Originally posted by The Soon:Congrats.
Make our popularity increase EVEN MORE!!!
Congrats to sgforum Singapore buses!!
peace all the way~
:D it calls for a celebration (:
Huat ah!
Credits to all users who frequent our bus forum!
Congratulation! May this fourm retain the tilte of the most popluar fourm in sgfourm! :)
Next challenge: Sustained Popularity for at least a year. Hehe....
Originally posted by lianamaster:Next challenge: Sustained Popularity for at least a year. Hehe....
lets try!
Originally posted by jayh272416:
lets try!
Haha... it has to be the collective effort by everyone.
It can't be a one-man show.
We have to constantly break new frontiers ya?
9003, 9041 and 8030 came as top 3 in big sweep yesterday.
Power of SLBP =)
I go be a Bad Boy
i go be a Bad Bad boy
i go be a Bad Boy
Originally posted by Bus&Soccer l0v3r (VO3x 1):
I go be a Bad Boy
i go be a Bad Bad boy
i go be a Bad Boy
Now becum wat? Crapbox ah???
Originally posted by Fryderyk HPH:Wah~...
Now becum wat? Crapbox ah???
juz now was listening to the song
hmm After Singapore Buses become the number 1
Y dun we create a crapbox as our celebration?
Originally posted by Bus&Soccer l0v3r (VO3x 1):
juz now was listening to the song
hmm After Singapore Buses become the number 1
Y dun we create a crapbox as our celebration?
Ask mod for permission first bah~
Originally posted by Fryderyk HPH:Ask mod for permission first bah~
Ya but mod isnt free now.
how many years has passed since this bus forumwas set up?
Originally posted by AEW5001:how many years has passed since this bus forumwas set up?
Forum started in late March 2003.
Originally posted by Fryderyk HPH:Wah~...
Now becum wat? Crapbox ah???
cannot ah *oops*
Why can't bus forum have a crapbox?
At least that's where those trolls/clones have their freedom of speech.
Originally posted by lianamaster:Why can't bus forum have a crapbox?
At least that's where those trolls/clones have their freedom of speech.
Not say if Bus Forum have crapbox, the ratings confirm sure chop stamp 100% skyrocket liao~