Originally posted by Angus.biztech:EDS on SBS 2888T ? Not that I know off ... (however, its does really look like EDS from afar ... upon closer scrutiny, is just an oridinary sign with pot-dots yellow colour on it)
2888T is a dot-matrix/flip-dot destination display. When TIBS introduced it on their buses, it was considered by them as EDS and so the label stuck; It doesn't necessarily have to be LED display (though this is now the new standard by all EDS manufacturers).
Hi tamago,
You mean Corporate Communication? No, I'm not. Either from East District. Just an ordinary Singaporean citizen who 'knows' this bus pretty well.
SBS2888T at HGDEP just now , try your luck there.
Originally posted by Angus.biztech:Hi tamago,
You mean Corporate Communication? No, I'm not. Either from East District. Just an ordinary Singaporean citizen who 'knows' this bus pretty well.
ok thanks. that helps to clarify. (:
Hi Folks,
SBS 2888T is now back at Bedok North Workshop for ad-hoc pm. She will be here till next week.
Have a great week ahead ...