Hello all!
There will be a LTA Transport Gallery Tour coming up on the 28th November at 1pm. Please reply to this thread if you are interested to go by 22 November 2009. Space allocation will be given on a first come first serve basis.
LTA allows up to 40 pax per group and 23 spaces have been filled. No more additions will be allowed after 22 November, or all slots have been taken up, whichever is earlier.
Also, LTA has requested for the confirmed number of attendees to be submitted before the tour itself hence I can't allow last minute additions on the tour date itself.
Hope to see you guys (and maybe girls) at the tour!
Spaces update: 17 left
is the 14 those who sign up on facebook or other place
anyway, i can go
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:is the 14 those who sign up on facebook or other place
anyway, i can go
Yes, you can. Have you already signed up?
Originally posted by TWS4793:
Yes, you can. Have you already signed up?
on facebook i left a tag.........
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:on facebook i left a tag.........
Yup, you have been accounted for. Those who left their notice in facebook, please take note that you have already been added into the list .
Originally posted by off_service:Yup, you have been accounted for. Those who left their notice in facebook, please take note that you have already been added into the list
Add me on the list, thanks, informed via facebook too.
okay for this i can make it (: add me in
TBC for the moment,thank you:)
Add me in. Thank you.
To off-service: Even though LTA needs to confirm the number of attendees, last minute additions are allowed.
Originally posted by willis_chong:Add me in. Thank you.
To off-service: Even though LTA needs to confirm the number of attendees, last minute additions are allowed.
I want to deter last minute additions to make logistics and planning (like meet up timing) easier, at the minimum I know who to expect.
Also, I also want to avoid large last minute turn ups, though unlikely, but at any chance if the turn ups go beyond 40, I think that would be a sticky situation to be in.
Hope everyone understands my intention
It is always courteous to inform the organiser early. Sudden crashing of the group outing isn't nice. And depending on the situation too.
I should be able to make it too. Do add me in please!~
Thanks for taking the time and effort to organise this outing
ok,i got my green light for the tour,thanks for adding me in.
Add me in please.
So how? Where to meet? It's next Saturday.
Originally posted by willis_chong:So how? Where to meet? It's next Saturday.
Don't worry. I will definitely tell you guys the time and place after I've confirmed the number of people going.
Pls bring SMB66X along as Joseph Kutimaniam longing to see him..
Originally posted by carbikebus:Pls bring SMB66X along as Joseph Kutimaniam longing to see him..
Lol why ah? I wan to know hahaha
Originally posted by SMRT BUSES LuvER:Lol why ah? I wan to know hahaha
That Joseph aka FOAD always love Si gina bus fans.He will treat mi goreng with frog leg to any si gina bus fans after outing and bring them joyriding on 975 last bus
Originally posted by carbikebus:That Joseph aka FOAD always love Si gina bus fans.He will treat mi goreng with frog leg to any si gina bus fans after outing and bring them joyriding on 975 last bus
LTA Transport Gallery Tour
Countdown: 5 days :D
Anyone one else confirm coming? Please let me know. As said earlier, I do not like last minute "crashers" to the tour.
Thank you and hope you all understand
For those who are going and have yet you give me your contact numbers, please do. Thanks