and my first one
*INSPECTOR* *: *- *
310708 00 1101:3349-3349
0528 105 1 *: *- *
####4 0539 *: *- *
Originally posted by jayh272416:rare ticket
0202 06NO 105 2A 12* 3839
13:08 PO 10c
Nt really. Got 1c 10c 20c 30c ... haha =D
Collecting tix can be interesting at times, depends on your luck as well.
You all might be interested to look out for the following, instead of just inspector tix:
i eat shit
im more interested in jy's one
eh give me leh
Originally posted by Stage:im more interested in jy's one
eh give me leh
not all gt sp leh
Some tickets I've had...
First day of B9TL on 58 (also the first time a B9TL on revenue service ventured into Bishan)
Last official operating day of ADDs on 119 (which coincidentally had a B9TL cameo)
Last ever VSO cameo on 7, 2 days before transfer to fully West Dist
Originally posted by Oceane:Some tickets I've had...
First day of B9TL on 58 (also the first time a B9TL on revenue service ventured into Bishan)
whoa time flies. it's been 6 months plus since another b9 entered bishan? haha.
Originally posted by Stage:whoa time flies. it's been 6 months plus since another b9 entered bishan? haha.
In between 58 had B9 cameos for I think a couple of times more.
Originally posted by Oceane:
In between 58 had B9 cameos for I think a couple of times more.
really? when?
Originally posted by Stage:
really? when?
2nd feburary
Originally posted by Rk 2010:2nd feburary
err not the 7340 one. meant other b9's.
Originally posted by ngjy22:Collecting tix can be interesting at times, depends on your luck as well.
You all might be interested to look out for the following, instead of just inspector tix:
1 cent , 10 cents , 30 cents ticket and purple , blue and yellow colour tickets.
1) Service 142 180c ticket
2) SBS215Z - Services 8 and 231
3) SBS342P consec ticket no diff service
4) Ticket no 3998 (my highest)
PS: Merczrox has 3999 xD
5) SBS1976D, Service 163: 5 1c tickets
6) Purple tix from SBS877M, sv196
7) My last ride on SBS82P
8) When rego = service...
9) Tix no: 3333
10) 10c ticket!
11) 1c ticket
SBS2777E spammage
When the printer goes a bit haywire:
SBS998Y on 290
Courtesy campaign ticket:
When there were bus test cards:
When TIB425R was a 963 perm, and when 966 was new:
When the validator spits out two conjoined tickets:
When there were still farecards.
Rego; Date; Route; Direction & Bus Type; Stage; Ticket No.
Time; Ticket Type; Normal fare; Fare after Transfer Rebate; Value left in farecard
of which ticket Type with a T in front: ie TPA, TPC indicates that transfer rebate was valid for the trip.
Originally posted by ngjy22:
GIRO top-up ticket
TIB999B printed out 858 ticket:
Blue tix from Svc 900:
And Causeway Link tix (given from a friend in school):
Any tips from thermal tix-es from going blank? I needa preserve my inspector tix. Thanks!
Originally posted by SBS8033D:Any tips from thermal tix-es from going blank? I needa preserve my inspector tix. Thanks!
I had a few that I kept in an airtight container in the freezer compartment of my fridge. After 7 months they still look like new ... ...