Originally posted by sbst275:
I would just slow down and follow the bus. It's very dangerous to just cut in and turn left esp if ppl dun even take noteOrchard Rd area is really terrible esp Centrepoint there. Buses could end up stucked with the Centrepoint car park queue thks to cars using such method
The left turn was 500m away....and the bus had just started moving, when I filted right to let him out.
In fact, it shouldn't be considered "cut the bus" at all.
The bus was nearly 20m away when he honked me....which is like....smlj!
Originally posted by SBS2601D:
The left turn was 500m away....and the bus had just started moving, when I filted right to let him out.In fact, it shouldn't be considered "cut the bus" at all.
The bus was nearly 30m away when he honked me....which is like....smlj!
500m... Some impatient chap
Can go and report on the BC if you want.
I heard that their bonus is based on no of complaints received.
No complaints = more bonus per month.
bus ferry more ppl so majority win
Originally posted by caleb_chiang:Please lah... I ever witness that ppl drive into the yellow box during traffic jam and block bus exit...
With or without the thing, it still depends on the drivers...
Yes...Wait till the irrelevant drivers get electricuted for driving into the yellow box...
Originally posted by HyuugaNeji:It is also way too dangerous to stop a car midway along the road when there maybe other cars zooming behind at 70km/h.
watch this:
Agree. Nowadays I hesitate to give way to buses by stopping in this manner because I'm wary of idiots from behind who may be travelling at high speeds, tailgate or suddenly from 2nd lane cut into the left lane and risk hitting my vehicle. I think LTA should seriously rethink and perhaps abandon the scheme. Its simply too dangerous and impracticable. I wonder if SBST and SMRT ever gathered feedback from the BCs and in turn feedback to LTA? Instead, they should be drawing more yellow boxes to the bus-stop exits. I noticed there are quite a number of bus-stops without yellow boxes and during traffic jam, no one bother to give way. Then, LTA failed to effectively deter illegal roadside parking. Look at Orchard Turn for eg; always got blocked by illegally parked vehicles and buses got difficulties moving. Taxis and cars clogging up the main road leading to the shopping centres such as Vivo/Sentosa,AMK Hub etc. I think LTA should spend more time to tackle such problem instead of coming up with stupid ideas time and again.
Ver 3.2 out, pls scroll down to see, tks.
Hi, updated to ver. 3.1 on 27Aug09
This person is damn unlucky. First, he got $130fine for not giving way to bus. Then he got into an accident for giving way to bus. Tough luck.
maybe this victim can sue LTA?
LTA has created such stupid scheme, put it on trail at AMK & Bt Batok to monitor. And now, they intend to expand the scheme! I wonder if those idiots working at LTA are sleeping and are they driving themselves or are chauferred around since they fail to notice whats gone wrong to their policy?
I'm afraid with such stupid policy continuing, there's bound to be more accidents waiting to happen. And for public buses, the insurance companies may take the opportunity to up their premiums!
Every year somebody from LTA tries to top what other scholars have thought up in previous years.
giving way to the bus is a right ting to do
but many cars fail to do so , what a shame !
way to buses scheme is disingenuous (Ver3.2; 4Sept09):
Post deleted:
See below for Ver 4.0 tks
Follow my Dad idea
Let bus go
we cant win bus from this
as bus can win us.
I think the scheme works better at places where roads are at least 3 lanes wide. Otherwise, we just have to be courteous and give them their right of way.
Give way to buses scheme is disingenuous (Ver4.0; 10Sept09):
The most ridiculous explanation 'How the Scheme Works'- “The Mandatory Give-Way to Buses Scheme is similar conceptually to a zebra crossing, except that it is meant for buses.”
BT, May11, 2009: “By the end of this year, LTA will take over the role of Central Bus Planner (CBP) and will be reviewing the island-wide bus route plans to optimise network efficiency.”... “There is an average cost of $7,000 per location ”... ( http://www.asiaone.com/Motoring/News/Story/A1Story20090511-140749.html ). Regrettably, LTA must now swiftly review its inappropriate regulations to rein in the wasted expenditure.
Whilst, LTA's new role as CBP implies new responsibilities, I hope this is not the usual myopic approach towards achieving departmental KPI goals, success at all costs and the exclusion of all other concerns. Surely a place for proper consultation and consideration exists in this case as the roads in question serve a myriad of users. It is obvious from LTA's 29Apr09 media article (at http://app.lta.gov.sg/corp_press_content.asp?start=2118 ) that in shameless haste to declare the trial a success, LTA's approach has been high- handed and cursory; the main parties consulted it seems were only '200 commuters' and 'public transport operators'. I doubt LTA consulted the traffic police departments, cyclist's associations, emergency vehicle drivers unions, motor insurers and general bus drivers before implementing these laws. (29April09: http://app.lta.gov.sg/corp_press_content.asp?start=2118 )
This narrow minded, elitist mode of administration will ultimately fail and cannot be the modus operandi of a government that prides itself for integrity, service and excellence. ( http://www.gov.sg/index.htm )
In conclusion, this ill-considered regulation as cursory as it is dangerous, shows the need to have committed and qualified individuals managing our civil services. Slip-shod, distracted, half baked scholars in their ivory towers won't do; and Singaporeans must ensure so by seeking out a stable and sustainable government and policies.
I've made my case, those stupid ornaments MUST go.
How the scheme works (3july09): http://www.onemotoring.com.sg/publish/onemotoring/en/on_the_roads/traffic_management/mandatory_give_way.html#MainPar_0007
STOMP 29Aug09: “I gave way to bus -- and got rammed from behind”, http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sgseen/this_urban_jungle/236430/i_gave_way_to_bus__and_got_rammed_from_behind.html
STOMP 19Aug09: “I am one of many 'victims' unfairly fined $130 under new 'give way to bus' rule ”, http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sgseen/what_bugs_me/107792/unfairly_fined_130_under_new_give_way_to_bus_rule.html
Ver1.0 (this article) posted to REACH web site on 22.8.09. http://app.reach.gov.sg/reach/YourSay/YourDiscussionCorner/tabid/117/ptid/414/threadid/2541/forumtype/posts/Default.aspx
Comments n update at: http://social-progress.blogspot.com/2009/09/give-way-to-buses-scheme-is.html pls, thanks :).