Originally posted by TIB1049L:
I was wondering if LTA would allow buses like Tri-Axle SDs to be bought by SMRTB to remedy the situation for the lack of bendy buses. At least it takes in more passengers than rigids, but most probably such buses would receive complaints by road users about their turning ... ...
Haha. If SBST gonna operate SMRT(tibs) services, you wont see any DIRECT services at all.. eg 966 etc.
coz all i know, SMRT services are much more direct than SBSTs.
Look at SBSTs route. Got any direct service? (maybe 502) but still need to pay more.
Look at 966. 70% expressway but u still pay basic fare.
so how? xD
I don't agree that bendies should be banned but can understand the rationale for limiting their numbers due to the lack of space in tiny Singapore.
I personally would like to see a better mix of bendies and have the MAN NG313 on our roads for the same reason that SBST has Tridents running alongside the VOs.
Bendies on 67 and 176 have come in handy due to height restrictions along portions of the route. I am sure if they could be deployed on 16 it would be really useful too.
Originally posted by Ajen:Haha. If SBST gonna operate SMRT(tibs) services, you wont see any DIRECT services at all.. eg 966 etc.
coz all i know, SMRT services are much more direct than SBSTs.
Look at SBSTs route. Got any direct service? (maybe 502) but still need to pay more.
Look at 966. 70% expressway but u still pay basic fare.
so how? xD
Direct service? How about 23 & 30? Those run express along part of the route.
Originally posted by TIB770T:Do you agree with LTA banning of bendt buses?Write your opinion here?If you agree,why.If you do not,why and what type of bendy buses should you thing SMRT should take in.
For me i do NOT agree.SBS transir have their "share" of buses that can take in more people.Why not SMRT?
probably thats y sbs didnt buy them..
Originally posted by Ajen:Haha. If SBST gonna operate SMRT(tibs) services, you wont see any DIRECT services at all.. eg 966 etc.
coz all i know, SMRT services are much more direct than SBSTs.
Look at SBSTs route. Got any direct service? (maybe 502) but still need to pay more.
Look at 966. 70% expressway but u still pay basic fare.
so how? xD
I doubt PTC/LTA will allow route changes if they take over. But I can be sure the runtime of the services SBST takes over will increase by at least 150%. For example, 1h 30 minutes for half a trip (Yishun -> BMR) on 851 will increase to slightly over 2 hours.
SMRT circle line fully operating soon in 3 years time just the right time for the bendies to scrap.
Originally posted by wsy1234:SMRT circle line fully operating soon in 3 years time just the right time for the bendies to scrap.
I think that is what they are planning to do. Since more MRT lines coming up, less need for more bus services, so less or even no need for more high capacity buses. Just all rigid buses will do.
Originally posted by Ajen:Haha. If SBST gonna operate SMRT(tibs) services, you wont see any DIRECT services at all.. eg 966 etc.
coz all i know, SMRT services are much more direct than SBSTs.
Look at SBSTs route. Got any direct service? (maybe 502) but still need to pay more.
Look at 966. 70% expressway but u still pay basic fare.
so how? xD
When the Circle line is fully up in future, SMRT will be very eager to withdraw all these direct bus services, since they will be eating into the riderships and profits of their rail business. And that is what I am most worried, even lesser bus routes along Northwest in future. NEL is an example.
Although direct, look at the way they manage the service 966, frequencies sucks, and don't even really want to deploy bendy buses because of their lousy frequencies and cause overcrowding. Look at airport services, 858 has the worst frequecies, followed by 34. Look at 851, during peak hours, a few trips on the evenings, even before Thomson Medical Center, you can already see a few people can't even board the bus. Last time when there were bendies, there isn't such happenings. And it's TIBS who introduce these services, not SMRT. There is less than 5 services being introduced since SMRT took over TIBS. No improvements, pathetic.
SBST also have lots of direct routes, but it's more of between point to point, not end to end. SBST and TIBS have to introduce all these cross border services because of the stupid LTA territory rulings.
So it'll better for SBST to operate all bus and SMRT all rail. Enough of SMRT medicore services.
Originally posted by SBS8214Z:997A?
That's why we have only one 14.5 meter bus here, because drivers find it very hard to manoeuvre in and out of bus bays, tight corners, etc. Luckily they didn't sell it away after a year trial that time.
But strangely the SBS997A rearmost axle is not a tag axle.
Originally posted by vicamour:
Although direct, look at the way they manage the service 966, frequencies sucks, and don't even really want to deploy bendy buses because of their lousy frequencies and cause overcrowding. Look at airport services, 858 has the worst frequecies, followed by 34. Look at 851, during peak hours, a few trips on the evenings, even before Thomson Medical Center, you can already see a few people can't even board the bus. Last time when there were bendies, there isn't such happenings. And it's TIBS who introduce these services, not SMRT. There is less than 5 services being introduced since SMRT took over TIBS. No improvements, pathetic.
SBST also have lots of direct routes, but it's more of between point to point, not end to end. SBST and TIBS have to introduce all these cross border services because of the stupid LTA territory rulings.
So it'll better for SBST to operate all bus and SMRT all rail. Enough of SMRT medicore services.
I'd suggest that you stand at TMC again and look at 851. It's better nowadays. And besides, most of the unable to board situations are because of people refusing to move to the rear - that can't be helped - this happens whether it's an OC or not.
Since you took the bendy deployment as a solution to this problem, let me just state this: I was on a bendy today on 851, the front was packed and almost nobody could board - but I was enjoying the comfort at the rear with the amount of space near and around me. Happens almost on a daily basis I would say. In fact, right behind the bendy came an OC 3 minutes later, fully seated and hardly with any standees.
How would you know that they don't want to deploy bendies on 966 or any other bus service? There might be a constrain that we don't know of and they wouldn't let people know. Note that I did not talk about frequency here. On an unrelated food for thought note: Have you thought that bendies are needed more on feeder services rather than trunk services since they're what that brings people home (and an undeniable fact is that most people do travel by train to a bus interchange and change to a feeder)? Certainly, if the bendies are deployed on feeders, they can't be deployed on trunks. One stands to lose and one stands to gain, as in every other situation. I'm pretty sure the number of people taking feeders outnumbers trunks easily.
On withdrawing services: If SBST ran the Circle Line fully, or the line that runs in the North West coming up soon (Bukit Timah Line iirc), there's a good chance that bus services will be withdrawn or rerouted too. It's not a case of whichever company wants to and are eager to withdraw it now. It's almost inevitable that the train will become the main mode of transport with buses serving as feeder services to train stations.
On introducing new services to "improve" their services: There isn't a need to introduce services for the sake of introducing, they should only be introduced when needed. Are there any services that they need to introduce? What's the point of spending the money to prepare for the introduction of a new service, only to reroute, and possibly withdraw it a few months later because of lack of ridership?
Besides, it seems that the focus of the transport companies has changed to managing the increasing ridership due to the increase in population instead of attempting to raise ridership as in the past. It doesn't make sense for them to add services when they're trying to manage it. More bus services = lesser spare buses for them to use and deploy.
Comparing end to end and point to point services is like comparing apples to oranges. They both serve different purposes and its barely fair to compare them.
Don't flame for the sake of flaming them. Almost all your posts between the two companies have been on the lines of flaming SMRT's Bus Services.
I hope you don't take this as an inflammatory post, however if you wish to, there's nothing I can do :).
Originally posted by n4l:I'd suggest that you stand at TMC again and look at 851. It's better nowadays. And besides, most of the unable to board situations are because of people refusing to move to the rear - that can't be helped - this happens whether it's an OC or not.
Since you took the bendy deployment as a "salvation" to this problem, let me just state this: I was on a bendy today on 851, the front was packed and almost nobody could board - but I was enjoying the comfort at the rear with the amount of space near and around me. Happens almost on a daily basis I would say. In fact, right behind the bendy came an OC 3 minutes later, fully seated and hardly with any standees.
How would you know that they don't want to deploy bendies? There might be a constrain that we don't know of and they wouldn't let people know.
On introducing new services to "improve" their services: There isn't a need to introduce services for the sake of introducing, they should only be introduced when needed. Are there any services that they need to introduce? What's the point of spending the money to prepare for the introduction of a new service, only to reroute, and possibly withdraw it a few months later because of lack of ridership?
Besides, the focus of the transport companies has focused to managing the increasing ridership due to the increase in poupulation instead of attempting to raise ridership in the past. It doesn't make sense for them to add services when they're trying to manage it. More bus services = lesser spare buses for them to use and deploy.
Comparing end to end and point to point services is like comparing apples to oranges. They both serve different purposes and its barely fair to compare them.
Don't flame for the sake of flaming them. Almost all your posts between the two companies have been on the lines of flaming SMRTs Bus Services.
If they had bothered to do their improvements, then why would people want to complain??? I'm not the only one complaining, even people I know are unhappy about their services. Some are even tired of complaining, they give up and use their own transport instead.
I had boarded on an OC on 851 before, it was packed to the brim (to the end, the front area before the raised mid aisle was so packed that you see 3 lines of people at the aisle between the 2 front wheels) when I boarded on Novena. Those after that couldn't possibly had boarded it, for some trips at the evening peak. My friend working at MCYS everyday simply gave up on 851. He rather take a bus to Novena to take MRT. He asked me why 851 has lesser bendy buses recently and more rigids.
The service frequency did improve, the run time also extended as the buses on 851 runs slower nowdays, but the loadings in fact becomes worse at some point of time during evening peak. You are lucky, you can board the bus, if not, wait for the next. 851 is just one of the minority services to get such better improvements, but even for the 10 mins intervals, the OCs can't cope sometimes.
I agree that it is the passengers' fault who do not want to cooperate. But on SMRT side, the frequencies on a lot of services are bad just because they want to squeeze as many people on board. So this is a way to attract people to take buses???
The links of North and Northwest are already poor enough. That time was under TIBS, fair enough, they are building up, they have limited resources. However since taken over, SMRT should at least introduce a few more services to link to other parts of Singapore . Did they??? No. People feedbacked on the press before a few years back that the North (especially Sembawang), Bukit Panjang, Bukit Batok, etc needs more direct bus services to Southwest and Southeast, but do they even bother??? Yes, thinking of withdrawing 178 and 852 instead. Route planners don't plan bus routes for nothing or based on nothing. Planning a new AND feasible route and have it on trial at least could, tell commuters that their concerns are addressed, instead of just sitiing there doing nothing, which, is as good as telling them that the company is not interested at all. TIBS introduction of 700 and 857 are the best examples and many of the new SBST routes in the 2000s are also useful.
If they are really not interested in improving the bus services at the expense of their rail business, then please, please give the bus operations to SBST or another better bus operator. If they do not have enough buses, fair enough, give a few areas to another bus company to operate and concentrate on those they have. Don't keep on hogging the areas and give this kind of nonsense to the public. Want to go for rail, then fully concentrate on that area. Don't sacrifice bus operations just because it is eating into the core business, there are better operators out there, even overseas that can provide a better bus service.
As I said earlier, one operator for bus and another for rail. Bus and rail compete and complement to provide better services to commuters. And don't tell me those nonsense on more than one bus operator will enhance competition because apparently here, all the bus operations are controlled by LTA, not a free market by the companies themselves (while LTA should control on the aspects that should be controlled). Competition in this market is virtually inexistant here.
I already said earlier too, since bendy bus is banned, then get double deckers. SBST is not the only bus company here that can operate double deckers. So I don't think this is flaming SMRT all the time.
I shall stop here, because if this discussion continues, it will just go on and on and never stop. And no point engaging in another flame war again, as I'm not interested in engaging in those kind of bickerings as shown in the photography thread here in this bus section.
Originally posted by n4l:I'd suggest that you stand at TMC again and look at 851. It's better nowadays. And besides, most of the unable to board situations are because of people refusing to move to the rear - that can't be helped - this happens whether it's an OC or not.
Since you took the bendy deployment as a solution to this problem, let me just state this: I was on a bendy today on 851, the front was packed and almost nobody could board - but I was enjoying the comfort at the rear with the amount of space near and around me. Happens almost on a daily basis I would say. In fact, right behind the bendy came an OC 3 minutes later, fully seated and hardly with any standees.
Every evening after Thomson Rd 851 buses always bunch. It's not because their frequencies suck but rather because the departure headway from Bukit Merah is short, but yet high loading still occurs and the first bus of the pack keeps getting delayed while those behind get to move faster. So they bunch! It's not unusual to see 3-4 buses arriving Yishun at the same time.
Peak frequencies for 851 = 7-8 mins. And note: bendies are out in full force during peak hours.
Originally posted by TIB1232Z:Every evening after Thomson Rd 851 buses always bunch. It's not because their frequencies suck but rather because the departure headway from Bukit Merah is short, but yet high loading still occurs and the first bus of the pack keeps getting delayed while those behind get to move faster. So they bunch! It's not unusual to see 3-4 buses arriving Yishun at the same time.
Peak frequencies for 851 = 7-8 mins. And note: bendies are out in full force during peak hours.
Happens every morning and evening (take the direction into account too). No difference whether its the morning or evening peak.
I actually think its Bugis which causes them to bunch up too...the traffic light and junction there simply takes too much time.
Then again, I would say that their timetables are albeit tight all the time.
Originally posted by vicamour:If they had bothered to do their improvements, then why would people want to complain??? I'm not the only one complaining, even people I know are unhappy about their services. Some are even tired of complaining, they give up and use their own transport instead.
I had boarded on an OC on 851 before, it was packed to the brim (to the end, the front area before the raised mid aisle was so packed that you see 3 lines of people at the aisle between the 2 front wheels) when I boarded on Novena. Those after that couldn't possibly had boarded it, for some trips at the evening peak. My friend working at MCYS everyday simply gave up on 851. He rather take a bus to Novena to take MRT. He asked me why 851 has lesser bendy buses recently and more rigids.
The service frequency did improve, the run time also extended as the buses on 851 runs slower nowdays, but the loadings in fact becomes worse at some point of time during evening peak. You are lucky, you can board the bus, if not, wait for the next. 851 is just one of the minority services to get such better improvements, but even for the 10 mins intervals, the OCs can't cope sometimes.
I agree that it is the passengers' fault who do not want to cooperate. But on SMRT side, the frequencies on a lot of services are bad just because they want to squeeze as many people on board. So this is a way to attract people to take buses???
The links of North and Northwest are already poor enough. That time was under TIBS, fair enough, they are building up, they have limited resources. However since taken over, SMRT should at least introduce a few more services to link to other parts of Singapore . Did they??? No. People feedbacked on the press before a few years back that the North (especially Sembawang), Bukit Panjang, Bukit Batok, etc needs more direct bus services to Southwest and Southeast, but do they even bother??? Yes, thinking of withdrawing 178 and 852 instead. Route planners don't plan bus routes for nothing or based on nothing. Planning a new AND feasible route and have it on trial at least could, tell commuters that their concerns are addressed, instead of just sitiing there doing nothing, which, is as good as telling them that the company is not interested at all. TIBS introduction of 700 and 857 are the best examples and many of the new SBST routes in the 2000s are also useful.
If they are really not interested in improving the bus services at the expense of their rail business, then please, please give the bus operations to SBST or another better bus operator. If they do not have enough buses, fair enough, give a few areas to another bus company to operate and concentrate on those they have. Don't keep on hogging the areas and give this kind of nonsense to the public. Want to go for rail, then fully concentrate on that area. Don't sacrifice bus operations just because it is eating into the core business, there are better operators out there, even overseas that can provide a better bus service.
As I said earlier, one operator for bus and another for rail. Bus and rail compete and complement to provide better services to commuters. And don't tell me those nonsense on more than one bus operator will enhance competition because apparently here, all the bus operations are controlled by LTA, not a free market by the companies themselves (while LTA should control on the aspects that should be controlled). Competition in this market is virtually inexistant here.
I already said earlier too, since bendy bus is banned, then get double deckers. SBST is not the only bus company here that can operate double deckers. So I don't think this is flaming SMRT all the time.
I shall stop here, because if this discussion continues, it will just go on and on and never stop. And no point engaging in another flame war again, as I'm not interested in engaging in those kind of bickerings as shown in the photography thread here in this bus section.
SBST gets complains too, all the time - despite having improvements. Just take a look at STOMP...
Introducing services, even on a trial basis, costs money. And we don't know how many people exactly complain. Say if it were a minority who complained, and then only that minority takes the service that is introduced, and the eventual withdrawal because of lack of passengers it, wouldn't it lead to another problem here?
Practically speaking, can they get double deckers with the current infrastructure? Besides, no one said that it was banned - in fact I doubt anyone here knows if it was banned or simply limited to a certain number.
Anyway, as usual, you don't discuss much but go on flaming SMRT's lousy service. That being said, there's no discussion that can be held. I don't intend to reply, I welcome other people's point of views d'oh :).
Originally posted by vicamour:
I fully agree. Had enough of their nonsense. If it happens, great.It would be better for SMRT to take over all rail and SBST take over all bus services in Singapore. They can fully utilise their specialities and make full use of it to do greater improvements.
It is not asking to SMRT to scrap their bendies overnight, but do a progressive replacement as and when the bendies reach their statutory lifespans, which means as and when the bendies are scrapped, buy new double deckers.
Since now LTA is supportive for the building of new infrastruture for new depots, SMRT can request for the progressive upgrading for their existing depots to be double decker friendly. For example, since the lease for Ang Mo Kio depot is up soon, and they are building a new one, then the new one can be double decker friendly. Just like what SBST is going to for Bedok North, if the rumor is true, they want to upgrade the depot as a multistorey one. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Banning bendies is a bad idea, even limiting them is as good as banning them. Instead of jeopardising the number of high capacity buses for SMRTB, then might as well go easy with double deckers instead. But then it all depends whether SMRT really bother interested to do all these or not. If it was the old TIBS, banning bendies will never happen to them.
For those who don't believe in jack knifing or back trailer swinging, here's a video.
However for Singapore bendy buses, the middle turntable are electronically controlled and equipped with safety switches to prevent jacknifing, so basically this will not happen here. But such mechanisms MAY not always be working properly if say, poor maintainance over time, detoriation of the mechanisms due to long service years and old age. Our bendy buses do not swing or jack knife at the extremes shown at the video, but that doesn't mean there is no minimal effects. It might not be felt when in the bus, but may be visible while you are outside the bus. Sometimes tires also play a part, especially a worn out tire on wet slippery roads.
All the problems that are incurred here are due to LTA and their ambigious policies.
It is like letting you walk two steps, and then pulling you back one.
Just a question, how did you know that SMRT's AMKDepot's lease is running up?
And for sure if BNDep is going to become a multi-storey bus park ala Soon Lee, works would have started sooner, not later. I don't think BN would go multi-storey, the mess caused by construction and the need to relocate parking for the already crowded BN is going to be a big headache.
I am sure if SMRT didn't(and hasn't till now) bought DDs, they have good reason for that.
Originally posted by n4l:SBST gets complains too, all the time - despite having improvements. You're telling me they don't? Just take a look at STOMP...I suppose your way of counting the number of complains each company receives just come from yourself and the friends around you.
I commute on 851 on a daily basis. They do have a full day OC fleet, but the bendies come out during peak hours, for example, as early as 4pm for the evening peak. The only time there were problems was when they removed the bendies almost totally, even during peak.
Introducing services, even on a trial basis, costs money. And we don't know how many people exactly complain. Say if it were a minority who complained, and then only that minority takes the service that is introduced, and the eventual withdrawal because of lack of passengers it, wouldn't it lead to another problem here?
Anyway, as usual, you don't discuss anything but go on flaming SMRT on having lousy services.
No point discussing here then.
��,chil-lax please
Originally posted by Fryderyk HPH:��,chil-lax please
Lol. I am. I never had my heart beat faster, lol.
Originally posted by vicamour:
I had boarded on an OC on 851 before, it was packed to the brim (to the end, the front area before the raised mid aisle was so packed that you see 3 lines of people at the aisle between the 2 front wheels) when I boarded on Novena. Those after that couldn't possibly had boarded it, for some trips at the evening peak. My friend working at MCYS everyday simply gave up on 851. He rather take a bus to Novena to take MRT. He asked me why 851 has lesser bendy buses recently and more rigids.
Trust me that happens very freq on the KUBs on the Tampines Townlinks too, three lines in between the 2 front wheels during peak.
Originally posted by vicamour:I agree that it is the passengers' fault who do not want to cooperate. But on SMRT side, the frequencies on a lot of services are bad just because they want to squeeze as many people on board. So this is a way to attract people to take buses???
U know the meaning of increasing revenue?
All companies do that, minimise cost and maximise profit. You cannot fault SMRT for what they are doing.
Their bus division is not the profit maker or core in their business. They can either divest it off or find ways for it to turn a profit.
Since they want to turn a profit, this happens. It cannot be helped. Can you find an example for me, aviation or bus or any other industry, where cost-cutting measures are implemented without any drop of standards(besides inefficiency)?
Originally posted by vicamour:If they are really not interested in improving the bus services at the expense of their rail business, then please, please give the bus operations to SBST or another better bus operator. If they do not have enough buses, fair enough, give a few areas to another bus company to operate and concentrate on those they have. Don't keep on hogging the areas and give this kind of nonsense to the public. Want to go for rail, then fully concentrate on that area. Don't sacrifice bus operations just because it is eating into the core business, there are better operators out there, even overseas that can provide a better bus service.
As I said earlier, one operator for bus and another for rail. Bus and rail compete and complement to provide better services to commuters. And don't tell me those nonsense on more than one bus operator will enhance competition because apparently here, all the bus operations are controlled by LTA, not a free market by the companies themselves (while LTA should control on the aspects that should be controlled). Competition in this market is virtually inexistant here.
Do you really think SMRT as a corporation would want to lose out to SBST, even if it means making losses? They now control areas, areas which are of strategic interest and of monetary value to them.
Do you also think that nil competition would make things better for the consumer? Yes in a sense you are right, Singapore is prolly too small for even two, but it has been a model that has worked for as long as I recall, and is there really such a necessity to change that?
If you ask me, LTA is the one at fault here. They have done poor planning on the part of bus operator management.
Originally posted by vicamour:I already said earlier too, since bendy bus is banned, then get double deckers. SBST is not the only bus company here that can operate double deckers. So I don't think this is flaming SMRT all the time.
Since when was bendy buses banned in an official memo from LTA?
Wasn't it supposed to be limited instead?
Originally posted by Fryderyk HPH:Since when was bendy buses banned in an official memo from LTA?
Wasn't it supposed to be limited instead?
No one knows.
Originally posted by vicamour:If they had bothered to do their improvements, then why would people want to complain??? I'm not the only one complaining, even people I know are unhappy about their services. Some are even tired of complaining, they give up and use their own transport instead.
I had boarded on an OC on 851 before, it was packed to the brim (to the end, the front area before the raised mid aisle was so packed that you see 3 lines of people at the aisle between the 2 front wheels) when I boarded on Novena. Those after that couldn't possibly had boarded it, for some trips at the evening peak. My friend working at MCYS everyday simply gave up on 851. He rather take a bus to Novena to take MRT. He asked me why 851 has lesser bendy buses recently and more rigids.
The service frequency did improve, the run time also extended as the buses on 851 runs slower nowdays, but the loadings in fact becomes worse at some point of time during evening peak. You are lucky, you can board the bus, if not, wait for the next. 851 is just one of the minority services to get such better improvements, but even for the 10 mins intervals, the OCs can't cope sometimes.
I agree that it is the passengers' fault who do not want to cooperate. But on SMRT side, the frequencies on a lot of services are bad just because they want to squeeze as many people on board. So this is a way to attract people to take buses???
The links of North and Northwest are already poor enough. That time was under TIBS, fair enough, they are building up, they have limited resources. However since taken over, SMRT should at least introduce a few more services to link to other parts of Singapore . Did they??? No. People feedbacked on the press before a few years back that the North (especially Sembawang), Bukit Panjang, Bukit Batok, etc needs more direct bus services to Southwest and Southeast, but do they even bother??? Yes, thinking of withdrawing 178 and 852 instead. Route planners don't plan bus routes for nothing or based on nothing. Planning a new AND feasible route and have it on trial at least could, tell commuters that their concerns are addressed, instead of just sitiing there doing nothing, which, is as good as telling them that the company is not interested at all. TIBS introduction of 700 and 857 are the best examples and many of the new SBST routes in the 2000s are also useful.
If they are really not interested in improving the bus services at the expense of their rail business, then please, please give the bus operations to SBST or another better bus operator. If they do not have enough buses, fair enough, give a few areas to another bus company to operate and concentrate on those they have. Don't keep on hogging the areas and give this kind of nonsense to the public. Want to go for rail, then fully concentrate on that area. Don't sacrifice bus operations just because it is eating into the core business, there are better operators out there, even overseas that can provide a better bus service.
As I said earlier, one operator for bus and another for rail. Bus and rail compete and complement to provide better services to commuters. And don't tell me those nonsense on more than one bus operator will enhance competition because apparently here, all the bus operations are controlled by LTA, not a free market by the companies themselves (while LTA should control on the aspects that should be controlled). Competition in this market is virtually inexistant here.
I already said earlier too, since bendy bus is banned, then get double deckers. SBST is not the only bus company here that can operate double deckers. So I don't think this is flaming SMRT all the time.
I shall stop here, because if this discussion continues, it will just go on and on and never stop. And no point engaging in another flame war again, as I'm not interested in engaging in those kind of bickerings as shown in the photography thread here in this bus section.
Sometimes we shouldn't just blame SMRT or SBS Transit. There were good bus routes proposed but all were killed by PTC, just like the recent proposed service 858 amendment to ply Sembawang.
Originally posted by off_service:Sometimes we shouldn't just blame SMRT or SBS Transit. There were good bus routes proposed but all were killed by PTC, just like the recent proposed service 858 amendment to ply Sembawang.
Yeah i second that,No point just to blame SMRT particularly.There got their own reasons and limitations too.Just glad that our public transport is more efficient than any other Asean countries
why must ban bendy bus?? they are always good and fast...plz dun ban them but however they should increase the number of them....
Sometimes we need to look further....PM Lee reckons we need more foreigners than ever.
Here's my take on SMRTB....please clean up the buses! SBST buses of comparable age don't stink as much and are less dusty!