Originally posted by automator:Maybe we should let her be gang raped and than disfigure her?
That maybe a better way to deal with her
if she's hot, i'm in.
otherwise, you can have her.
Originally posted by .SBS9888Y.:Perhaps thats why no one wants to be a Bus Captain? Remember the case of the Service 160 Bus Captain who got robbed in broad daylight in JB?
Being a BC is really tough nowadays. Not only have to work long hours and be alert but also have to occasionally put up with the attitude of some numbskulls and imbeciles.
So much for living in a supposedly civic-minded society.
SBST should consider employing ah beng as their drivers , in case of such cases , the passenger who punch back the BC , the BC will punch her back 10 times more.... hehe
According to the papers, she punched the bus driver and the driver pressed the emergency button and continued driving on until which stop i forgot. At there, got people waiting for him liao and called the police. The woman got off the bus but was stopped. Then the woman's husband arrived after she called him and he pleaded with the driver to let her off cos actually he just got out of prison himself But the driver says its up to the police, not up to him now.
Originally posted by swee_heng:SBST should consider employing ah beng as their drivers , in case of such cases , the passenger who punch back the BC , the BC will punch her back 10 times more.... hehe
What if the ah beng anyhow drive the bus or drive the route he likes? Passengers not happy kena all punched by him.
Originally posted by SBS7382C:like what? imposing fines? then use the fines to improve the bus services:) actually once the BC goes on the journey hes alone....its only the passengers that can help.
Sadly,I doubt that would happen.But most of the passengers will just stand and watch on as the BC gets punched except for 1 or 2 of them who would would stop the attacker.
I am really relieved that the BC quickly alerted the police and saved himself from any further injuries.This is wat they shld do without hesitating if they are caught in this type of problems.
As I say, Get a bus conductor and cheating in bus fare will drop significantly.
Such things will may not even happen.
there were 2 passengers who got up to scold the woman and get her to back down and sit down after she punched the driver
Originally posted by swee_heng:SBST should consider employing ah beng as their drivers , in case of such cases , the passenger who punch back the BC , the BC will punch her back 10 times more.... hehe
U dont know ah?U see some of the SBST BC face wah really like pai kia sia.Especially the young ones.Most of this young ones are Indians and chinese.Like i said,thats why they dont dare attack young BCs and always target the old BCs.
lao ah lian ! careful wor :P actually should put sth to block the driver from being hit like other countries they have this seperator and passengers can only talk through a hole ..
Originally posted by TIB930Z:lao ah lian ! careful wor :P actually should put sth to block the driver from being hit like other countries they have this seperator and passengers can only talk through a hole ..
Must we really go to that extent? haiz...
Wonder where's the gracious society that was being inculcated nearly a decade ago. I guess down the drain.
I don't know about other bus fans of my age, but if you are around my age, you would surely feel right to stand up against these abusers (if you have the size or have the skill). Although the job as a bus driver (captain) always get looked down by the public, I think they really deserve some respect. Maybe some inconsiderate folks like this woman think its too easy to drive, or its too tough to respect. Oh, don't talk about respecting bus captains, I think she don't know how to respect normal countrymen too.
If I were to see an abuse, lets say sorry to the abuser, most likely I will be on top of him... A her, is indeed difficult in Singapore. Sadly I am not a female.
Asking her husband (to bail her out of the situation?) is already a bit too much. And the husband has just been released from jail? The woman should think about it before doing such a thing as attacking a public transport operator physically... In other countries, this couple (lets not say family) will not have any bit of respect left and get kicked out of their properties...
Luckily HDB will not kick you out of the flat for attacking a bus captain... Lucky woman.
Guess the Stop abuse against Bus Captains is forgotten...
anyway where is the link to the newspaper article?
Originally posted by SBS3688Y:this women ought to be handed down mandatory jail sentence as a deterrant to others.
or else, how are bus captains going to enforce and stop these cheats?
Cheating is stealing!
The bus operators should help the BCs file separate civil suits against these culprits and claim compensation for their suffering! And for the bus company, Claim against the culprit for not only revenue loss for the cheating offence, and also disruption to their bus service due to this assault! And passengers also free free to claim against the culprit!
based on reports on newspapers recently, hitting of BC is serious offence, as it endangers the lives of the passengers. usually got jail term..
Originally posted by SBS9364S:What a disrespectful person, no basic manners
I think she forgot to read the notice inside the bus 'Do not punch the driver'. But she didn't. She reacted rather than responding, never thinked of consequences.
wow....sorry, i dun think you are fit/qualify to make this statement...esp the bold sentences.
Originally posted by linwei20:Then how will the BC know where to meet the bus inspector?
pressing of emergency buttons occur where there is immediate threat. like a knife beside you. its a serious warning message where you cannot even communicate with the OCC such as this case. an inspector or a mobile police will be deployed immediately upon, the red emergency button at a secluded position on the right side of the driver's cabin. the pressing of the red SOS button on the IDFC still involves communication of speech. i would be surprised if he pressed the red SOS button and communicated with the OCC, without the female knowing.
last time for the molest case, the 7310 sv 143 BRBP BC used the normal yellow OCC call button instead. it depends on circumstances.
Looks like BC have to invest in good insurance to cover for such liabilities in their job.
that women nothing to do ar ? wanna fight... haiz. Cheat already still want to create more trouble =.=
Either way, that lady's nuts now.
Originally posted by .SBS9888Y.:pressing of emergency buttons occur where there is immediate threat. like a knife beside you. its a serious warning message where you cannot even communicate with the OCC such as this case. an inspector or a mobile police will be deployed immediately upon, the red emergency button at a secluded position on the right side of the driver's cabin. the pressing of the red SOS button on the IDFC still involves communication of speech. i would be surprised if he pressed the red SOS button and communicated with the OCC, without the female knowing.
last time for the molest case, the 7310 sv 143 BRBP BC used the normal yellow OCC call button instead. it depends on circumstances.
So to cut is short:
Red SOS Button= Still have to communicate with the OCC
Yellow SOS Button= Highly danger on the bus, once the BC press, the OCC will know where the bus is at?
Where those button located at?
Originally posted by .SBS9888Y.:pressing of emergency buttons occur where there is immediate threat. like a knife beside you. its a serious warning message where you cannot even communicate with the OCC such as this case. an inspector or a mobile police will be deployed immediately upon, the red emergency button at a secluded position on the right side of the driver's cabin. the pressing of the red SOS button on the IDFC still involves communication of speech. i would be surprised if he pressed the red SOS button and communicated with the OCC, without the female knowing.
last time for the molest case, the 7310 sv 143 BRBP BC used the normal yellow OCC call button instead. it depends on circumstances.
What does IDFC mean?
If i am the BC i would have whipped out my HP and call "999"
But if the stupid bitch take my HP away, i punch her.
Because she punch me already. Then followed by a EB(emergency button).
She punch again, another one, hopefully it shows a very highly danger.
Another one. I make sure all the passenger come out and punch her :)
She go hospital because of her selfishness....
But the bitch damn selfish sia, nvr consider other's safety one, the worse thing is that if a business man miss a 1billion deal, she will be ready for hang Sad the uncle old old.
One implemention for SBST:
Put a bat or a rod in BC compartment in case BC kenna punched :)