As above
Date: 8 Nov 2009
Time: 12pm
Meeting Point: Lau Pa Sat
We will be having lunch at Lau Pa Sat, after that, we will head over to Marina Barrage, explore around that area, free and easy.
Basically, this activity is for all of us to get to know each other better. Those who have not met any of us here before, this is a very good opportunity, get to know more friends.
Leave your message here and you will be in our list of people who are attending.
Ok...... I don't think I got the time. Have fun for those going. =D
so random LOL
explore PA2020J and SBS3772L?
Originally posted by lifelikedrama:explore PA2020J and SBS3772L?
these sounds so familiar..
Count me out... i got something on though i really to meet all of you here
i nvr meet any of u guys before except Derrick =)
can change the date after O levels?
Originally posted by azharjj:Count me out... i got something on though i really to meet all of you here
i nvr meet any of u guys before except Derrick =)
Same sec sch last time, also my senior hahax!!!
can postpone after o levels, cause i seriously want to go, too long no bus forum outings liao
pondering about it.
Thanks for the response. There will be another outing to the LTA gallery on 28th November which will be after the O levels. Guys who are having exams now can join us then.
This Sunday's outing is to cater to folks who finished their year-end exams and have no specific activities until end of the month.
For the LTA tour, please leave your names at the Facebook group "Singapore Bus Enthusiasts" or send a PM to user 'off_service'.
Sorry guys, i will be working on that day. so i'm afraid i cnt make it. enjoy urself =D
sorry I'm not available
I think in my opinion, for those who cannot make it for the outing. It would be better if those forum-mates don't post the same old thing like "oh, i cannot make it" etc. More like, for those who comfirm that they can make it then can post in this thread saying "i can make it" would be better. Can more in a way saying that saving posting space and also more easier for the organizer to track down and know who will be attanding the event/outing more easier.
ts may want to consider change of date.
Can anybody manage to make it on end of November? Thanks =)
8/11 unable.i'm still in china....
Originally posted by nenepokey:pondering about it.
confirmed going.
so little going? o.o
Can i add my 2cents worth?!
Basically there's not much food to eat at Lau Pa Sat on Sunday afternoon
CAn i suggest you folks meet up at Chinatown, eat either at Maxwell Food Centre or The Hawker Centre at Chinatown then go down the barrage
Evening go Lau Pa Sat eat Satay[Stall no1 Fatman satay] or zhi char also at lau pa sat?!
confirm ah
Originally posted by JaSoNhSu92:2 more days i see no point organising this event liao
Are you sure? But there will be ppl attending this outing.
confirmed not going.