For Bogota's BRT system Transmilenio
27.2 meters and carries up to 240 passangers!
3 carriage (is this word? not sure about the spelling) wow ..
Originally posted by Bus&Soccer l0v3r (VO3x 1):3 carriage (is this word? not sure about the spelling) wow ..
I refer it to 3 parts!
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:27.2 meters and carries up to 240 passangers!
This BRT system happens to be one of the more successful one
Volvo’s bi-articulated bus is the official term
Originally posted by Bus&Soccer l0v3r (VO3x 1):3 carriage (is this word? not sure about the spelling) wow ..
3 cabins also can..
Once and again our dear sbst275 creates a new thread when there are threads for him to do so. Sir, you seem to have a attention deficit, do you need the doctor's attention too?
Find me a BRT article here?
I dun want to start a war, if tat being e case there's attention defecit over making a thread of SBS's order of 350 buses
There's a thread of "900 Scania buses purchased by SBS [Part 4]" created alrdy
Originally posted by sbst275:Find me a BRT article here?
I dun want to start a war, if tat being e case there's attention defecit over making a thread of SBS's order of 350 buses
There's a thread of "900 Scania buses purchased by SBS [Part 4]" created alrdy
There are Did you know and an Overseas bus discussion, don't need to start new threads here and there.
Tell me whether the 350 buses are ALL Scanias, only then you can tell me about the Scania thread.
There's no end to the number of threads that can be classified.
Might as well close all the other threads lying around and put them under "local buses" thread?
Originally posted by SBS2601D:There's no end to the number of threads that can be classified.
Might as well close all the other threads lying around and put them under "local buses" thread?
I'm not suggesting having a new thread to collate current threads. Please read me carefully, I'm suggesting people NOT to create new threads when there are ALREADY threads which can accomodate his/her/their contents. One, It is a pain in the arse when you read through the forum. Two, why do some people like to be exclusive when others aren't? ie, when others can follow the norm here, why can't some do so, especially if he/her/them have been visiting the bus forum for a long time.
Originally posted by Scania:There are Did you know and an Overseas bus discussion, don't need to start new threads here and there.
Tell me whether the 350 buses are ALL Scanias, only then you can tell me about the Scania thread.
Wun by it can be edited to be 1100 Scania bus for e title?
Overseas buses? BRT is not even considered mainstream bus system
Originally posted by sbst275:
Wun by it can be edited to be 1100 Scania bus for e title?Overseas buses? BRT is not even considered mainstream bus system
Please read : Tell me whether the 350 buses are ALL Scanias, only then you can tell me about the Scania thread.
Doesn't mean overseas buses have to be mainstream buses, no part of it states that BRT can't be included. Going by your logic, we should have a BRT forum since local buses are mainstream also.
Once again, is the threadstarter going to start threads with regards to the world longest bus, shortest bus, tallest bus etc etc etc ??