With VLS running on SBStransit and SMRT buses, the EZlink card readers are simplifying boarding and alighting procedures for passengers. The systems also have flaws that passengers can take advantage of. When the Exit readers do not go into 'Sleep' mode, the readers are active and passengers can tap onto the previous fare stage as they standby to alight at the next fare stage. It could save you 30c or 10c, depending on the fares' increment phases. When a bus breakdown, remember to cancel your fares at the driver's cabin card reader. Hold your Ezlink card against the reader till a Fare Cancelled message appears. Then followed by obtaining a complementary bus ride ticket from the driver. This ticket is valid for 1 month from the day of issue and can be used for all Trunk services.
like that how to win? u think the system so easy to cheat ah?
u tap earlier, bus uncle can catch u and u get fined.
bus breakdown, u get the fare refund and a free ticket, is your entitlement, ur right!
If the Exit readers does not go to 'Sleep' mode, it is the system fault. If you are alighting at the next stop, he cannot fault you for tapping as he don't even know the system is faulty at all in the first place. Some drivers don't even know the fare stages are inaccurately updated at all. There was once a service 9 driver accepted boarding at fare stage 33 when the readers were showing 23.5.,,.They are not so technically knowledgeable....they know how to drive only...some even bluff you the bus is not running on VLS when you caught them off guard on wrong fare stages.
You can be a winner on Bus Rides if you volunteered to drive the bus driver around on Bus.
i saw nick -- parn sai in other forums many yrs ago
-- parn could b the parn sai
Today inspector come on my bus check everyone's card.
Am I considered a winner?
for once i thought this topic is about taking the most bus rides in a day.
and after reading, this topic should be named "how to beat the fare system"
Originally posted by Pangapda:If the Exit readers does not go to 'Sleep' mode, it is the system fault. If you are alighting at the next stop, he cannot fault you for tapping as he don't even know the system is faulty at all in the first place. Some drivers don't even know the fare stages are inaccurately updated at all. There was once a service 9 driver accepted boarding at fare stage 33 when the readers were showing 23.5.,,.They are not so technically knowledgeable....they know how to drive only...some even bluff you the bus is not running on VLS when you caught them off guard on wrong fare stages.
The fares don't always increase right at the stop you're alighting, but those who know will realise walking forward will save them 10¢.