What made your day?
For Bus Driver...
Did a lady give you sweets while you were on duty? Did a customer said good morning to you? What made your day today? Did your EDS function so well today that you loved it? Did an old lady ask you for directions and a passenger offer to help?
Share what made your day today during your shift..
For Bus fan:
Anyone from the trasnprotation industry made your day? Bus driver? Ticket Insepctor? "Sir may I see your EZ Link card sir? "
Share to all, what made your day today
Haha, my god-daddy occassionally will gimmi sweets one, should repay him with even more sweets :)
not today but a few days back. SBS168B on 60 very helpful BC. Realy made my day.
Mi is
Pri 2 that year
Female Driver droving N113 (forget wad svc le) and breakdown in Tampines Ave 2
my bro tok to her
and ask her (wad happen) as my bro chat with her
in the end , She go up the bus, and then took a svc505 bus guides to us. and we thank hers.
i still remember this incident, BNDEP 222, old BC, now should be retired
..i tat time pri 2, i take 222, almost knoe all BC as i am a regular on 222, the BC hold me back....i stunned..dunnoe why..den BC give me a roll of tix paper (SBS Styled)......say i always treasue bus tix..that time validator era....i damm touched
...anti climax: I not bus fan that time, so mass spam the tix roll to do all sort of things..jialat
When that day it rained and the Bus driver bought he bus very clsoe to bus stp shelter. =)
Most passengers have alighted(and you know the rest of the journey will have very few pple boarding) n DDU shows +2 during a peak-hour trip :)
On PM shift standby, and dispatcher give a duty that finishes at 10.30pm(early) :)
For me, i'm happy if i do not encounter any problematic drivers or passengers. Best is nobody talk, disturb or ask anything the whole day. If i keep my mouth shut n drive safely, what can i do wrong?
Originally posted by jayh272416:not today but a few days back. SBS168B on 60 very helpful BC. Realy made my day.
u have to elaborate..what did he do...
i am happy that drivers are getting more patient. they care to wait. i hope its not cos they are forced to do so though.
Originally posted by Double_Decker:Most passengers have alighted(and you know the rest of the journey will have very few pple boarding) n DDU shows +2 during a peak-hour trip :)
On PM shift standby, and dispatcher give a duty that finishes at 10.30pm(early) :)
For me, i'm happy if i do not encounter any problematic drivers or passengers. Best is nobody talk, disturb or ask anything the whole day. If i keep my mouth shut n drive safely, what can i do wrong?
Just want to know, The DDU shows colours and sound that points out whther the bus is late or early. For example, A sharp beep means that the bus is early and the DDU will show a red light. No light = On Time. Long beep + Yellow light = Late.
So from which part of the DDU shows +2?
Service 72 BCs makes my day lol?
and not to mention one BC on 291.. when ever he drove pass me, he will show a sign of like "taking photo" of his bus lol when i dont want to zz
Originally posted by TownLink 291:Just want to know, The DDU shows colours and sound that points out whther the bus is late or early. For example, A sharp beep means that the bus is early and the DDU will show a red light. No light = On Time. Long beep + Yellow light = Late.
So from which part of the DDU shows +2?
The screen.
If I am not wrong, there is a lady BC who is driving Sv 161(perm allocation)
She will greet every passenger who board her bus with a smile (E.g. good morning in Chinese and etc)
When any passengers alight from the bus, she would wave and say good bye to the passengers with a smile.
She was featured on HG Route News a few months back (spotted it on the notice board)
Originally posted by Bus&Soccer l0v3r (VO3x 1):Mi is
Pri 2 that year
Female Driver droving N113 (forget wad svc le) and breakdown in Tampines Ave 2
my bro tok to her
and ask her (wad happen) as my bro chat with her
in the end , She go up the bus, and then took a svc505 bus guides to us. and we thank hers.
okayyyy... so now you're in pri/sec what?
your english.. you have to watch it.
thank hers.
Originally posted by ZYX2005:
u have to elaborate..what did he do...
its a she lol.
anyway what she did was that she smiled at the passengers boarding and acted in a very friendly way to the pax. when i dropped my things other bcs normally dont bother, but this one took the effort to turn back and ask if everything was alright the next time the bus stopped. she really made the effort here.
Originally posted by sinicker:okayyyy... so now you're in pri/sec what?
your english.. you have to watch it.
thank hers.
Lolx Ps
my english not so good
Well, a few of the Svc 900 SLs are kinda patient. A few of them would actually wait for you if you they see you running at the void deck towards their bus. At least commuters don't have to start their day with a bad mood because they missed their bus ... ...
Originally posted by jayh272416:its a she lol.
anyway what she did was that she smiled at the passengers boarding and acted in a very friendly way to the pax. when i dropped my things other bcs normally dont bother, but this one took the effort to turn back and ask if everything was alright the next time the bus stopped. she really made the effort here.
is she a chio bu?
Originally posted by TIB1049L:Well, a few of the Svc 900 SLs are kinda patient. A few of them would actually wait for you if you they see you running at the void deck towards their bus. At least commuters don't have to start their day with a bad mood because they missed their bus ... ...
Maybe they are early?
Originally posted by alancia:is she a chio bu?
Originally posted by alancia:is she a chio bu?
go camp for sv60 at the two ends. im not spoonfeeding you.
Well, allow me to share some of my experiences as a passenger, that did not happen today but made my day. Not listed in order. Sorry it's super wordy.
I usually take 961 to WRI everyday to go to school. There was this time, earlier in February this year, I boarded TIB431Y. I was almost late for school, and I knew he was a PRC SL, but I was so panicked that I asked him, "What time you reach Woodlands (prnounced wood-lan to him)?". He said "Woodlan? Seven-forty". I was quite surprised, and thanked him, and he smiled at me. From that day onwards, I have no prejudice towards PRC SLs as they are here for a living, and they are to make the best out of it. That really made my day. This particular PRC SL on 961 is the friendliest one I met. I only noticed recently that henever passengers board his bus, he smiles and bows at them, which I think is friendly and warming. Regretted not sending a commendationb about him.
Another experience occured back last year. When I boarded 61, there was this time I was asking people in the bus for change for cash, because I have no more money in my EZ-link card. After like 2 minutes of finding someone with the correct change, when I put my fare in the coinbox, I said "sorry, thanks for waiting" and he said "It's ok". That made my day, because he didn't rush me to pay for the trip.
Another experience is related to one of my SL friends who used to be from 970, then a standby and now a permanent SL of a service from Woodlands (not trying to be biased or anything here). This is not really about an incident. Though this particular SL is not like those who greets passengers when they board, he does certain things that many drivers fail to do. One thing is that he waits for the elderly to sit down before he drives his bus off from the bus bay. This shows that though he is pressed for time, at least he doesn't fail to take note of the passengers safety. He also would check to see if everybody has tapped their EZ-Link card, and sometimes would make people who haven't tapped to tap again. Most passengers dislike this, but the drivers have to make sure that there are no fare cheats. I rarely see other drivers doing this, and I must commend him on taking the trouble to do so. More important than those two, when the bus is packed to the brim, he looks through the mirrors to see if there is space. If there are people who are not moving back, he'll shout "Excuse, me, please move in. Thank you!". We've been complaining so long about people not co-operating and taking the initiative to move in when we are standing, so I am glad that even some drivers have the guts to raise their voice and tell others to move in so that more people can board the bus. These kinds of duties are somewhat uneccesary of bus drivers, but it makes my day (and mostly everybody else's day too), because we know they are putting in the effort in doing their job best.
Originally posted by ZYX2005:What made your day?
For Bus fan:
Anyone from the trasnprotation industry made your day? Bus driver? Ticket Insepctor? "Sir may I see your EZ Link card sir? "
Share to all, what made your day today
So long the bus doesn't break down or travels too slowly, the journey will certainly make my day.