Heard from 2 guys at SMRT buses that there are numbers of redeployment fro year 2010 from February onwards.One is reliable another is just a Senior SL.Anyway i just treat it as RUMOURS as it's not yet official
S61:14 WLDEP duties will be handed back to KJDEP.Guess they've learn the lesson that WLDEP is far away to BBT.
S173:Given back to KJDEP
S852:3 WLDEP duties will be handed over to KJDEP.Technically its dual control.
S190:3 AMDEP duties will be given back to KJDEP.Back to old times.Full KJDEP control.
S960:3 or 4 WLDEP duties will be given to AMDEP.
S75:3 KJDEP duties will be given to AMDEP.Hmm first time AMDEP SLs in Bt Panjang Interchange.
S171:3 AMDEP duties will be given to WLDEP.
S980:2 AMDEP duties will be given to WLDEP.980 will get perm S shift bendies probably from WLDEP.
S700/A:All KJDEP duties will be given back to WLDEP.
S184:Same as 700/A.
S178 @ S187 will be dual control by both WLDEP @ KJDEP with WLDEP is the biggest controller.Hmm maybe KJDEP start first bus from BNL?
S177:Timing will be enhanced.
S77:Probably to loop @ Marina rather than terminate.
S855:Plans to put perm S shift bendies.
Note:Nothing is confirmed till further notice
Originally posted by carbikebus:Heard from 2 guys at SMRT buses that there are numbers of redeployment fro year 2010 from February onwards.One is reliable another is just a Senior SL.Anyway i just treat it as RUMOURS as it's not yet official
1) S190:3 AMDEP duties will be given back to KJDEP.Back to old times.Full KJDEP control.
2) S75:3 KJDEP duties will be given to AMDEP.Hmm first time AMDEP SLs in Bt Panjang Interchange.
3) S171:3 AMDEP duties will be given to WLDEP.
Note:Nothing is confirmed till further notice
1) They probably felt that AM NBR is a waste of time a fuel
2) Imagine Dennis on 75...
3) Makes no difference whether it is AM or WL, in fact currently both AM and WL changes shift at Yishun. They should make it such that WL duties change at Yishun while AM duties changes at MCT. And in fact this service requires bendies more needily than 855!
Originally posted by TIB1232Z:1) They probably felt that AM
NBR is a waste of time a fuel
2) Imagine Dennis on 75...
3) Makes no difference whether it is AM or WL, in fact currently both AM and WL changes shift at Yishun. They should make it such that WL duties change at Yishun while AM duties changes at MCT. And in fact this service requires bendies more needily than 855!
1. I think the problem is that the 2 AMDEP full day fellas (1042E 1177A) keep at CCK Int at night, so the dead mileage is quite significant. Can somebody confirm if the AMDEP buses go off service from CCK at night?
3. 171 may not get O405Gs thanks to it being a WAB service... SMRT will continue to flood it with OC500LEs and boost frequency, negating the need for bendies though they are majorly required. Moreover MCT has limited parking space as well.. so might be a bit difficult to change shift there.
For 190 AM Bendies they off service to AMDEP.For 106 AM side they change shift at MCT,Only a couple of duties change shift at BBT on Sundays.Imagine SL staying in Kallang/Eastern area change shift at BBT..Technically for proposed AM 960 @ 75 is that they required to start at MCT for the convienance of depot drivers and pax too.So no need to waste so many fuel for KJ/WL side to OS from their depot to MCT.The only way to free up parking space at MCT is to make 77 to loop there.171 is possible to make majority WL control.
Originally posted by carbikebus:Heard from 2 guys at SMRT buses that there are numbers of redeployment fro year 2010 from February onwards.One is reliable another is just a Senior SL.Anyway i just treat it as RUMOURS as it's not yet official
1) S61:14 WLDEP duties will be handed back to KJDEP.Guess they've learn the lesson that WLDEP is far away to BBT.
2)S173:Given back to KJDEP
3) S171:3 AMDEP duties will be given to WLDEP.
4) S700/A:All KJDEP duties will be given back to WLDEP.
5) S178 @ S187 will be dual control by both WLDEP @ KJDEP with WLDEP is the biggest controller.Hmm maybe KJDEP start first bus from BNL?
1) and 2) I would miss scanias cameo on 61 and 173. Probably, sole 173 scania permer TIB657M would return to 178.
3) Hope 2 duties from AM would send the OCs over to WLDEP so as not to affect WAB pouplation.
4) So, would ex-WL 700 permers like: TIB471G, TIB472D etc... come back to 700 whereas ex-KJ 61 permers like: TIB630P, TIB631L etc... also?
5) Imagine DAF cameo on 178, 187 and 852??? 178 and 852 might also get OC cameo mostly from KJ since KJ has many SP OCs.
Originally posted by SBS9818A:3. 171 may not get O405Gs thanks to it being a WAB service... SMRT will continue to flood it with OC500LEs and boost frequency, negating the need for bendies though they are majorly required. Moreover MCT has limited parking space as well.. so might be a bit difficult to change shift there.
Maybe can convert 3 out of 6 WL full SD blocks to 3 Bendy blocks so as to supplement the crowds.
Service 171 never has good frequency to start with. I don't think SMRT will add more WABs to 171 in the near future given the limited WABs they have.
I think the 980 bendies is long overdue. S shift only is better than nothing.
Originally posted by off_service:Service 171 never has good frequency to start with. I don't think SMRT will add more WABs to 171 in the near future given the limited WABs they have.
I think the 980 bendies is long overdue. S shift only is better than nothing.
But KJDEP has many SP OCs.
Maybe can exchange with O405s for OCs for WLDEP 171 side in order to increase strength of WAB.
Originally posted by TIB657M:
But KJDEP has many SP OCs.Maybe can exchange with O405s for OCs for WLDEP 171 side in order to increase strength of WAB.
Its not compulsory to transfer the WABs over to Woodlands. If there is a need the next batch of WABs coming in will be deployed to WL.
Some spare WABs is to cope with the maintenance of some vehicles when they are rotated to PM checking.
Originally posted by off_service:Service 171 never has good frequency to start with. I don't think SMRT will add more WABs to 171 in the near future given the limited WABs they have.
I think the 980 bendies is long overdue. S shift only is better than nothing.
If I am not wrong service 980 used to have a perm full-day bendy in 2002. Rego was TIB1201M followed by TIB1174H. The bendy was withdrawn in Sept 2003 and replaced by a UMW Lance. Also to add on that TIB883B did service 160 (before renumbering took place) in early 1998.
In fact I feel that service 171 (WLDEP) should be the one getting OC500LEs instead of service 187/961, now that WLDEP had taken in OC500LEs.
Originally posted by carbikebus:Heard from 2 guys at SMRT buses that there are numbers of redeployment fro year 2010 from February onwards.One is reliable another is just a Senior SL.Anyway i just treat it as RUMOURS as it's not yet official
S61:14 WLDEP duties will be handed back to KJDEP.Guess they've learn the lesson that WLDEP is far away to BBT.
S173:Given back to KJDEP
S852:3 WLDEP duties will be handed over to KJDEP.Technically its dual control.
S190:3 AMDEP duties will be given back to KJDEP.Back to old times.Full KJDEP control.
S960:3 or 4 WLDEP duties will be given to AMDEP.
S75:3 KJDEP duties will be given to AMDEP.Hmm first time AMDEP SLs in Bt Panjang Interchange.
S171:3 AMDEP duties will be given to WLDEP.
S980:2 AMDEP duties will be given to WLDEP.980 will get perm S shift bendies probably from WLDEP.
S700/A:All KJDEP duties will be given back to WLDEP.
S184:Same as 700/A.
S178 @ S187 will be dual control by both WLDEP @ KJDEP with WLDEP is the biggest controller.Hmm maybe KJDEP start first bus from BNL?
S177:Timing will be enhanced.
S77:Probably to loop @ Marina rather than terminate.
S855:Plans to put perm S shift bendies.
Note:Nothing is confirmed till further notice
Back to those old days for some Bt Panjang services.
Service 178 and 187 getting back DAF fleets. For services 75 getting Lances, hmm... Worse till service 960 might get cameo UMW Lances too. I feel that service 75 should go back to full WLDEP instead.
Whereas service 852 will be better to come under dual AMDEP/KJDEP controlled instead of WLDEP.
Service 980 had always been ping-ponged between AMDEP and WLDEP all these while ever since service 950 was introduced. Back to those days when 4/13 duties under WLDEP. Feel that service 980 should get bendies running on those 2 s-shift blocks.
Having perm bendies on servce 855 will be good to ease the crowds during peak hours.
Service 171 to have 3 more duties to WLDEP means cut 2-3 OC500LEs, unless WLDEP is willing to deploy them.
For service 700 to go back WLDEP, lesser chances to get any more OC500LEs. Unless KJDEP decided to transfer more SP Batch 2 OC500LEs to WLDEP. Service 970 remains under KJDEP due to the mass redeployment of OC500LEs?
will sv156 be full hgdep?
I strongly support the ideas of having back KJDEP to full control of 190,Imagine the fuel wastage from AMDEP to NBR is almost the same as KJDEP to NBR..75 is good to have dual control as 106/few 171 blocks that start from there.Lor 1 Geylang is already under AMDEP purviews.All this got to do with service control due to limited spaces that both KJDEP and AMDEP had.In fact there's already plan to expand AMDEP,Maybe the new parking spaces is just right in front of it where the empty land is.For KJDEP it's plan to had a new multi storey somewhere between CCK Rd.Wonder why they dont just shift all the Taxis and mini buses to a new parking lots?
Originally posted by Yongjunzer:will sv156 be full hgdep?
Dey we discuss SMRT bus redeployment only la
Originally posted by carbikebus:I strongly support the ideas of having back KJDEP to full control of 190,Imagine the fuel wastage from AMDEP to NBR is almost the same as KJDEP to NBR..75 is good to have dual control as 106/few 171 blocks that start from there.Lor 1 Geylang is already under AMDEP purviews.All this got to do with service control due to limited spaces that both KJDEP and AMDEP had.In fact there's already plan to expand AMDEP,Maybe the new parking spaces is just right in front of it where the empty land is.For KJDEP it's plan to had a new multi storey somewhere between CCK Rd.Wonder why they dont just shift all the Taxis and mini buses to a new parking lots?
you know the title did not say that it is only meant for smrt only.
Originally posted by SMB32T:
If I am not wrong service 980 used to have a perm full-day bendy in 2002. Rego was TIB1201M followed by TIB1174H. The bendy was withdrawn in Sept 2003 and replaced by a UMW Lance. Also to add on that TIB883B did service 160 (before renumbering took place) in early 1998.In fact I feel that service 171 (WLDEP) should be the one getting OC500LEs instead of service 187/961, now that WLDEP had taken in OC500LEs.
Yes. After the bendy is taken out, even off peak the buses can be packed to the brim even during off peak.
I'm quite surprised that the WLDEP OCs did not go to existing WAB services, or dual depot services with OCs.
Originally posted by TIB657M:
But KJDEP has many SP OCs.Maybe can exchange with O405s for OCs for WLDEP 171 side in order to increase strength of WAB.
SMRT still has the next batch of WAB services to introduce. So we won't know if KJDEP will need the extra buses.
Originally posted by SBS9818A:3. 171 may not get O405Gs thanks to it being a WAB service... SMRT will continue to flood it with OC500LEs and boost frequency, negating the need for bendies though they are majorly required. Moreover MCT has limited parking space as well.. so might be a bit difficult to change shift there.
Then it could be better if they arranged for some bendy supp. to 171 during peak hours... the loading is way too high! =X
Originally posted by carbikebus:I strongly support the ideas of having back KJDEP to full control of 190,Imagine the fuel wastage from AMDEP to NBR is almost the same as KJDEP to NBR..75 is good to have dual control as 106/few 171 blocks that start from there.Lor 1 Geylang is already under AMDEP purviews.All this got to do with service control due to limited spaces that both KJDEP and AMDEP had.In fact there's already plan to expand AMDEP,Maybe the new parking spaces is just right in front of it where the empty land is.For KJDEP it's plan to had a new multi storey somewhere between CCK Rd.Wonder why they dont just shift all the Taxis and mini buses to a new parking lots?
AMDEP to NBR off-service is 17.8km
AMDEP to CCK off-service is 16.7km
KJDEP to NBR off-service is 24.4km
KJDEP to CCK off-service is 7.9km
Total dead running wise I think it might be more wise for KJDEP to take full control as assuming the first bus from NBR (AMDEP bus, 190AM/PM01) keeps at NBR at night, the total dead mileage is 35.6km and if it keeps at CCK, the dead mileage is 34.5km
For KJDEP to take back this run, the two possibilities are 32.3km and 48.8km dead mileage. I suspect both 190PM01 and PM02 end at CCK though as they are only 20 mins apart departing from NBR on their first trip. Need to confirm.
Originally posted by TIB1232Z:
Then it could be better if they arranged for some bendy supp. to 171 during peak hours... the loading is way too high! =X
crossover from where? YIS feeder? no other service in town operates O405Gs except 106 and even 106 has problems coping in the peak hours.
Originally posted by SBS9818A:crossover from where? YIS feeder? no other service in town operates O405Gs except 106 and even 106 has problems coping in the peak hours.
It's possible to take 1 or 2 supp. from S851. I find that a few of the bendies are running half-empty buses from BMR northbound during critical AM peak hours when they should be operating the other direction instead. By the time they reach YIS to operate another trip out the morning crowd would have turned smaller.
I will certainly agree that WLDEP is too far from Bt Batok Int. But for 190, it is just 4 bus from AMDEP. Not much difference. For svc 67, I also feel that Tampines Int is also quite far away from AMDEP. It should be full control by KJDEP.
Originally posted by TIB1232Z:
It's possible to take 1 or 2 supp. from S851. I find that a few of the bendies are running half-empty buses from BMR northbound during critical AM peak hours when they should be operating the other direction instead. By the time they reach YIS to operate another trip out the morning crowd would have turned smaller.
is it because the timing for those particular runs will see a heavy PM peak crowd from town northbound? in contrast S851 southbound during the AM peak is flooded with OC500LEs at a relatively good frequency; however most of these trips are full to the door
Originally posted by SBS9818A:is it because the timing for those particular runs will see a heavy PM peak crowd from town northbound? in contrast S851 southbound during the AM peak is flooded with OC500LEs at a relatively good frequency; however most of these trips are full to the door
I don't see any issue with the timings of the bendies during AM or PM peak, given that the bendies run on S shifts. And yesh, S851 frequency is good during AM peak southbound. 7 mins flat during AM peak, but mostly by the time buses reach Marymount bunching starts to occur...
Originally posted by carbikebus:Heard from 2 guys at SMRT buses that there are numbers of redeployment fro year 2010 from February onwards.One is reliable another is just a Senior SL.Anyway i just treat it as RUMOURS as it's not yet official
S700/A:All KJDEP duties will be given back to WLDEP.
S184:Same as 700/A.
Note:Nothing is confirmed till further notice
i don't think it would be a good idea, look, if 700 and 184 goes back to Woodlands it would be just far, whereas Kranji is near.