Originally posted by service_238:
some of us use dslrs, some of us use dc, some of us use handphone camera.DSLRs go by the thousands. Since SITEX is this weekend you may wish to get a brochure or two to check out the prices...
wads sitex? can elaborate more?
sitex is a electronics fair
Originally posted by .SBS9888Y.:KIMPATALA BOM PEE PEE AH.
Yes yes. We do ask permission from Bus Captains before snapping interior shots of buses. We do not take photos inside bus interchanges as it is said by Interchange personnel to be a security threat to do so, thus, there isnt really any authority to seek permission from. Snapping pictures on normal roads, we cant expect the driver to stop in the middle of the road for us to ask permission. I, myself, will not do such things if a person in authority does not allow it, in fact I will apologise and walk off, neither will I rant here, unless the person is being unreasonable.
Sometimes, drivers do not understand why they are being photographed, they misunderstood it as company personnel catching them for doing something wrong (they feel that way cause of the way their management handles them), which in return, some turn hostile but after some explaining, the misunderstanding clears.
Also, to add on, the very fact Aviation Enthusiasts worldwide clearly take pictures at and around Changi Airport and airports around the world openly with the biggest most bizarre cameras that look like weapons, wouldnt they be called crazy too?
The very fact is Bus Enthusiasts are at least in the tens of thousands worldwide, only that they are not so commonly found in Singapore which has around a few hundred only. There are people I know of who are interested in ships, cranes and even containers, honestly containers is a little extreme.
maybe we should try to understand the situation from the BC's view.if he glares at you,don't run as if he is a lion or something.he will feel puzzled.just use hand signal to apologise or something.
i never ran into a plobrem taking pics of SBS359S when it was serving 333.i often took it,so the driver knew my face,and vice versa.now that SBS359S no longer serves 333,i now have plobrems taking pics of buses.
Originally posted by AEW5001:sitex is a electronics fair
something like IT fair la??? when and where?
Originally posted by Ngweitong:something like IT fair la??? when and where?
Expo, 26-29 Nov.
Originally posted by sinicker:Expo, 26-29 Nov.
oh wow! I am going for it :D
Originally posted by service_238:
some of us use dslrs, some of us use dc, some of us use handphone camera.DSLRs go by the thousands. Since SITEX is this weekend you may wish to get a brochure or two to check out the prices...
"SBS555S" lover uses handphone camera and was somehow being flamed for a number of times
After reading at the thread, I do like to share a point of view.
For those who like to criticise other people's photos because of bad angles, poor shadowings, blurness, distrotions, etc, please think before you even criticise. From this thread, you should have already know that taking a bus picture isn't as easy as it seems, due to so much limitations and obstacles. Instead of criticising, appreciate those who even bother to take the trouble and the eyes and views from other people to take these pictures, and even post up here for people to enjoy. This is not a photography thread, no need to criticise those who took bad pictures and result in senseless flame wars.
Another thing is that, if the bus captain is unhappy about you taking a bus photo of his bus, then just ignore and walk away. Why must insist and make a big fuss out of it??? Have you even thought that by taking pictures of the bus, he might have an impression or unintentional idea that you might affect affect his work and ultimately his rice bowl in any way as well??? This is Singapore, a law is a law, a rule is a rule, like it or not, you have to follow. Unlike the freedom of bus fans overseas have there, we can only do within the limitations.
And don't jeopardise other people's lives if you don't care about your own, just because you want to take some pictures. I'm referring to the case that the Bear has brought up. Don't mess up the reputation of bus hobby to the general public here.
Originally posted by vicamour:This is Singapore, a law is a law, a rule is a rule, like it or not, you have to follow. Unlike the freedom of bus fans overseas have there, we can only do within the limitations.
which law and rule are you refering to?
Originally posted by lifelikedrama:which law and rule are you refering to?
No taking of pictures in bus interchanges/terminals and bus interiors, without persmission.
Originally posted by vicamour:
No taking of pictures in bus interchanges/terminals and bus interiors, without persmission.
there is no law which states that you cannot take pictures in bus interchanges/terminals, and bus interiors without permission. it is because of the recent events which they tighten up the security to prevent undesirable things from happening. Asking for permission is of course the better way, but not asking is not a crime. Please do not mix up ethics and law.
recently snapped a kub on 78. the bc posed for me. hahaha.
Originally posted by Stage:recently snapped a kub on 78. the bc posed for me. hahaha.
For me, TIB747L's SL actually signalled to ask me if the pic came out to be nice. When he saw me showing him the thumbs up he did the same and laughed
Hmm, int/depots etc is sensitive cos it's their "territory", so they got more command and act against photographers, from causing distraction to security threat.
There should be nothing against photo taking of buses. If it does violate law, how can the Prologue bookstore launch the promo of taking hp photo of the buses with Prologue ads? That's like making it an open, permissible affair to take photos. In fact that promo is more likely to involve non fans who might unknowingly take a pic of the buses at int cos they had no idea of the restrictions, but to snap without missing the chance.
I suppose standing a distance away from road, keeping still, camouflaging behind a tree/pillar and no FLASH hopefully mitigate the irritation or watnot. In fact, if a small compact cam will piss the BC, those traffic police stationed along roadside to catch speeding drivers ( they seem to use camera on tripod) ought to should go home and sleep
Originally posted by SBS8214Z:He using camcorder la... of coz SL look at him la...
Its not about the camera la....I was saying abt when he said the BC's face was 'Locked' into him.U get the 'lock' part?
Originally posted by SBS8214Z:"SBS555S" lover uses handphone camera and was somehow being flamed for a number of times
how about now leh? tt was in the past..
A certain BC on 151 just gave me the finger a month ago....sigh.
Originally posted by ama-teur:A certain BC on 151 just gave me the finger a month ago....sigh.
care to share more?
Originally posted by ama-teur:A certain BC on 151 just gave me the finger a month ago....sigh.
If that happens to me i'll laugh at the patheticness of the BC :)
Originally posted by Merczrox:
Its not about the camera la....I was saying abt when he said the BC's face was 'Locked' into him.U get the 'lock' part?
BC's face locked coz of his big big camera ma
Originally posted by SBS8214Z:BC's face locked coz of his big big camera ma
My camera not big big ok...
was waiting for 2788 and 8021 on 243 last night (my 8021 shot screwed up btw xD) and i had my tripod set up and the only thing left is to wait for the bus to come. then this lady came and ask me why nv go home, still snapping lol. then she asked what are we doing this for and why she always see a bunch of ppl outside bl int snapping buses.
Originally posted by Stage:was waiting for 2788 and 8021 on 243 last night (my 8021 shot screwed up btw xD) and i had my tripod set up and the only thing left is to wait for the bus to come. then this lady came and ask me why nv go home, still snapping lol. then she asked what are we doing this for and always see a bunch of ppl outside bl int snapping buses.
this lady must have been monitoring us for sometime..
Originally posted by AEW5001:
lolthis lady must have been monitoring us for sometime..
sekali is undercover mata
who knows?