sit bus ppl.
wat u xpect rite.
I've heard of this issue sometime few weeks ago & i guess i have to put my say in it. I just simply cannot understand why some people know that stealing/vandalism of public/government property is wrong and can be punishable by law and yet some people are doing it. Obviously that person who is the mastermind behind all these wrongdoings are obviously telling forumates that you're trying to challenge the law in which that the law will not be able to catch up with your wrongdoings. If you call yourselves a bus enthusiast most importantly YOU should not be a worm to the bus company & community. As a bus enthusiast you should be contributing to the bus community that gives a positive/good impression to the community, able to assist/helping Bus Captains (although not required) & most importantly know the basic rules & regulation while taking a bus. If one who does not able to abide the 3rd requirements at the very least, he/she should not be even be called a bus enthusiast in the first place or to be very direct, not even qualified to be a bus enthusiast.
Aiya to the person behind these acts hor, we know who you are. Just stop doing all these unscrupulous acts, what more even requesting for loads of metal / plastic from a certain place. You know what I'm referring to, so I won't openly say it here.
It's wrong in the first place to steal, even wronger to openly disclose your criminal acts online. I hope you can reflect upon your wrongdoings. (:
Originally posted by ngjy22:
Looks familiar? This is just only 1 of them.
i think i know who got it...............
he/she should have a chance to turn over a new leaf if he/she would stop doin all this things.
Originally posted by SBS2779A:he/she should have a chance to turn over a new leaf if he/she would stop doin all this things.
im just thinking
hasnt the depot noticed ANYTHING amiss about the SV107 buses? especially with SBS980Y so obvious at the front. add the missing handgrips.
Originally posted by SBS2779A:he/she should have a chance to turn over a new leaf if he/she would stop doin all this things.
yes but what that's been done has been done. the person must TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS and FACE WHATEVER CONSEQUENCES there may be with his act.
i give you a simple example. lets say somebody robs a bank and get caught. sure anyone can ask to give him a chance to turn over a new leaf. but what's done is already done. he will still be jailed for it.
Originally posted by Stage:it seems that only the HGDEP and 107 buses 'suffer' from these antics. we have missing handgrips, missing bodywork badges, missing 'available seats' LED on VO's, missing speakers. there might be more antics. i wonder who did it. cheapskate.
missing speaker wtf?
Originally posted by ngjy22:
Looks familiar? This is just only 1 of them.
omg. where's this taken?
Originally posted by SBS8049J:u seem 2 b veri stupid from de way tt u post....
i feel veri sorry 4 u.... tsktsktsk
i think you're the stupid one.
let's see all your posts in a language we can read, please.
the way YOU post suggests that you have the intellect of a six year old child.
Originally posted by Hello Kitty:aiyah.
sit bus ppl.
wat u xpect rite.
don't tell me you've never been on a bus before.
don't stereotype.
Originally posted by ngjy22:
Just check my EXIF data to determine whether it's on A or P shift.
what's with that huge 'move to the rear' decal on the windshield... that is way off spec.
Originally posted by SBS7484P:omg. where's this taken?
lol looks very 2779ish
Originally posted by QX179R:boarded 7304D on svc 21 on Tuesday & saw this girl who was sitting in front of me peeling off the burned by dengue ads which was pasted on the seat in front of her..
at 1st I thought she must be up to no gd only to realise that she peel it off & have it re-stickered back so as to get rid of the so-called air bubbles..
not sure if this can be classified under this topic "funny things done on certain buses"..
it is funny indeed
so bored on a bus ride that one actually finds excitement in re-applying the stickers.
Originally posted by jayh272416:lol looks very 2779ish
yeah, because of the white speaker grille and the DM..
i don't see why people actually want those speakers...
half of them are blown or damaged (962A's left rearmost speaker is a rattlesnake) and the foam surrounds on the speakers rot in a matter of years.
don't see what's so desirable about these.
these are low-end JBL car speakers. can be had for $80 or lower a pair if you know where to look, i was told.