Hi all,I create this topic for opinion and constructive discussion.Hopefully we can do something for our Public bus operators to consider.As i'm more familiar with SMRT Bus service i shall start first.Please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.
S61:Peak hours freq need to be revised especially from BBT towards Eunos.Even a bendy bus can be packed to the brim with University students..Hope SMRT can shorten the route a bit.Maybe can skip Kallang Bahru?Advice pls.
S67:Freq nowadays is satisfactory but Weekends need more bendies..
S75:Can just loop at Suntec City with longer break time @ BPJ?Off peak freq is a killer.But at least since KJ take over its better.
S77:Need additional buses during peak hours.Should loop @ MCT,No point stopping there just for an average of 4-8 mins break there.Route also not so long.
S106:More bendies but again where to kope?CCK Feeders need bendies..At least KJ side deploy OS bus to suppliment the service.Better than nothing.
S167:Freq is quite bad but again pax ardy adapt to the pattern.Nothing much can do.
S169:To be honest and fair SMRT has improve this service slightly by putting more bendies from both side exclusively for RP students.
S171:Route too long and stressful,Need perm bendies.Might as well terminate at Sembawang.
S172:No comments,Freq for now is beyond satisfactory.
S173:Need to improve on freq during AM peak especially.
S176/177:No comments
S180:Ok for now.Cash cow service for SMRT.Route very short yet profitable.
S184:Should add a few buses during morning peak or at least 2 crossovers from other bendy service from C'wealth towards BPJ.
S187:Need a few more bendies.Another high profit service.
S188/189:No comments but 189 during PM peak is outrageous.From BBT ind park towards BBT int.Even bendy having problem coping with the pax there..
S190:The best frequencies even for off peak.No problem if you miss the 1st bus.Super cash cow services.Bus can be packed even for the last bus.
S700:Need bendies badly.
S851:From my honest opinion this service really need dual control by both AMDEP @ WLDEP with WL side adding a couple of bendies rather than 171.
S852/853:Cant do much but 853 really redundant to go UEC during Sundays.Not much pax on average.
S854:Super cash cow service after 190.Not surprise it need 24 buses for short route.
S855:Freq very bad,Need additional buses.Peak hours can be a killer.
S856:No comments.The pax afterall come from peak hours only.Saturday afternoon and Sundays can cut as many buses as they wish.
S857:Same like 700,Need bendies.
S858:Need a few OCs.Freq need to adjust during peak hours.
S859/882/902:Cant comment much..but wondering why 859 out of sudden no more bendies?
S925:Adequate for now..
S925C/926:Does SMRT really need 925C?926 need 2 buses rather than waiting for demands.I see number of paxs using this service to zoo from WDL.30 mins for 1 bus is really unacceptable.
S927:Fleet need to upgrade.
S950:Cash cow but freq during off peak sucks..
S960:I see the need for AMDEP to dual control for the MCT towards WDL part.Err maybe 190 AMDEP fleets can take over?Problems for 960 always come from MCT towards WDL.
S961/962:No comments,Cant do anything much.962 nowadays need few bendies only.
S963:Cash cow,Bus always packed.To make matter worse runtime too tight for the WDL to HBF sector.
S964/965/966:Cant comment much either but 966 has improved by adding 2 buses for peak hours.
S969:Again SMRT has done something by adding a few perm bendies for both side plus the crossover buses.
S970/975:Ok for now..
S980:Need perm bendies.Fleet also quite terrible..
S981/985:No comment
CCK@WDL feeders:Cant comment much
BBT feeders:So so but 941 can ardy convert WAB service.Take off 1 Hino and 2 DAFs for KJ 852?
Yis feeders@BPJ feeders:No comments except form 922,Should add 1 more bus.
YIS,WDL@CCK Intratowns:No comments but for 913 can take out 2 bendies in exchange for 2 rigids for other better use.
In summary AMDEP should be expand or just shift to another new multi storey depots.
KJDEP need relocation to either near CCK or BBT area.Maybe BBT Ind estate is a good choice.
WLDEP:Ok for now but need to have overnight parking for certain service to overcome overcrowding issue.
Originally posted by carbikebus:KJDEP need relocation to either near CCK or BBT area.Maybe BBT Ind estate is a good choice.
Its much better if its located at Yew Tee Ind Estate (nearer to Woodlands Road) since its much closer to BP and CCK (BP being the closest since it can directly use Woodlands Rd >> turn left to Petir Rd >> BP Int).
S903: Need to add bendy or rigid perm to supplement RP people and workers during the peak time. Just keep 5 to 7 minutes would be better. However, it would be affected by WDL Centre Road sector.
Originally posted by carbikebus:Hi all,I create this topic for opinion and constructive discussion.Hopefully we can do something for our Public bus operators to consider.As i'm more familiar with SMRT Bus service i shall start first.Please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.
S67:Freq nowadays is satisfactory but Weekends need more bendies..
S169:To be honest and fair SMRT has improve this service slightly by putting more bendies from both side exclusively for RP students.
67 get bendy perms from 180. TIB1028Y, TIB1062T and TIB1085G perm 67 during weekends.
For 169, the crowds would be eased during PM peak at Yishun Interchange bus-stop.
for 853's case , there's still demand , but not enough for SMRT to earn
Originally posted by carbikebus:Hi all,I create this topic for opinion and constructive discussion.Hopefully we can do something for our Public bus operators to consider.As i'm more familiar with SMRT Bus service i shall start first.Please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.
S61:Peak hours freq need to be revised especially from BBT towards Eunos.Even a bendy bus can be packed to the brim with University students..Hope SMRT can shorten the route a bit.Maybe can skip Kallang Bahru?Advice pls.
S67:Freq nowadays is satisfactory but Weekends need more bendies..
S75:Can just loop at Suntec City with longer break time @ BPJ?Off peak freq is a killer.But at least since KJ take over its better.
S77:Need additional buses during peak hours.Should loop @ MCT,No point stopping there just for an average of 4-8 mins break there.Route also not so long.
S106:More bendies but again where to kope?CCK Feeders need bendies..At least KJ side deploy OS bus to suppliment the service.Better than nothing.
S167:Freq is quite bad but again pax ardy adapt to the pattern.Nothing much can do.
S169:To be honest and fair SMRT has improve this service slightly by putting more bendies from both side exclusively for RP students.
S171:Route too long and stressful,Need perm bendies.Might as well terminate at Sembawang.
S172:No comments,Freq for now is beyond satisfactory.
S173:Need to improve on freq during AM peak especially.
S176/177:No comments
S180:Ok for now.Cash cow service for SMRT.Route very short yet profitable.
S184:Should add a few buses during morning peak or at least 2 crossovers from other bendy service from C'wealth towards BPJ.
S187:Need a few more bendies.Another high profit service.
S188/189:No comments but 189 during PM peak is outrageous.From BBT ind park towards BBT int.Even bendy having problem coping with the pax there..
S190:The best frequencies even for off peak.No problem if you miss the 1st bus.Super cash cow services.Bus can be packed even for the last bus.
S700:Need bendies badly.
S851:From my honest opinion this service really need dual control by both AMDEP @ WLDEP with WL side adding a couple of bendies rather than 171.
S852/853:Cant do much but 853 really redundant to go UEC during Sundays.Not much pax on average.
S854:Super cash cow service after 190.Not surprise it need 24 buses for short route.
S855:Freq very bad,Need additional buses.Peak hours can be a killer.
S856:No comments.The pax afterall come from peak hours only.Saturday afternoon and Sundays can cut as many buses as they wish.
S857:Same like 700,Need bendies.
S858:Need a few OCs.Freq need to adjust during peak hours.
S859/882/902:Cant comment much..but wondering why 859 out of sudden no more bendies?
S925:Adequate for now..
S925C/926:Does SMRT really need 925C?926 need 2 buses rather than waiting for demands.I see number of paxs using this service to zoo from WDL.30 mins for 1 bus is really unacceptable.
S927:Fleet need to upgrade.
S950:Cash cow but freq during off peak sucks..
S960:I see the need for AMDEP to dual control for the MCT towards WDL part.Err maybe 190 AMDEP fleets can take over?Problems for 960 always come from MCT towards WDL.
S961/962:No comments,Cant do anything much.962 nowadays need few bendies only.
S963:Cash cow,Bus always packed.To make matter worse runtime too tight for the WDL to HBF sector.
S964/965/966:Cant comment much either but 966 has improved by adding 2 buses for peak hours.
S969:Again SMRT has done something by adding a few perm bendies for both side plus the crossover buses.
S970/975:Ok for now..
S980:Need perm bendies.Fleet also quite terrible..
S981/985:No comment
CCK@WDL feeders:Cant comment much
BBT feeders:So so but 941 can ardy convert WAB service.Take off 1 Hino and 2 DAFs for KJ 852?
Yis feeders@BPJ feeders:No comments except form 922,Should add 1 more bus.
YIS,WDL@CCK Intratowns:No comments but for 913 can take out 2 bendies in exchange for 2 rigids for other better use.
In summary AMDEP should be expand or just shift to another new multi storey depots.
KJDEP need relocation to either near CCK or BBT area.Maybe BBT Ind estate is a good choice.
WLDEP:Ok for now but need to have overnight parking for certain service to overcome overcrowding issue.
for sv61 , Kallang Bahru is not the problem , cos i brings pax back to their homes from town , whereas Macpherson is the place causing many headaches for the drivers
Originally posted by SMRT BUSES LuvER:Its much better if its located at Yew Tee Ind Estate (nearer to Woodlands Road) since its much closer to BP and CCK (BP being the closest since it can directly use Woodlands Rd >> turn left to Petir Rd >> BP Int).
Originally posted by carbikebus:
But again the place is jam prone during peak hours.
Oh ya huh, especially those big big trucks travelling that road even during off-peak hour. Peak hour more worst haha..
Originally posted by SMRT BUSES LuvER:Oh ya huh, especially those big big trucks travelling that road even during off-peak hour. Peak hour more worst haha..
Yes and last time i heard they got plan to take over SBST BBDEP if SBST were to relocated their depot
Originally posted by TIB930Z:for sv61 , Kallang Bahru is not the problem , cos i brings pax back to their homes from town , whereas Macpherson is the place causing many headaches for the drivers
aft macpherson at ubi towards eunos, usually see the bus is quite empty...