means the lrt has no advertisement on the outside
Originally posted by Doraemonboi:means the lrt has no advertisement on the outside
so what was this whole crapping about 922 about again? O.o
Originally posted by jayh272416:=.=
so what was this whole crapping about 922 about again? O.o
bus waiting time too long -_-"
Originally posted by Doraemonboi:bus waiting time too long -_-"
er ya
and the demand is still rock bottom -_-"
so how do you expect SMRT to improve the frequency?
Originally posted by jayh272416:er ya
and the demand is still rock bottom -_-"
so how do you expect SMRT to improve the frequency?
buy more new bus and don't gib the lao ye car xD
if nt their company really can mati liao -.-
Originally posted by Doraemonboi:if nt their company really can mati liao -.-
LRT need advertisement for wad.. diaozzz
Bus Services that i like:
30 - Both BN/SL BCs like to chiong
190 - Good frequency & faster access to town area by e'way
105 - Great combination of buses used
166 - Alot of VO3x-es esp the Batch 3s
502 - Faster access to go to other places from town area
975 - Friendly BCs
307 - Heck care abt the perm OCs; most of the perm BCs are friendly
300 - Winding route
172 - Chiongster BCs
854 - Connects to many places that i usually go to
965 - Chiongster perm BCs esp at e'way
911 - Winding but fun route to take
985 - Friendly BCs
187 - Great mix of buses in perm fleet (exculding ELBOs)
188 - Nice mix of perm buses used
174 - Fastest way to go from boon lay to bukit batok (vice-versa) and i love SBS8030L!
970 - Very very long route, but its an enjoyable ride. Svc which have alot of perm OC with advert + SMB92U = thats why i like it
222 - Great combination of buses used (VSOs and MK3s)
157 - LO3x-es...
Bus Services that i dislike:
67 - Some BCs are rude, always like to 'carelessly' chiong their buses when they're late and always came late when arriving at near Teck Whye (going twrds CCK) which i dunno why! It didnt happen once, not twice, but at least 8 times that the bus came later than expected.
Originally posted by Doraemonboi:if nt their company really can mati liao -.-
hmm.. you can still take the LRT right? its not far away imo..
Originally posted by SBS8292Y:LRT need advertisement for wad.. diaozzz
beautify the surrounding
Originally posted by Doraemonboi:beautify the surrounding
I feel this is a potential flame thread......
Originally posted by willis_chong:Likes:
- 969 - Very direct! No stops from Yishun all the way to Tampines Bus Interchange.
- 965 - Super direct. With hinos somemore.
- 39 - Very indirect. Loops around Tampines and Pasir Ris, even stops at Jalan Kayu. Total journey recorded is 1 hour 30 minutes. You will be bored to death if you get KUB when starting your journey from Tampines all the way to Yishun...
- 171 - Indirect. Yishun to City Area passing CCK and Bukit Timah, one big round. At least there're OCs servicing it. :P
- 858 - O405s... More high class buses please. However, very direct.
- 859 - Indirect also, passes outside Sembawang Bus Interchange once, then loops around Sembawang, and back into Sembawang Bus Interchange.
965 has HINOS?!
Originally posted by SBS9818A:965 has HINOS?!
I think he means Volgren Mercz.
Originally posted by SBS9818A:965 has HINOS?!
I think you have overreacted a little.
Originally posted by off_service:I think you have overreacted a little.
I don't think so. A little emphasis at the appropriate instances never hurt.
Originally posted by SBS9818A:I don't think so. A little emphasis at the appropriate instances never hurt.
If you say so
The Dislike.
I kinda like 103M nowadays
Want Mk IV on it, not Mk IIIs
Like dat den shiok
167, 858, 925, 963
85, 161, 168 (except the Jalan Kayu part)
Old services: 134, 989
856: Feels good to chiong 80+kmh near Senoko and Admiralty Road West.
52: Chionging KUB anyone? Also, can hear Merz at high pitch.
980: Love hate thing. Love the Lances chionging along Thomson Road, hate the frequency.
859: Love hate as well. Can't explain the hate, but maybe because I just don't like the number XD. Love the semi-feeder thing about it.
925: Best scenery you can get on a bus, if you can screw the frequency.
882: OC with the beach as the BG makes for a very nice photo.
Like :
5, 35, 36, 77, 97, 97e, 178, 502, 506, 174e, 852 (old), 858
Dislike :
27, 31, 96, 157, 171, 176, 187, 196
Without doubt I think introducing services 969 965 168 and 161 were the best ideas from the 2 transport operators thus far.
Just look at all the people that they have benefitted thus far.
Northerners working in the East?
Easterners who want to go to JB for a day trip?
Easterners wouldn't even have thought of studying at Innova JC or RP without 168 or 161.