Businfohub is currently trying out "real time" cameo broadcast system using Twitter! For those who have a Twitter account, post your cameo using #businfohub tag, for example: #businfohub SMB 135 E on service 854. For If you want to view cameos, simply go to twitter.com and search for #businfohub. Try it today!
Direct search link:
The idea seems to work. This is an ingenious way to share information even when we are off the computer.
Over the next four weeks when I'll be away for my 'O' Levels, I'll continue to do some "stress tests" to ensure that it works.
Originally posted by TWS4793:The idea seems to work. This is an ingenious way to share information even when we are off the computer.
Over the next four weeks when I'll be away for my 'O' Levels, I'll continue to do some "stress tests" to ensure that it works.
Twitter is a commercially available software and it's not developed by BIH. It will definitely work most of the time, unless Twitter is performing server maintenance, etc.
BIH is just leveraging on the Twitter platform, hoping more people to try out and provide almost real time cameo reporting, especially rare cameos. As more people now own WiFi phones and more hotspots are available, I strongly urge more to try, especially Twitter was developed to be compatible with mobile devices. Viewing cameos doesn't need login at all.
The trial is not for the benefit of BIH, but for the benefit for all.
The BIH twitter cameos are now viewable at the BIH cameo page.
Hi all
Twitter has been around for 4 years or so.
the reason why it has yet to take off in Singapore is because Twitter-ers here do not have a local sms number to send their twitters to.
This sending a text message to twitter number allows ur msg to be shown on a webpage. US UK and India users have had many yrs of fun doing this.
For those who follow F1, the hosts and pundits use their HP on the F1 track to update of any track happenings to the F1 twitter page. And it updates in real time , thus providing coverage of an F1 race . It even allows selected public to tweet (i eman text) to the page their comments.
for now we are stuck having to direct tweet (webpage to webpage) or use some wi fi on those nifty new phones to send a tweet. u cant use the true blue method of sending an sms to a number.
of coruse looking forward to ALL telcos offering everyone a tweet number to send tweets to.
but for those who cna tweet by handphone using data plan, pks try this. it offers real live cameo updates where everyone with web access, can see.
it is a good thing as i usually check my twitter.
for those who are outside, and need to post a cameo urgently, and don't want to wait till you reach home to update. you can register yourself to this
Just need to register yourself and sms yr tweet to the number provided. Err, to make it easy for me, haha, just read up the details.
But the downside, you can't see any updates la. Unless you have broadband-on-mobile, or willing to spend abit on GPRS to twitter mobile at http://m.twitter.com
Cheers (:
the true aim of twitter for myself is to be able to use its sms to webpage svc. which ur link smsyo will allowed me to. thanks.
because i use dinosuar age phone mah. i dun mind not being able to see the tweets.
anyhow does this SMSYO charge any thing? like got catch one. i see my phone bill go up up up, i come after you mr interception_7
hahha kidding...
very much arigato