SBS1964M noticed this... notice how the three with LECIP all based in east side de?
Originally posted by jayh272416:SBS1964M noticed this... notice how the three with LECIP all based in east side de?
AMDEP is east meh? (9618)
Originally posted by TIB537B:
Was wondering
why didn't they put LECIP on the VSOs instead..../random
in the scenario if they can choose to order 50 EDSes.
The EDS looks half-coolair half-hanover
Originally posted by SBS1964M:
AMDEP is east meh? (9618)
AMDEP is east district wat.
Originally posted by SBS1964M:
AMDEP is east meh? (9618)
based in the east lol. Woodlands out three stops express go tampines already. that is confirm east.
SBS9604A was not installed with EDS as it was back on 198 today.
Originally posted by JaSoNhSu92:SBS9604A was not installed with EDS as it was back on 198 today.
*Bang* All the speculations and wishes of those who said that 9604A would be installed with an EDS when it was MIA had been gone together with the air now that this bus had came back without an EDS.Sad for those who were so eagerly and hopefully waiting that they could see a LECIP EDS VO3X at the western side.
Originally posted by jayh272416:based in the east lol. Woodlands out three stops express go tampines already. that is confirm east.
But Woodlands is not East.
Originally posted by Merczrox:
But Woodlands is not East.
but mainly east lor. considering AMDEP is also eastern side. its done 72 i believe. but never heard of it doing western svc
Originally posted by jayh272416:but mainly east lor. considering AMDEP is also eastern side. its done 72 i believe. but never heard of it doing western svc
Yeah.Maybe soon will do western svcs like 154,157 and 166.
Originally posted by JaSoNhSu92:SBS9604A was not installed with EDS as it was back on 198 today.
oh no... ok then
Originally posted by JaSoNhSu92:SBS9604A was not installed with EDS as it was back on 198 today.
Oh... so much for the hoohaa...
well... I guess it'll be like when the EEVs came out, first the east gets a lot, then the west gets a lot, then east gets some a again.
Originally posted by Lameomaster:well... I guess it'll be like when the EEVs came out, first the east gets a lot, then the west gets a lot, then east gets some a again.
Any reason for that or is it some kind of random distribution?
Maybe SBS9489R and SBS9318B will get the LECIP if and when they do return on service
Originally posted by jayh272416:Maybe SBS9489R and SBS9318B will get the LECIP if and when they do return on service
I don't think these 2 buses will get the EDS. Only the 96XX series will get them.
Originally posted by lianamaster:Any reason for that or is it some kind of random distribution?
maybe is bcos of the service the bus does?
Or maybe it just so happens that the buses selected serve the Eastern side of SG.
Seriously, not so much of a big deal right? Hope for cameo, and wait.
Hopefully 9670H can get the EDS ^_^ Cas see how it looks like showing Premium 533
Up close and personal with the LECIP EDS. Indeed as compared to the original plastic destos, the font for the route number is way too small.
Originally posted by TIB537B:
Up close and personal with the LECIP EDS. Indeed as compared to the original plastic destos, the font for the route number is way too small.
Maybe SBST should learn from the other bus companies on the use of EDS such as that of HK's Citybus.
Abolish the route information and just put the final destination of the service can already.
Say it simply shows this: [ PASIR RIS 5 ]
Originally posted by TWS4793:
Say it simply shows this: [ PASIR RIS 5 ]
use this format will be better. and can be seen easily. not like now. the service number is small and oso the destination.
Originally posted by ahjack 77:use this format will be better. and can be seen easily. not like now. the service number is small and oso the destination.
heya SBST ppl at HQ
wanna try this format? lol
Originally posted by TIB537B:
heya SBST ppl at HQwanna try this format? lol
Send an email to [email protected] then give them your suggestion.
Any takers?
Originally posted by TWS4793:
Send an email to [email protected] then give them your suggestion.Any takers?
u suggest to people why not you do it yourself
Originally posted by TWS4793:Maybe SBST should learn from the other bus companies on the use of EDS such as that of HK's Citybus.
Abolish the route information and just put the final destination of the service can already.
Say it simply shows this: [ PASIR RIS 5 ]
on close up it looks alot like the EURO V eds....maybe it can show the thing like 9889?