Can anyone tell me the address to SBS Transit's / SMRT's Scrapyard at Sungei Kadut?
Its Urgent. Thanks
Why? I go there no rewards la
If you really want, it is at Sungei Kadut Street Six. Try taking 925 there then after a loop at the reservoir, then turn right, then the third stop you alight. Walk into the road and turn right at the furthest end, then you'll find a gate made of those construction site kind of divider thingy, then got one dog standing over there. That's the scrapyard. Wheras for SMRT i am not sure already.
goign scrapyard ahh. help he scavage some mementos leh
Originally posted by TownLink 291:Can anyone tell me the address to SBS Transit's / SMRT's Scrapyard at Sungei Kadut?
Its Urgent. Thanks
Go there for wat?
Steal EDS, Steal desto, steal seat etc. XD
If can, take steering wheel, buy one of those steering wheel controller crap and replace with the bus steering XD More realism......Makes me wanna go kope the steering leh XD
The SBSTransit ScrapYard @ 35, Sungei Kadut St 6 has MOVED.
Possible Locations:
Jln Lam Huat (Someone told us it has moved there)
17, Defu Lane 9
Originally posted by TownLink 291:Notice:
The SBSTransit ScrapYard @ 35, Sungei Kadut St 6 has MOVED.
Possible Locations:
Jln Lam Huat (Someone told us it has moved there)
17, Defu Lane 9
alvin. maybe we try Defu someday
Originally posted by jayh272416:alvin. maybe we try Defu someday
I don't think that there is a point of going to the scrapyard seriously.
Originally posted by TownLink 291:Notice:
The SBSTransit ScrapYard @ 35, Sungei Kadut St 6 has MOVED.
Possible Locations:
Jln Lam Huat (Someone told us it has moved there)
17, Defu Lane 9
the scrapyard didnt move. The contractor they appointed did. Dont sound like the contractor move house like taht..
Hahas. I dun think it had just moved. Try one day. You will know if you went there.Even if you went there is just that you can't see buses only.
if any1 goes there, help me get e bus stopping sign
Originally posted by TownLink 291:Can anyone tell me the address to SBS Transit's / SMRT's Scrapyard at Sungei Kadut?
Its Urgent. Thanks
what is so urgent that you need to go to scrapyard for?
Originally posted by SBS8033D:Hahas. I dun think it had just moved. Try one day. You will know if you went there.Even if you went there is just that you can't see buses only.
People already said location of the bus scrapping has moved u say nvr move.We went there yesterday.Then yesterday we went there is wat?U are trying to say that the scrapyard is invisible or cant be made to show to the public?And who said u cant see buses when u go there?It depends on ur luck,the time or day u go there.
Originally posted by Merczrox:
People already said location of the bus scrapping has moved u say nvr move.We went there yesterday.Then yesterday we went there is wat?U are trying to say that the scrapyard is invisible or cant be made to show to the public?And who said u cant see buses when u go there?It depends on ur luck,the time or day u go there.
Why did you went there yesterday and whats the reason of it?
Originally posted by Rk 2010:Why did you went there yesterday and whats the reason of it?
i tink he went there to look at his mercs?
Originally posted by AEW5001:
i tink he went there to look at his mercs?
As I have already said, there isn't a point of going there as it is dangerous
Originally posted by Rk 2010:As I have already said, there isn't a point of going there as it is dangerous
the scrapyard is dangerous
take away the badges
steal the stopping sign
you can take all you like
but its ur life you are playin with
Originally posted by Stage:
the scrapyard is dangerous
take away the badges
steal the stopping sign
you can take all you like
but its ur life you are playin with
if u are inside the deregistered bus, ur might be killed by the electromagnet which "fly" to it if u are standing or sitting inside the bus because u "jump up".
Originally posted by Rk 2010:Why did you went there yesterday and whats the reason of it?
jayh ask me to follow him to take some Merc parts if possible.So follow him lor.In the end,we werent able to locate the scrapyard wat.
so may i ask
how many SBST/SMRT bus scrapyard Singapore Has...
if moved
is it possible those SMRT de-reg buses will moved to Defu? (juz asking no flaming) hehe
Originally posted by Bus&Soccer l0v3r (VO3x 1):so may i ask
is it possible those SMRT de-reg buses will moved to Defu? (juz asking no flaming) hehe
you have to ask who did smrt appoint to help them scrap the bus.
as said earlier the bus company may have probably appointed a diff company to scrap buses for them.. the scrapyard company DIDNT move its company premises..
Originally posted by JaSoNhSu92:
if u are inside the deregistered bus, ur might be killed by the electromagnet which "fly" to it if u are standing or sitting because u "jump up".
eheh cannot fit to the song leh.
Originally posted by service_238:
you have to ask who did smrt appoint to help them scrap the said earlier the bus company may have probably appointed a diff company to scrap buses for them.. the scrapyard company DIDNT move its company premises..
Probably tender. Whoever offers the best value to SBST/SMRT gets the business.