Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:i saw it on 856 yesterday. will check out ltr. i find it a bit strange when ytd 471G did 178 though.
will keep alookout for more.
It is a trend that whenever AMDEP and KJDEP takes in new OC500LEs, the 0405s from AMDEP/KJDEP will get thrown over to WLDEP. This practice had been carried out ever since last year when OC500LEs began to hit the roads.
Originally posted by SMB32T:
It is a trend that whenever AMDEP and KJDEP takes in new OC500LEs, the 0405s from AMDEP/KJDEP will get thrown over to WLDEP. This practice had been carried out ever since last year when OC500LEs began to hit the roads.
Does that mean those Scania-based service can get Mercz O405s? like 178 etc?
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:Does that mean those Scania-based service can get Mercz O405s? like 178 etc?
It will get O405s as cameos.
Originally posted by SBS8533C:
It will get O405s as cameos.
look, i mean where is 178 gonna get Scanias from? i mean the rest of the services dont hv much to transfer over though
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:look, i mean where is 178 gonna get Scanias from? i mean the rest of the services dont hv much to transfer over though
Bus services like 859 and 961 which has Scania perms might get more Merc fleets, Scanias from these services will most prob go over to perm 178 to replace the outgoing Nissan UDs.
For example during the last redeployment, service 962 got TIB959S and TIB960L to replace TIB637X and TIB639R which went to 178. Whereas service 961 got TIB504X to replace TIB642E which went to 852.
Looks like it is fated that services 178 and 852 will not get Merc perms, they will get Scania perms for this case.
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:
What do you mean?
KJDEP threw back those ex-WLDEP buses back to WLDEP. The last bus which was originally from KJDEP x-fered to WLDEP was: TIB522T. After that, KJDEP sent back 731G, 733B, 746P, 747L, 752X, 763P to WLDEP. In exchange, ex-KJDEP buses in WLDEP like: 761U, 771R, 774H, 787X, 791H went back to KJDEP.
So, what I am trying to say is: WLDEP would get more orginally WLDEP buses like: 433S, 443M, 469P, 727U, 728S etc.... from KJDEP. And WLDEP won't intake any orginally KJDEP buses like: TIB519D, TIB597C, TIB625E etc... anymore.
Originally posted by SMB32T:
It is a trend that whenever AMDEP and KJDEP takes in new OC500LEs, the 0405s from AMDEP/KJDEP will get thrown over to WLDEP. This practice had been carried out ever since last year when OC500LEs began to hit the roads.
But no more SP Merczs on AMDEP anymore, many SP B1 OCs and Dennis Lances instead.
As for now the current trend seems to be transferring buses under former WL 700. TIB446E and TIB471G were former WL 700 before going to KJ ... ...
Originally posted by TIB657M:
But no more SP Merczs on AMDEP anymore, many SP B1 OCs and Dennis Lances instead.
For AMDEP side, regardless of whether the 0405s are SP or not they were still land up in WLDEP. It had been many occasions for service 854 whereby its perm Mercs suddenly landed up in WLDEP - had missing perms before OC500LEs form AMDEP replace them.
It won't be not long before more this sudden transfer within AMDEP takes place again when more OC500LEs comes in I suppose.
SBS887J > sv107/M Addition...
Hey people! Here are the re-deployments seen as of today and yesterday.
On 178 today.
On 178 yesterday.
On 178 today.
On 961 today.
It's noted that the ex-WLs from KJ are coming back to WLDEP. :) But, somehow, it's targeted at expired advert buses, indicating Biscuits World and Nikon D700 is expiring. But, that does not explain for 474Z.
Anyway, something interesting. On Saturday, NONE of the perm buses from former WLDEP did 700, except 740E. But today, 556X, 546A, 728S, 433S and 468S are seen on 700. 442R and 738M on 75, 469P and 443M are on 184. 727U and 472D are missing. 809S is presumed to be on 188 tomorow.
Originally posted by TIB433S:Hey people! Here are the re-deployments seen as of today and yesterday.
On 178 today.
On 178 yesterday.TIB474Z
On 178 today.TIB477R
On 961 today.
It's noted that the ex-WLs from KJ are coming back to WLDEP. :) But, somehow, it's targeted at expired advert buses, indicating Biscuits World and Nikon D700 is expiring. But, that does not explain for 474Z.Anyway, something interesting. On Saturday, NONE of the perm buses from former WLDEP did 700, except 740E. But today, 556X, 546A, 728S, 433S and 468S are seen on 700. 442R and 738M on 75, 469P and 443M are on 184. 727U and 472D are missing. 809S is presumed to be on 188 tomorow.
TIB471G on 961 today.
TIB474Z also did 187 today.
Originally posted by SMB32T:
Bus services like 859 and 961 which has Scania perms might get more Merc fleets, Scanias from these services will most prob go over to perm 178 to replace the outgoing Nissan UDs.For example during the last redeployment, service 962 got TIB959S and TIB960L to replace TIB637X and TIB639R which went to 178. Whereas service 961 got TIB504X to replace TIB642E which went to 852.
Looks like it is fated that services 178 and 852 will not get Merc perms, they will get Scania perms for this case.
but then wouldnt it be un-balanced? i mean 75 has DAFs, but have some mercz permers, whereas 178 is like more Scanias, no mercz permers.
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:but then wouldnt it be un-balanced? i mean 75 has DAFs, but have some mercz permers, whereas 178 is like more Scanias, no mercz permers.
A bus service does not need to be balanced to operate. SMRTB can decide to put a full fleet of O405s, DAFs, Scanias or even UDs on just one service.
up tp them, if that makes them happy, so be it.
Now seeing a 178 on a mercz is like seeing an 858 on a Scania though
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:
Now seeing a 178 on a mercz is like seeing an 858 on a Scania though
Not so rare actually. Merc on 178 is getting more and more common, even with Volgren Mercs
Originally posted by TIB1049L:
Not so rare actually. Merc on 178 is getting more and more common, even with Volgren Mercs
i can agree more common, but you must be lucky enough
if everyday cameo i happy already, and is there any chance to see an 858 on a Scania?
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:i can agree more common, but you must be lucky enough
if everyday cameo i happy already, and is there any chance to see an 858 on a Scania?
Quite recently SBS9888Y posted TIB659H on 858.
Originally posted by Merczrox:
Quite recently SBS9888Y posted TIB659H on 858.
i knw that, but i just hope to see more though
Seems like a lot of Hispano OACs from 700 are going over to WLDEP.
Anybody spotted any new buses on 700 today?
As i said, most of the 700 KJ (ex-WL) O405 will likely go to WL.
Originally posted by TIB433S:Hey people! Here are the re-deployments seen as of today and yesterday.
On 178 today.
On 178 yesterday.TIB474Z
On 178 today.TIB477R
On 961 today.
It's noted that the ex-WLs from KJ are coming back to WLDEP. :) But, somehow, it's targeted at expired advert buses, indicating Biscuits World and Nikon D700 is expiring. But, that does not explain for 474Z.Anyway, something interesting. On Saturday, NONE of the perm buses from former WLDEP did 700, except 740E. But today, 556X, 546A, 728S, 433S and 468S are seen on 700. 442R and 738M on 75, 469P and 443M are on 184. 727U and 472D are missing. 809S is presumed to be on 188 tomorow.
TIB764L remains property of 700/700A. Seen today on 700A. =)
Originally posted by .SBS9888Y.:As i said, most of the SP KJ O405 will likely go to WL.
Not really. This time so many from KJDEP 700 were taken away. =X
Originally posted by Junyang700:
Not really. This time so many from KJDEP 700 were taken away. =X
sorry i meant 700
Originally posted by TIB1049L:
Not so rare actually. Merc on 178 is getting more and more common, even with Volgren Mercs
Tibs/SMRT always like to practice mainly Merc 0405 fleets on one service whereas another service gets secondary model buses like DAF/Hino/Scania/Lance (depending on depot). But having a Merc 0405 cameo on a non-Merc bus service (eg. 178, 852, 853, 975, 980...just to name a few) is very common. Same goes for Merc-based services getting non-Merc cameos.
Unless it is a bendy bus spotted on bus services that hardly have bendy deployments then it is considered very rare.