posted. Of course, that's extremist ideology propaganda - only the insane and critically insecure people would believe it!
And if people were to feel sad for me, feel free to go ahead. I feel even sadder that you cannot appreciate public transport in Singapore - you probably need to see a psychologist for your mental problems before you go mad. And stop giving that stupid stance that SMRT has done nothing recently - I myself know what they have been doing and I appreciate it. But can you? Some people just don't see the bigger picture of everything because their brain is so pea-sized-small and cannot see anything beyond today.
Yes! I know 950 has bad service standards - I experienced similar things on 857 last night. But you can whine here all day till the cows, lambs and dogs come home and nobody will give a shit about your rubbish. Why not you try managing the routes, fleets and service standards and see how easy it is? With this all-talk-no-action attitude, of course cannot lah. I figure the companies would close down within 1 month of your taking over.
So, stop wasting bandwidth please. I'd rather ignore rubbish than be tricked into reading rubbish.
if you find it rubbish go ahead
But take it if its to nation interest to promote public tpt for the future w/ a bigger population. It isn't just abt 'SMRT being a GLC tat kind of sv std' or wat, the whole planning of tpt system is not even working anymore, if no one go overhauls it, I can tell you 1 - 3 yrs later the whole system is going to crash
imagine yourself tring to board a bus, and the driver bo chap just close and open e door when your legs are on the bus floorboard. how you going to feel? I think cos you're not going to care as long as not I kena right?
I think the best is that SMRT or SBS Transit introduce another service frm Sin to Larkin becuase Larkin is quite popular for travelling to other states in Malaysia and most singaporean visits there. For the moment, 170 only plys frm Queen Street to Larkin.
My point of view, introducing new svc such as 160 & 950 frm Jurong East & Woodlands plys to Kotaraya Bus ter is good, but passangers rather walk 2 City Square area frm the new CIQ rather. I notice that 160,170(Blue) & 950 bring nobody frm JB Custom to Kotaraya. The most you can see is 1-3 passengers.
My suggestion is that have another svc to Larkin. Right now, there's more service to Kotaraya rather than Larkin. 160 & 950 do most in bringing passengers frm Woodlands Ckpt to JB Ckpt. Try to imagine, 160,170(Blue) & 950 comes at all times while 170(Red) come only 1 bus. As a result, long queue creates at the JB Custom and maybe some passengers have 2 wait another bus. Likewise CW-1 sometimes enter kotaraya 2 ter due to high demad to Larkin.
Kotaraya 2 Ter: 160, 170(Blue), 950 & CW-1
Larkin Ter: 170 (Red), CW-1, CW-2 , CW Link Shuttle frm JB CIQ to Larkin to & fro & S'pore Johore Exp.
What do u guys think??
Originally posted by TIB1232Z:At first I thought it was some official news that there were plans to double the cross-border services - and I came in to read the first few posts and realised it's another of those crappy "complain-king" threads full of gibberish and nonsensical immature stuff that is trying to throw the impression that SMRT is bad, stupid, nonsensical, crappy, or whatever negative thoughts you could throw in, though fruitlessly because most of us here just ignore the crap posted. Of course, that's extremist ideology propaganda - only the insane and critically insecure people would believe it!
And if people were to feel sad for me, feel free to go ahead. I feel even sadder that you cannot appreciate public transport in Singapore - you probably need to see a psychologist for your mental problems before you go mad. And stop giving that stupid stance that SMRT has done nothing recently - I myself know what they have been doing and I appreciate it. But can you? Some people just don't see the bigger picture of everything because their brain is so pea-sized-small and cannot see anything beyond today.
Yes! I know 950 has bad service standards - I experienced similar things on 857 last night. But you can whine here all day till the cows, lambs and dogs come home and nobody will give a shit about your rubbish. Why not you try managing the routes, fleets and service standards and see how easy it is? With this all-talk-no-action attitude, of course cannot lah. I figure the companies would close down within 1 month of your taking over.
So, stop wasting bandwidth please. I'd rather ignore rubbish than be tricked into reading rubbish.
First thing...
You compare for the better, not the worse.
Yes, I agree that public transport here is still on the whole, ok, but if I cannot board the bus because it is full and the frequency is so crap that the next bus that comes is also full, then what makes it different from buses that do not even appear??
Why is SMRT still passing up the chance to purchase DDs? I don't get the sex appeal of bendies....S'pore is only so big and every space counts and bendies take up a fair bit of space.
Don't need to talk about just buses...there are times when I try to take the train in the late morning and it is packed. Why? Because the train frequency was 8 min. They don't show 8 min by the way, they simply wait 2 - 3 min and then post 6 min on the screen.
If you guys can only think of profits and profits and profits and the squeezing of passengers, then thats very sad for you. You should be wanting people to see pull factors in taking public transport, and not push factors to force them to take them through higher costs and then wonder why everyone is still willing to fork out $$ for ERP and cars.
Oh by the way, when is the govt gonna realise that economics will not solve all the problems with regards to jams? Don't they see that people are ultimately still people who wish to eat with their families?? Why are they encouraging people to jam up alternative roads and going home later and in the same breath coming up with days like family day and telling people to build family bonds?? Can't they see the problem really lies with people's reluctance to take public transport for very good reasons??
You're not even thinking when you post "stop wasting bandwidth"! At the very least you should be applying some critical thinking when you see complaints about the public transport. Complaints might appear easily, nonetheless they don't appear for no reasons.
actually simply, they thought public buses and more cars can live together on our tiny island
Originally posted by TIB1232Z:At first I thought it was some official news that there were plans to double the cross-border services - and I came in to read the first few posts and realised it's another of those crappy "complain-king" threads full of gibberish and nonsensical immature stuff that is trying to throw the impression that SMRT is bad, stupid, nonsensical, crappy, or whatever negative thoughts you could throw in, though fruitlessly because most of us here just ignore the crap posted. Of course, that's extremist ideology propaganda - only the insane and critically insecure people would believe it!
And if people were to feel sad for me, feel free to go ahead. I feel even sadder that you cannot appreciate public transport in Singapore - you probably need to see a psychologist for your mental problems before you go mad. And stop giving that stupid stance that SMRT has done nothing recently - I myself know what they have been doing and I appreciate it. But can you? Some people just don't see the bigger picture of everything because their brain is so pea-sized-small and cannot see anything beyond today.
Yes! I know 950 has bad service standards - I experienced similar things on 857 last night. But you can whine here all day till the cows, lambs and dogs come home and nobody will give a shit about your rubbish. Why not you try managing the routes, fleets and service standards and see how easy it is? With this all-talk-no-action attitude, of course cannot lah. I figure the companies would close down within 1 month of your taking over.
So, stop wasting bandwidth please. I'd rather ignore rubbish than be tricked into reading rubbish.
Your reply also not any better.
Why not just let people rant and ignore?
Most people who gave the most comments (in general) about "poor SMRT standards" are usually those who are not living in areas controlled by SMRT areas. I wonder if anyone notices that.
Even if the services rendered are bad, SMRT will most likely to get you to the destination despite your cursing and swearing under your breath or in your heart. I don't think anyone can deny that.
Originally posted by SBS2601D:
Yes, I agree that public transport here is still on the whole, ok, but if I cannot board the bus because it is full and the frequency is so crap that the next bus that comes is also full, then what makes it different from buses that do not even appear??Why is SMRT still passing up the chance to purchase DDs? I don't get the sex appeal of bendies....S'pore is only so big and every space counts and bendies take up a fair bit of space.
Don't need to talk about just buses...there are times when I try to take the train in the late morning and it is packed. Why? Because the train frequency was 8 min. They don't show 8 min by the way, they simply wait 2 - 3 min and then post 6 min on the screen.
You're not even thinking when you post "stop wasting bandwidth"! At the very least you should be applying some critical thinking when you see complaints about the public transport. Complaints might appear easily, nonetheless they don't appear for no reasons.
1. Take alternative route like trains or taxis. Unless it's the only service then I got nothing to say.
2. Buying a bus is more than just simply getting a quote and buy. Each bus company has it's own brand preference (pretty obvious). Infrastructures like depot and training have to be also taking into consideration. What's the point of ordering DDs when some depots and even interchanges do not allow the use of DDs.
3. Late morning is off peak. 6 to 8 mins frequency is normal.
4. Complaints are aplenty, but the irony is, they don't usually come from the regulars of the services or companies concerned.
Originally posted by off_service:1. Take alternative route like trains or taxis. Unless it's the only service then I got nothing to say.
2. Buying a bus is more than just simply getting a quote and buy. Each bus company has it's own brand preference (pretty obvious). Infrastructures like depot and training have to be also taking into consideration. What's the point of ordering DDs when some depots and even interchanges do not allow the use of DDs.
3. Late morning is off peak. 6 to 8 mins frequency is normal.
4. Complaints are aplenty, but the irony is, they don't usually come from the regulars of the services or companies concerned.
1. Costs must be factored in. A little a day might not seem a lot, but it adds up as time goes by. It really depends on your priorities. Its either your time, energy, or your money and if you lack $$, why should it be a case of "its simply too bad for you"?
2. The retort to this is simple, SMRT still has to start somewhere right?...As difficult as it may sound, if they don't even start then we'll get no where. At the same time I don't get why LTA is interfering with the choice of buses for SG roads as far as bendies are concerned but that's another thing altogether. So if SMRT refuses to do anything about having nothing but SDs, we're not going to do anything either?
3. Late morning is off-peak. But with the 8 min frequency it doesn't look like off-peak at all with crowds of people waiting at the NS/NE and EW/NS interchanges. Strong indication of chronic shortage of resources. I'm not buying the loads of crap about MRT infrastructures being unable to support better infrastructure because the CCL and DTL turned out to be down-sized when they had the chance to up-size. Recalling the complaints years ago about MRTs being too small, LTA replied that its too late and costly to do anything about the NS/EW/NE lines. And now they gave us the CCL. Maybe the demand projected might not be there, but who can really tell? Are they going to give the same reason years later?
4. I haven't really noticed that. Incidentally I am one of those mentioned. Perhaps the reason is that we tend to compare with SBST. Honestly, even those SMRT svcs whose frequencies are pretty ok, and considered very good pales in comparison to comparable SBST svcs. 190 of course is an exception. I do take SMRT svcs every now and then and I do get fed up waiting for SMRT buses. Svcs like 965, 854 which are considered to be better in terms of waiting time still lags in frequency compared to say 161 and 25, 55. If I feel like hoping onto 189 to makan at West Coast Plaze or the hawker centre, I have to make a very good case to persuade my friends because my friends REALLY hate waiting for SMRT buses. The same goes for 171 if we have to get to town.
Then again, these are my perceptions of SMRT and it is in my view that its services in general is really not up-to-scratch and will likely see even more strain with the increasing population pressure. Yes. It is still better than say...up north, where public buses can get caught in jams within interchanges if even possible. But one has to remember our population density.
Hopefully all these is taken in the right spirit and not get tarred with the same brush as "mere complaints of complain kings/queens".
Edit: Oh yea, forgot to add....but can SMRT do a better job cleaning the interior of the bus? Or are they waiting for the refurbishment exercise and the scrapping to do away with the heaps of dusts?
SBST275 My God do the service exist now??You said cannot have more cars on our tiny island is like depriving Govt the chances of income.Do you know that car tax and COE alone is about quarter of nation income?Not to mention cigarrettes and liqour,They say bad for health but still many brand of cig come nowadays,Liqour no need to say they know Singaporean love to drink hence the rising price.Do you know that several vehicles which are less than 5 years old kena scrapped or even export to other countries?Why LTA bother to built and expand more expressways and roads in the first place.They already anticipate this that's why all the works and ERP there..I wanna see if you've graduate and have your own career,own house and family not to buy car in future.Let you be the role example ok.Or how i would pray hard you take over Saw Phaik Hwa and let thing run by your style,Ok wise guy.
Ok guys i rest my case here,Got better things to do than wasting breath in this topic.Originally posted by sbst275:
problem is, the latter option would not work anymoreThere's no more walking to JB allowed
They walk to Woodlands Checkpoint then take 160/170/950/CW1/2/3 and a few buses to Johor Checkpoint, so there should not be a problem.
Try to wait for 160 (From Kota Raya two to JEI direction). You can wait more than half an hour at the Woodlands Checkpoint. Once 160 arrives, it may be bunched up with 1 to 2 buses.
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:110, 120 , 140 also can. Start from Pasir Ris/Ang Mo Kio/HarbourFront/Eunos/Toa Payoh.
Don't forget Northeast area (Hougang, Sengkang and Pungool) =)
Originally posted by SMB66X:They walk to Woodlands Checkpoint then take 160/170/950/CW1/2/3 and a few buses to Johor Checkpoint, so there should not be a problem.
dun make sense also
ppl at Kranji also board and take 160 & 170 queueing also during jam leh
Originally posted by carbikebus:SBST275 My God do the service exist now??You said cannot have more cars on our tiny island is like depriving Govt the chances of income.Do you know that car tax and COE alone is about quarter of nation income?Not to mention cigarrettes and liqour,They say bad for health but still many brand of cig come nowadays,Liqour no need to say they know Singaporean love to drink hence the rising price.Do you know that several vehicles which are less than 5 years old kena scrapped or even export to other countries?Why LTA bother to built and expand more expressways and roads in the first place.They already anticipate this that's why all the works and ERP there..I wanna see if you've graduate and have your own career,own house and family not to buy car in future.Let you be the role example ok.Or how i would pray hard you take over Saw Phaik Hwa and let thing run by your style,Ok wise guy.
Ok guys i rest my case here,Got better things to do than wasting breath in this topic.
then how come last time road tax and COE so ex (dun even have ERP) there's no jam? Dun tell me expressways, those were alrdy planned for way and built back in the early 70s. Those days got ERP?
It seems it all boils down to ethnics. To who Singapore is for, profits or its people?
as wat 2601 has said, like your mindset of only $$ and profits, in 5 yrs time the whole country would end up like Malaysia - kopi $$ politics and ali baba trading for govt contracts. you may say I'm grumbling and joking, if tat occurs let's see who would have e last laugh over tis.
Anyway since Dubai is like defaulting its debt, dun forget SMRT has 1 monorail running at e doomed palm island area. Let's see are is NSL/ EWL off peak freq to become 10 - 12 mins to squeeze more ppl to cover back e losses if everything is only profit and profit
Originally posted by sbst275:if you find it rubbish go ahead
But take it if its to nation interest to promote public tpt for the future w/ a bigger population. It isn't just abt 'SMRT being a GLC tat kind of sv std' or wat, the whole planning of tpt system is not even working anymore, if no one go overhauls it, I can tell you 1 - 3 yrs later the whole system is going to crash
imagine yourself tring to board a bus, and the driver bo chap just close and open e door when your legs are on the bus floorboard. how you going to feel? I think cos you're not going to care as long as not I kena right?
Ignore these people, seriously. They think that they are really smart then let them be. In their point of view, simply buying good buses means that the bus operator is the best of the best already, not good bus services. Rather lame.
Originally posted by off_service:2. Buying a bus is more than just simply getting a quote and buy. Each bus company has it's own brand preference (pretty obvious). Infrastructures like depot and training have to be also taking into consideration. What's the point of ordering DDs when some depots and even interchanges do not allow the use of DDs.
It all boils down whether the authorities that wants to make the depots DD friendly. If LTA is really serious about vamping up the public bus services here, it should have helped SMRT to build or upgrade depots to be DD friendly, since they are the one who ban bendy buses in the first place. By clipping SMRT's choice of large capacity buses, LTA should at least help to allow their depots to take in the only choice of larger capacity buses, which is the DDs.
And who says that only SBST can buy DDs only??? Is there a law that states that SBST is the only operator that can buy DDs??? And take note that the bus stops along the Woodlands MRT lines are DD friendly and they are built a decade back, and they are in the so called "non SBST territory". However to the purchase of DDs for SMRT eventually, it still depends on the company itself, which I am rather unhappy of the thought that the company itself also have that kind of screwed mindset, just like some of the people here who thinks that SBST can only buy DDs and SMRT can only buy bendy buses.
Another good example of LTA half hearted efforts in listening to commuters' feedbacks/suggestions/complaints and improving public bus system, is the WAB bus episode. As discussed in a thread long ago, LTA half hearted approaches causes a lot of unhappiness for wheelchair bound bus commuters, simply the reason, the bus stop cannot cater for them, since it is WAB bus unfriendly. Bus operators took a serious and faster approach to buy in bulk of such WAB buses, but till then or even now, not even 80% of the bus stops here are WAB bus friendly, where bus operators have almost 40% to 60% WAB buses in their fleet, and in the next few years. Worse still, their declared WAB services are not even 30% of all the bus services in Singapore. If they are really serious about making public buses friendly to wheelchair bound commuters, they should have at least complete the works of upgrading at least 90% of bus stops here by now to be WAB bus and wheelchair bound friendly. I don't even see the need to declare WAB bus services, just allow the wheelchair bound passengers to board the bus whenever available. Instead they rather waste the money and time to install the poorly designed bus number poles islandwide first.
Last good example, Changi Airport bus terminal. If LTA is serious about public buses, why is the design of Changi Airport bus terminal DD/bendy bus unfriendly??? It is either the narrow roads or else the limited heights. All these aspects are controllable and adjustable, but again LTA simply won't care. Why make the bus terminal underground anyway??? Is there something disgraceful about public buses???
Just look at other airports, like the ones in Hong Kong, DDs can ply without constraints, that is called world class transportation, one of the open eye to foreigners when they first stepped into a country. If Changi Airport is really public bus friendly, SBST do not need to deploy so many manpower and buses in services 24 and 27 and DDs can ply on these services for a more optimum operations. Same goes to 858, people will have more chances for a seat in a bendy bus, rather to squeeze in a single deck.
Originally posted by SBS2601D:1. Costs must be factored in. A little a day might not seem a lot, but it adds up as time goes by. It really depends on your priorities. Its either your time, energy, or your money and if you lack $$, why should it be a case of "its simply too bad for you"?
2. The retort to this is simple, SMRT still has to start somewhere right?...As difficult as it may sound, if they don't even start then we'll get no where. At the same time I don't get why LTA is interfering with the choice of buses for SG roads as far as bendies are concerned but that's another thing altogether. So if SMRT refuses to do anything about having nothing but SDs, we're not going to do anything either?
3. Late morning is off-peak. But with the 8 min frequency it doesn't look like off-peak at all with crowds of people waiting at the NS/NE and EW/NS interchanges. Strong indication of chronic shortage of resources. I'm not buying the loads of crap about MRT infrastructures being unable to support better infrastructure because the CCL and DTL turned out to be down-sized when they had the chance to up-size. Recalling the complaints years ago about MRTs being too small, LTA replied that its too late and costly to do anything about the NS/EW/NE lines. And now they gave us the CCL. Maybe the demand projected might not be there, but who can really tell? Are they going to give the same reason years later?
4. I haven't really noticed that. Incidentally I am one of those mentioned. Perhaps the reason is that we tend to compare with SBST. Honestly, even those SMRT svcs whose frequencies are pretty ok, and considered very good pales in comparison to comparable SBST svcs. 190 of course is an exception. I do take SMRT svcs every now and then and I do get fed up waiting for SMRT buses. Svcs like 965, 854 which are considered to be better in terms of waiting time still lags in frequency compared to say 161 and 25, 55. If I feel like hoping onto 189 to makan at West Coast Plaze or the hawker centre, I have to make a very good case to persuade my friends because my friends REALLY hate waiting for SMRT buses. The same goes for 171 if we have to get to town.
Then again, these are my perceptions of SMRT and it is in my view that its services in general is really not up-to-scratch and will likely see even more strain with the increasing population pressure. Yes. It is still better than say...up north, where public buses can get caught in jams within interchanges if even possible. But one has to remember our population density.
Hopefully all these is taken in the right spirit and not get tarred with the same brush as "mere complaints of complain kings/queens".
Edit: Oh yea, forgot to add....but can SMRT do a better job cleaning the interior of the bus? Or are they waiting for the refurbishment exercise and the scrapping to do away with the heaps of dusts?
I agree with most of your points here.
But remember, better frequencies comes with longer run time for each journey as well. 851 is a good example, better frequencies but slower trips and many of SBST services.
Point 3:
If CCL and DTL do not even justify the loads, then there is no need to even build them. It simply wasting resources. Having a good network of bus services is sufficient enough, and is even more cost effective than rails. But then, why build all these lines in the first place, many Singaporeans know. It's not about public transport, it's about the economy instead.
The bottomline is : cannot cope then don't increase the population like running tap water. No wonder more Singaporeans are leaving.
Originally posted by carbikebus:SBST275 My God do the service exist now??You said cannot have more cars on our tiny island is like depriving Govt the chances of income.Do you know that car tax and COE alone is about quarter of nation income?Not to mention cigarrettes and liqour,They say bad for health but still many brand of cig come nowadays,Liqour no need to say they know Singaporean love to drink hence the rising price.Do you know that several vehicles which are less than 5 years old kena scrapped or even export to other countries?Why LTA bother to built and expand more expressways and roads in the first place.They already anticipate this that's why all the works and ERP there..I wanna see if you've graduate and have your own career,own house and family not to buy car in future.Let you be the role example ok.Or how i would pray hard you take over Saw Phaik Hwa and let thing run by your style,Ok wise guy.
Ok guys i rest my case here,Got better things to do than wasting breath in this topic.
sbst275, I cannot agree with you here.
Many people worked hard because they want a better life here. Being able to afford to buy their own house and car is the most simplest form of need that a family can make do. It is simply a selfish thought that Singapore cannot squeeze in more vehicles and they have to squeeze in everyday in public transport. Public transport is effective for curbing peak hour jams, but is it effective for family bonding in the long run??? Stop this population increase and overcrowding and give Singaporeans a basic decent living instead. No wonder Sinagporeans are leaving...
Originally posted by off_service:Most people who gave the most comments (in general) about "poor SMRT standards" are usually those who are not living in areas controlled by SMRT areas. I wonder if anyone notices that.
Even if the services rendered are bad, SMRT will most likely to get you to the destination despite your cursing and swearing under your breath or in your heart. I don't think anyone can deny that.
You are actually wrong. I'm not. And many of the people I knew living in SMRT areas are unhappy about their bus services, grouses and complaints ranging from very dirty/poorly maintained buses to irregular frequencies to inadequate bus services. However some still hope that bus services there can improve, some hope SBST can come and serve them, but I haven't really hear that they want to move out because they use certain kind of buses, or poor services. Some say they rather drive, no hope to see.
By giving such substandard services do not do them any good. Cannot cope, limited resources and buses, then give up some bus services to SBST or another better bus company. Concentrate on a smaller scale for better services Don't hog and struggle with the services where you can't even cope properly, in the end, who suffers, the commuters who pay money for the medicore services.
Originally posted by sbst275:
then how come last time road tax and COE so ex (dun even have ERP) there's no jam? Dun tell me expressways, those were alrdy planned for way and built back in the early 70s. Those days got ERP?It seems it all boils down to ethnics. To who Singapore is for, profits or its people?
as wat 2601 has said, like your mindset of only $$ and profits, in 5 yrs time the whole country would end up like Malaysia - kopi $$ politics and ali baba trading for govt contracts. you may say I'm grumbling and joking, if tat occurs let's see who would have e last laugh over tis.
Anyway since Dubai is like defaulting its debt, dun forget SMRT has 1 monorail running at e doomed palm island area. Let's see are is NSL/ EWL off peak freq to become 10 - 12 mins to squeeze more ppl to cover back e losses if everything is only profit and profit
Well, it is known to all Singaporeans already. No money, no talk. This is how the society goes. Singaporeans have already gave up on this society. If you observe the ones around you, they just want to work hard to earn more money for their family and themselves. Others they really don't care much nowadays.
For your info, many of these road infrastructures, especially the big ones, are planned even a decade ahead. Take example the NS expressway in Singapore, the idea was already out in the early 2000s. It just takes time for feasibility tests, cost/operations/construction considerations and consider the way our system works here, many of them gets delayed for years and years.
Anyway, you can't compare Singapore in the 70s/80s/90s with now. Our population density wasn't very very bad those times. Now the population increase here is like without any proper control, so now you see more traffic jams than in the 90s, even you see public transport is even more packed than 10 years ago. Everyday when I go to work or knock off from work, it is always the scene, the "sian" scene; cars on roads, traffic jams, bus crowded to commuters till the doors, MRT packed with people like sardines. Packed and crowded, packed and crowded.
But don't compare Singapore and Malaysia in that way. The way that our upper management works are totally different. I don't care how other countries' government works, at least their people are happier than us, or not least.
Dubai is rescuduling its debt repayments again, tens of millions. I don't really care how much it can affect SMRT but I do hope that this will not bring the whole world into another recession again.
you gotta understand tis, even if e younger gen cooperate and move in onboard buses, owning a car in Singapore is not a 'need' if public tpt is good. tat's when e pull factors comes in.
count yourself lucky tat we're not like HK, need to own a season parking lot before can own a car.
as for bendies simple. Imagine go build a longer bus stop to accomodate bendy buses. But it's fruitless as the bus stop is too big and you can't see the 2nd bus number clearly (ends up still 1 bus serving at 1 time vs 2x together w/ SD & DD). Another thing is land use, bendies and DD can carry 127 - 132 ppl, so why should we need more land to build bus depot bus interchanges specially for bendies when we could use it for recreation?
Also if SBS went for bendies, I wonder how many buses can park at BNL when there's alrdy lack of parking spaces
Beg to differ about CCL/DTL being useless....its really one heck of a boon for me once it comes up and I forsee a lot of people seeing that way.
CCL will give me a direct train ride to my destination from my house instead of having to take NEL, then switch to EWL and then taking bus. Imagine how much time that would save.
But here's the not-so-good part, CCL is down-sized, what if the day I decide that I might as well sacrifice a bit of $$ and time and make the switch back to my usual way of travelling because there's simply too many people taking CCL? The other reason is that the station I will drop at is too far from my destination to walk....I'll need to take a shuttle bus whose frequency isn't terrific and even more unreliable. A lot of people are likely to think along the same lines as me and might not take up the CCL route.
I would come back to find either the bus I used to take rationalised, or at best, have its frequency cut. And then I would find myself getting kiap between crowded train and unreliable shuttle, and the crowded bus with cut frequency.
Where will that leave me??
LTA always says that trains and buses are meant to compliment each other and give people more "choices". Exactly what choices do I have in the scenario above?
People always hear the term "rationalisation", but do they know the actual meaning behind this phrase?
Rationalisation was first coined by Max Weber and defined to be: The adoption of the most efficient means to achieve given goals, and the unintended negative consequences in doing so.
I think before we talk abt doubling bus svs, it would be prudent to rationalise e capacity allocation to the current SIN - JB bus hubs. There's no pt adding more svs if for one if it works out better to consolidate all the supply at Kranji for a better service and 2nd there's excess capacity running around.
Dun forget Handal Indah can afford to have lower capacity rates since over tat side road tax is cheap, diesel is subsidised, no need to give transfer rebate/ invest in farecard system. But not us
Originally posted by vicamour:
It all boils down whether the authorities that wants to make the depots DD friendly. If LTA is really serious about vamping up the public bus services here, it should have helped SMRT to build or upgrade depots to be DD friendly, since they are the one who ban bendy buses in the first place. By clipping SMRT's choice of large capacity buses, LTA should at least help to allow their depots to take in the only choice of larger capacity buses, which is the DDs.
And who says that only SBST can buy DDs only??? Is there a law that states that SBST is the only operator that can buy DDs??? And take note that the bus stops along the Woodlands MRT lines are DD friendly and they are built a decade back, and they are in the so called "non SBST territory". However to the purchase of DDs for SMRT eventually, it still depends on the company itself, which I am rather unhappy of the thought that the company itself also have that kind of screwed mindset, just like some of the people here who thinks that SBST can only buy DDs and SMRT can only buy bendy buses.
For the first paragraph, I definitely agree with you. If the authorities do not take the first step to solve the most basic issue of depots and parkings, SMRT can be making billions in profit but still unable to buy any DD or anymore buses.
I think SBS Transit (DD) and SMRT Buses (Bendy) chose their kind of large capacity buses for varieties dating back to the days of SBS vs TIBS.
We don't even know if the "bendy ban" rule is in effect. As of now there is no concrete black and white to prove it.
Originally posted by off_service:For the first paragraph, I definitely agree with you. If the authorities do not take the first step to solve the most basic issue of depots and parkings, SMRT can be making billions in profit but still unable to buy any DD or anymore buses.
I think SBS Transit (DD) and SMRT Buses (Bendy) chose their kind of large capacity buses for varieties dating back to the days of SBS vs TIBS.
We don't even know if the "bendy ban" rule is in effect. As of now there is no concrete black and white to prove it.
The rule is more or less be in effect, most likely. I got the info too from a non bus fan friend who knows people working in the respective organisations.
Originally posted by sbst275:you gotta understand tis, even if e younger gen cooperate and move in onboard buses, owning a car in Singapore is not a 'need' if public tpt is good. tat's when e pull factors comes in.
count yourself lucky tat we're not like HK, need to own a season parking lot before can own a car.
as for bendies simple. Imagine go build a longer bus stop to accomodate bendy buses. But it's fruitless as the bus stop is too big and you can't see the 2nd bus number clearly (ends up still 1 bus serving at 1 time vs 2x together w/ SD & DD). Another thing is land use, bendies and DD can carry 127 - 132 ppl, so why should we need more land to build bus depot bus interchanges specially for bendies when we could use it for recreation?
Also if SBS went for bendies, I wonder how many buses can park at BNL when there's alrdy lack of parking spaces
Well, even if the younger generation is willingly to cooperate, will our buses also need to cope with the higher capacity as well, especially when the population increase is not properly controlled??? Look at the MRT, it is already over capacitied, even as most people had to squeeze like a sardine in a train. And don't forget, don't put assumptions that only the younger generation are selfish ones who display bad habits of disrupting public transport operations. Look at the articles posted here, even aunites like to hog one place of their seats with their bags and standing on exit doors, uncles put their legs on the seats to sleep, even ang mos who put their legs with shoes on the seats adjecent to them.
And looking the way how our system works here, do you think that our public transport will go very far in future??? The bottomline is: profits are still more important. In 1996, the White Paper says about First Class transport system here. Now is it even one??? It can be achieved somehow, if the population increase is controlled and even stop to make such plans feasible. Anyway, in Singapore, private transport is still a need here, to allow those better off Singaporeans to reduce the overcrowding situations in public transport and so private and public transport still needs to compliement with each other for our transportation system woes here, especially in overcrowding Singapore.
But I agree with you on the points on bendy buses here. Singapore is just too densely populated to have such things here, unlike Europe.
Originally posted by SBS2601D:Beg to differ about CCL/DTL being useless....its really one heck of a boon for me once it comes up and I forsee a lot of people seeing that way.
CCL will give me a direct train ride to my destination from my house instead of having to take NEL, then switch to EWL and then taking bus. Imagine how much time that would save.
But here's the not-so-good part, CCL is down-sized, what if the day I decide that I might as well sacrifice a bit of $$ and time and make the switch back to my usual way of travelling because there's simply too many people taking CCL? The other reason is that the station I will drop at is too far from my destination to walk....I'll need to take a shuttle bus whose frequency isn't terrific and even more unreliable. A lot of people are likely to think along the same lines as me and might not take up the CCL route.
I would come back to find either the bus I used to take rationalised, or at best, have its frequency cut. And then I would find myself getting kiap between crowded train and unreliable shuttle, and the crowded bus with cut frequency.
Where will that leave me??
LTA always says that trains and buses are meant to compliment each other and give people more "choices". Exactly what choices do I have in the scenario above?
People always hear the term "rationalisation", but do they know the actual meaning behind this phrase?
Rationalisation was first coined by Max Weber and defined to be: The adoption of the most efficient means to achieve given goals, and the unintended negative consequences in doing so.
That is how the system works. If the load cannot justify the building of a rail system, then don't build it. Don't give commuters a half committed service in one mode in the end, be it a bus or a train. Bus service can be very efficient and flexible if the authorities are really serious about providing one. Remember the guided bus system??? It is more cost effective and flexible than rails and changes can be made easily if demand changes, unlike rail, once build, you need to have the demand, else will lose a lot of money.
And in order to have the demand, you may even have to "force establish" that demand, by building more densely populated buildings near the place, sacrificing our heritage, be it green or historical, and by withdrawing bus routes without considering the effects after that. Let's take the recent property boom as an example.
I just hate it when they "so called" rationalisation of bus routes when a new lines comes up. In the end, I am left with lesser choices instead. And rails are inflexible because in the end, when the rail fails, you still have to take a bus in the end.
I agree, tat's why I've ever told some through PM abt bold changes to bus routing. In some sense, current mainly trunk and feeder only dun work in e long run cos of many factors i.e. no of bus stop to serve, travelling time issues.
But I think bigger buses surely can solve part of the capacity issues.
As for Singaporean typical behaviour, can't be helped. but as long as it does not occur during peak hrs, sometimes just let it be la.. siam
As for CCL, 3 carriage to serve NUS + Alexandra/ PSA Bldg crowd w/o buses? must be joking
Now suddenly I rmbr something abt cross border svs. Are they looking into limited schedule express svs (not tat SJE or CW2 type) for areas such as Pasir Ris? Trunk svs think should remain at Kranji