Whatever buses that SBS Transit is purchasing, be it whether the interior is of a dull colour or a fragile and light bodywork, it is still a bus. It does take us to places that we want and from Point A to Point B. No point saying that alot of the same buses and it's boring. We have to live with it.
Originally posted by service_238:
well hopefully people dont go crazy over K230s on services that were newly deployed on. Do some math and you will know every single service will get it.. FOR SURE.and hopefully throw 80 (or more if they expand fleet) directly to 160/170.
get the batch 1s on jb ^^
Originally posted by vicamour:
If you read the Straits Times today, SBST and NTU are collaborating to develop a new fuel cell bus which uses hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity to run a bus. Should be out by next March for the SG Youth Games.This will be another breakthrough for electric buses here, since the 1990s. TIBS started a trial for an converted electric Nissan Civilian midibus and test run in Singapore for a period of time but the project did not really take off after that.
Let's see what this new SBST fuel cell bus can achieve for electric buses market here. Since it is developed locally, it will certainly a breakthrough for the automotive industry here. And maybe expect it to be bodied by local body builder Soon Chow since it is developed locally as a whole.
There are afew more Body Builders in Singapore, Soon Chow isn't the only one.
Originally posted by .SBS9888Y.:get the batch 1s on jb ^^
looking forward to voith kub's if kub's are really the one bought.
did not get a chance to take sbs bus my house there only smrt
Originally posted by Scania:1100 pieces of shit...
I certainly agree with u!
But then ur username also Scania leh.
Originally posted by Scania:1100 pieces of shit...
kan na sai. Scania can "bribe" sbst in buying their buses one..... kns sia
I think that an electric bus modify Singapore poly and run by TIBS was about more than ten year old. now you can buy hybrid buses from the market. England are using them now. China bus building companies are building them. they save about 30% on fuse, no need fuse cell just four wheels each attach to an electric motor which tap into an engine which generate electricity. We also have Volvo CNG buses running on the road, just wonder how good are those buses working? I think fuse cell will cost more than oil.
What i wished for the Scania tenders :
Thats al
wala0 I rather wan Volvo than Scania Lor....
If they invests Mercz,
good idea....
Originally posted by Bus&Soccer l0v3r (VO3x 1):wala0 I rather wan Volvo than Scania Lor....
If they invests Mercz,
good idea....
hehe, merz are at a excellent standard:
OC500LEs...... Hpoe they go for a BIG BIG tender :)
Look like both companies are developing hybrid buses. But come back to think Singapore might not need them as we have mrt cover almost whole singapore island for the comming years
Originally posted by SBS8033D:What i wished for the Scania tenders :
isnt B9TL also dull in colour?
Originally posted by Merczrox:
I certainly agree with u!
But then ur username also Scania leh.
Because my favourite bus was the N113CRBs.
Originally posted by SBS8033D:What i wished for the Scania tenders :
I really hope they use Hanover, not because of pics but more for the commuters' sake because they can't see which bus is coming. The primary usage is for commuters; they don't need to choose a EDS that allows bus enthusiasts to capture perfect images ... ...
seriously lah, stop COMPLAINING. got bus, bad, no bus, oso bad. haiyaa, go and live in KL laa, see can tahan or not, the transport there is 'tremendous'. for scanias or volvo, whatever lah. SG fuel cell bus project, ftw thumbs up .
Originally posted by scaniaB7RLE:seriously lah, stop COMPLAINING. got bus, bad, no bus, oso bad. haiyaa, go and live in KL laa, see can tahan or not, the transport there is 'tremendous'. for scanias or volvo, whatever lah. SG fuel cell bus project, ftw thumbs up
Some of them cannot even appreciate what is given to them. Thats why they complain. this is part an parcel of life.
I miss the days of the earlier bus scene when there are more types of bus models plying the roads (about a fleet of 100-300 per model); hence more different bus designs, bodyworks and also engine sounds. It helps to make travelling by bus less boring.
More varieties please!
Originally posted by JaSoNhSu92:
isnt B9TL also dull in colour?
maybe change livery colour lo
Can anyone tell me whats the bus model whereby the engine sounds like a 'cat' when the bus moves? its nac-sd bus.
Originally posted by Ajen:Can anyone tell me whats the bus model whereby the engine sounds like a 'cat' when the bus moves? its nac-sd bus.
Maybe its Volvo B10M Mark 2 (Walter Alexander/ Duple Mestec) which have been de-registered. Sounds like a cat when the bus moves for me too.
Originally posted by SMRT BUSES LuvER:Maybe its Volvo B10M Mark 2 (Walter Alexander/ Duple Mestec) which have been de-registered. Sounds like a cat when the bus moves for me too.
i miss this bus xD very unique esp the engine sound.
Originally posted by Rk 2010:Whatever buses that SBS Transit is purchasing, be it whether the interior is of a dull colour or a fragile and light bodywork, it is still a bus. It does take us to places that we want and from Point A to Point B. No point saying that alot of the same buses and it's boring. We have to live with it.
If everybody goes with your mentality, then we should just have a lorry to carry passengers.
Originally posted by Y_Shun:If everybody goes with your mentality, then we should just have a lorry to carry passengers.
Then what do you expect? Just voice it out.
Originally posted by Rk 2010:Whatever buses that SBS Transit is purchasing, be it whether the interior is of a dull colour or a fragile and light bodywork, it is still a bus. It does take us to places that we want and from Point A to Point B. No point saying that alot of the same buses and it's boring. We have to live with it.
What modern commuters want nowadays, and what bus companies need to provide
is a comfortable and enjoyable journey.
the colours and stuffs, just hope they improve it because the brown isn't really nice imo, though i said before in my review, opinions will differ. I'd rather they also use different bodyworks for the upcoming buses because if a design fault is found, not all are affected.