Originally posted by carbikebus:Yeah i second that,No point just to blame SMRT particularly.There got their own reasons and limitations too.Just glad that our public transport is more efficient than any other Asean countries
imgaine waiting the whole day just for one bus
I felt that LTA can acknowledge the presence of transport enthusiasts and perhaps asking them personally (especially those who are more experienced) on feedback and improvements when it comes to decision-making on our local transport scene ?
All we need now is a concrete proof that LTA is banning or limiting the number of bendies before this thread is worth continuing.
Originally posted by off_service:All we need now is a concrete proof that LTA is banning or limiting the number of bendies before this thread is worth continuing.
The best way is to ask MOT/LTA or SMRT, but I don't think they would want to answer that easily since this is considered classified. I tried before, but they took me for a ride with their replies. -_-"
Anyway, this thread is still worth continuing as no matter whether it is a ban or a limit, we still want a lift of either of these two so that SMRT can get more bendy buses.
Then lets hope SMB136 onwards shall be a WAB bendy demo - Citaro perhaps?
Originally posted by TIB1083L:Then lets hope SMB136 onwards shall be a WAB bendy demo - Citaro perhaps?
Provided LTA/PTC has a limit for number of bendys.then there is a chance that the future SMB136C would be a bendy...
Bendies are more suited for feeder routes. I once asked a route manager for 238 why no DD is deployed on this popular service. His reply was that the route is so short, the passengers wouldnt want to climb up and down when they are just alighting after a few stops.
I can think of some other benefits of bendies. Older ppple and some ladies may not like to climb the stairs for DD, so a bendy is more suitable. With an additional rear door, the unloading rate can be faster than a DD. DD got height limit restriction.My friend wrote to sbst to ask them to convert 16 to DD but was given the answer was due to the ht limit near the stadium. Bendies can actually turn sharper corners than SD as their turning radius is smaller.
Hope bendies can stay around longer, they are quite unique and special modes of transport in SG. But please, change the seats, too prickly and smeelly sometimes.
Originally posted by pumpkin on bus:Bendies are more suited for feeder routes. I once asked a route manager for 238 why no DD is deployed on this popular service. His reply was that the route is so short, the passengers wouldnt want to climb up and down when they are just alighting after a few stops.
I can think of some other benefits of bendies. Older ppple and some ladies may not like to climb the stairs for DD, so a bendy is more suitable. With an additional rear door, the unloading rate can be faster than a DD. DD got height limit restriction.My friend wrote to sbst to ask them to convert 16 to DD but was given the answer was due to the ht limit near the stadium. Bendies can actually turn sharper corners than SD as their turning radius is smaller.
Hope bendies can stay around longer, they are quite unique and special modes of transport in SG. But please, change the seats, too prickly and smeelly sometimes.
i tot bendies cant turn as sharp as rigids... or am i wrong? anw if 238 route was short then why would 225 hav DDs?
Originally posted by pumpkin on bus:Bendies are more suited for feeder routes. I once asked a route manager for 238 why no DD is deployed on this popular service. His reply was that the route is so short, the passengers wouldnt want to climb up and down when they are just alighting after a few stops.
I can think of some other benefits of bendies. Older ppple and some ladies may not like to climb the stairs for DD, so a bendy is more suitable. With an additional rear door, the unloading rate can be faster than a DD. DD got height limit restriction.My friend wrote to sbst to ask them to convert 16 to DD but was given the answer was due to the ht limit near the stadium. Bendies can actually turn sharper corners than SD as their turning radius is smaller.
Hope bendies can stay around longer, they are quite unique and special modes of transport in SG. But please, change the seats, too prickly and smeelly sometimes.
But those stupid anti-SMRT brats will come and give you the same story that bendies take up more space, and cause delays in unloading, which IMO is rubbish. If we assume 1 bendy equivalent to 2 DDs, the fact is that a full bendy can unload more passengers, close doors and move off faster than twice the time it takes for 2 full DDs to unload passengers.
Originally posted by SBS7382C:i tot bendies cant turn as sharp as rigids... or am i wrong? anw if 238 route was short then why would 225 hav DDs?
that would depend on who is the service leader of each service.
I agree with Pumpkin On Bus.
Bendies are suitable for feeders & some svc routes which have height limits (963/176)
other then that, SMRT should buy DDs for 190 and other high demand svcs.
Originally posted by smrtbsbs:The best way is to ask MOT/LTA or SMRT, but I don't think they would want to answer that easily since this is considered classified. I tried before, but they took me for a ride with their replies. -_-"
Anyway, this thread is still worth continuing as no matter whether it is a ban or a limit, we still want a lift of either of these two so that SMRT can get more bendy buses.
If only SG had FoI in place. Certain information can be revealed to public after 5 years. Less secrecy and more transparancy.
Originally posted by SBS7382C:imgaine waiting the whole day just for one bus
You got an alternative right?Your reply is totally redundant.
Redundant post for redundant post for redundant post.
*lubs chin
Originally posted by pumpkin on bus:Bendies are more suited for feeder routes. I once asked a route manager for 238 why no DD is deployed on this popular service. His reply was that the route is so short, the passengers wouldnt want to climb up and down when they are just alighting after a few stops.
I can think of some other benefits of bendies. Older ppple and some ladies may not like to climb the stairs for DD, so a bendy is more suitable. With an additional rear door, the unloading rate can be faster than a DD. DD got height limit restriction.My friend wrote to sbst to ask them to convert 16 to DD but was given the answer was due to the ht limit near the stadium. Bendies can actually turn sharper corners than SD as their turning radius is smaller.
Hope bendies can stay around longer, they are quite unique and special modes of transport in SG. But please, change the seats, too prickly and smeelly sometimes.
In my opinion, bendy did really empty faster due to 2 rear doors, but you must consider the space they took, if one bendy take up same space as 2 DD, bendy cannot empty as fast to allow 2 bendy to empty while 2 DDs can empty simultaneously.
I agree with the 238 issue, short routes, pple lazy to climb up, at times 222 DD 2nd Deck is totally near empty, dunnoe why sbst want 222 to run AP for ADD, run E/S slove problem. For 225, it is also the same case, 225 G add slot is AP, should convert to 225 W E slot.
FYI, service 16 just need more downroute at city area, otherwise other parts SD can adequately cover, the DD restriction is for medava bridge (3.3 m to 4.4m of DD)
Seats should not change for bendy, SPH mah
Originally posted by carbikebus:You got an alternative right?Your reply is totally redundant.
avid defender for SMRT. I agree with you, singapore transport system is far better, well planned and regulated. Go Mysia jialat one......
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:avid defender for SMRT. I agree with you, singapore transport system is far better, well planned and regulated. Go Mysia jialat one......
Uniquely Sillyporeans,Give bendy buses complain,Give DDs complain,buses 20 mins complain,3 min 1 bus complain bus bunching,driver never smile also complain.Maybe these fellows ought to take the public buses in India.2 axles DD w/o air con,Have to hold to bus body rail at the doors etc..C'mon human never satisfied,We cant pleased everyone right?Get on with life!
Originally posted by carbikebus:Uniquely Sillyporeans,Give bendy buses complain,Give DDs complain,buses 20 mins complain,3 min 1 bus complain bus bunching,driver never smile also complain.Maybe these fellows ought to take the public buses in India.2 axles DD w/o air con,Have to hold to bus body rail at the doors etc..C'mon human never satisfied,We cant pleased everyone right?Get on with life!
go to the west take vo2x can le.
Originally posted by carbikebus:Uniquely Sillyporeans,Give bendy buses complain,Give DDs complain,buses 20 mins complain,3 min 1 bus complain bus bunching,driver never smile also complain.Maybe these fellows ought to take the public buses in India.2 axles DD w/o air con,Have to hold to bus body rail at the doors etc..C'mon human never satisfied,We cant pleased everyone right?Get on with life!
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:avid defender for SMRT. I agree with you, singapore transport system is far better, well planned and regulated. Go Mysia jialat one......
I lived in KL for 18 months and see where you are coming from. The system there is hopeless.
BTW, for me 1 x bendy = 1.5 SD and 1 x DD = 2 SD in terms of seats. However bendies allow more standees because DD upper level is no standing zone.
Originally posted by iveco:I lived in KL for 18 months and see where you are coming from. The system there is hopeless.
BTW, for me 1 x bendy = 1.5 SD and 1 x DD = 2 SD in terms of seats. However bendies allow more standees because DD upper level is no standing zone.
fully agree...........but sometime bendy standee place is not totaly utilized, u know singaporeans afraid back of bus got ghosts.......