As above, i wonder how does BC or SL manage to memorise the fare stage if other commuters ask how much to get to that stop? Any ex-busdriver to share?
service guide is always the best aid
Originally posted by linwei20:As above, i wonder how does BC or SL manage to memorise the fare stage if other commuters ask how much to get to that stop? Any ex-busdriver to share?
i encountered before. another pax asked for the fare and the bc looked at a stack of papers that he had in front of him.
Memorising the fare stage and deduct from current stage...
Some drivers could also calculate the fare stage roughly from the distance to travel to the place, so he knows roughly know how many stages to travel and hence the fare applicable.
Fare Stages used to be available at the bus number plate pole. However, LTA has recently started to beautify things up and replaced all the metal poles. Now the fare stages are gone for good. Without references, passengers could be easily victimized by wrong fare stages displayed onboard buses.
LTA assumed that passengers are not bothered about this and hence, removed the fare stages references from the number plate pole...this fact is pretty true as many people just want to get on the bus and are not bothered with the bus fare deduction. Some passengers also not bothered to look at what mode is the reader showing and just tap their cards against it. If the entry reader shows ENTRY, tapping on it would result double-deduction...A 69c ride could escalate to become $3++ if that bus service highest charge is $1.60++. The reason is that the current bus ride is deemed not terminated and a new ride is again created. At the next bus ride, the new card reader will terminate that previous new ride to a fare equivalent to the bus terminal of the previous bus service.
excuse me, there is a cost table at the bus stop route info board
Originally posted by linwei20:As above, i wonder how does BC or SL manage to memorise the fare stage if other commuters ask how much to get to that stop? Any ex-busdriver to share?
They drive the same route everyday. Why can't they remember it?
Just remember
4, 7, 10, 13, 18, 23, 29, above 29
100c, 120c, 140c, 150c, 160c, 170c, 180c, 190c
So easy. Don't even need a Bus Captain for it.
The cost table provided by Transitlink gives correct fare deduction as per trip made. If the card reader shows a fare stage less than the actual value, the final deduction when alighting would be above that predicted in the table.
I boarded service 9 at fare stage 33 but the system captures the opposite bus stop fare stage. This resulted a fare of $1.41 deducted when I alighted at fare stage 35 (Simei MRT stn). The bus stop opposite fare stage 33 is fare stage 9. So the difference in fare stages becomes (35-9=26). A fare stage of 26 attracts $1.41.
This case happened many years back. I am illustrating the seriousness of fare stage differences that could jeopardize the cost of your ride. I ever spoken to LTA project team engineer and he said that unreported over deduction helps to offset the losses made by the bus operators. The single Entry mode will ensure double-deduction if a passenger taps on it when alighting. The system has been designed to ensure profitability of the bus companies which had huge losses when the fare cards system were used in the early years.
Normally, from Stage 2 to Stage 2.5, there are 1 stop (from starting to ending point).
However, I don't really understand why some of bus routes are calculated from stage 2 to stage 3 as 1 stop and from stage 2 to stage 2.5 can also be more than 2 stops too (For example: service 155)?
all talking about me?
Seems like memorising fare stage is difficult, any bus driver to share will be better?
Originally posted by Pangapda:This case happened many years back. I am illustrating the seriousness of fare stage differences that could jeopardize the cost of your ride. I ever spoken to LTA project team engineer and he said that unreported over deduction helps to offset the losses made by the bus operators. The single Entry mode will ensure double-deduction if a passenger taps on it when alighting. The system has been designed to ensure profitability of the bus companies which had huge losses when the fare cards system were used in the early years.
If true, isn't this just plain fraud? Especially since now the penalty fare system is implemented, the commuters are now always on a lose-lose situation.
Yesterday 10/28 sv 190 TIB 897, all passengers are charged at $3.80 flat rate.... BC entered it as sv 531 in the machine...
somtiems common sense is what is needed to answer a question:
the bus driver will know the route, hence all fare stages
so he does mental calcualtion in his head.
if not as mentioend service guide does help.
Originally posted by phillipC:Yesterday 10/28 sv 190 TIB 897, all passengers are charged at $3.80 flat rate.... BC entered it as sv 531 in the machine...
WTF! How did you know btw? Were u one of the victims?
about how long is the distance of one fare stage?
Originally posted by SBS7382C:about how long is the distance of one fare stage?
800m if my memory serves me right
Originally posted by Junyang700:WTF! How did you know btw? Were u one of the victims?
Yes, when I alighted I scanned and see $3.80 on the ezlink reader. Not right! then I go to GTM and checked.... It is showing as sv 531 instead. I call up transitlink for refund.
At least 100 people got conned on this one!