SBS3842T has a really loud engine
Originally posted by SMRT BUSES LuvER:it should be those ZF-ed O405s if it sound like an SMRT O405..
Anyway, SMB41S (KJDEP 307) always make a 'weird wooing' sound every 1 - 2 mins constantly since its A/C had been internally modified.
Thats essenaitlly the Hypoids working. Much like a hub reductor. hypoids can be found on many bus models these days.
Originally posted by JaSoNhSu92:SBS329D. the bus produces roaring sound when it accelerates.
is it the Diffrentials kicking in...?
hub reduction>
A wooo-woo sound when bus move into higher gears
Diffrentials >
A loud flat grinding sound underneath you. Sometimes unberable to the ears. Common when bus ages.
the word diffrentials is actually abused by bus fans. the actual meaning has many forms
Noun - the device, the diffrential fitted to axle. this assist the wheels to turn in sync when bus moving. U dun want one wheel turning faster than the other.
ECU lingo - Diffrentials - the diffrence between gear shift rpm rates or some other numbers.
Adjust diffrentials - done on ECU
f1 reference - Diffrential adjustment was banned in 2007 for F1.
Fan belt screech:
loud screeching sound. Often mistaken for wheel tyres rubbing on road. But actually is a screechy fanbelt.
Last sunday took 1973L, found that its sort of like 903X.
Frankly, 414R is a hell one when it speeds. I rmb a ride of 52 along PIE and it's kinda ear bursting.
Originally posted by ZYX2005:
Thats essenaitlly the Hypoids working. Much like a hub reductor. hypoids can be found on many bus models these days.
oooohh.. now i olso found out that SMB60L does that wooing sound too.
Originally posted by ZYX2005:review
hub reduction>
A wooo-woo sound when bus move into higher gears
Diffrentials >A loud flat grinding sound underneath you. Sometimes unberable to the ears. Common when bus ages.
the word diffrentials is actually abused by bus fans. the actual meaning has many forms
Noun - the device, the diffrential fitted to axle. this assist the wheels to turn in sync when bus moving. U dun want one wheel turning faster than the other.
ECU lingo - Diffrentials - the diffrence between gear shift rpm rates or some other numbers.
Adjust diffrentials - done on ECU
f1 reference - Diffrential adjustment was banned in 2007 for F1.
Fan belt screech:
loud screeching sound. Often mistaken for wheel tyres rubbing on road. But actually is a screechy fanbelt.
most 'aunties' on 159 mistake screeching fan belts for buses constantly performing burnouts upon acceleration.
takes quite a bit of patience to tell them that we're not drifting.
really meh?
can elaborate?
when i took it e last time, it was an ordinary merc.
Originally posted by Merczrox:Ya.There is some weird noise coming from the centre area of the bus as if like some gas is being let out like that.When the BC pulls the handbrake,the noise stops.But when he let goes of it,the sound comes again.Its keeps on continuing like that.Then at one junction,the BC got fed up and kept pulling the handbrake many many times to stop the sound.It stopped for a while then started again.It lasted for around 7 secs be4 completely stopping.Aft that i didnt hear the sound again.
Think sl destroyed this bus handbrake sia
SL . Bus going to de-reg soon still want to destroy.
SBS8436A (185) has a weird noise. (Sorry , don't know how to explain) From 4-6 gear only. SL again!
Originally posted by Merczrox:Yeah when i took it on thursday on 194,it’s engine sounded completely different.There was this loud whirring sound coming from the engine as the bus kept on chionging.It didn’t even sound like a Merc engine sound at all in the first place.It sounded like those trucks like that :S
i love those whirrling sounds :)
i can only list 903X n 1997X that have such sounds
i can't rmb e rest (including merc)
i took this bus on 157
SBS995E on 74 has strange engine sound
Originally posted by SBS7484P:most 'aunties' on 159 mistake screeching fan belts for buses constantly performing burnouts upon acceleration.
takes quite a bit of patience to tell them that we're not drifting.
159 is notorious for screeching fan belts
once 1906 did it right in front of me at 6.10am. woke up the whole neighbourhood
SBS 7212K got weird motor sound just now on 254
it sounds like former Layland Olympian 2xle
Originally posted by jayh272416:159 is notorious for screeching fan belts
once 1906 did it right in front of me at 6.10am. woke up the whole neighbourhood
You're watching AXN.
Previously, on 'Who woke the neighbours.' SBS669Y startles the residents of Block 257C by pulling away from a bus stop, full-throttle at 6am on the 29th of September, 2009.
Originally posted by sexy girls:SBS995E on 74 has strange engine sound
944C FTW. engine cover got gap, can hear the sounds very very clearly, especially idle sounds