Originally posted by jayh272416:or 9668 9669 lol
whose number
Originally posted by jaaze:whose number
call and find out lor
Originally posted by Raraken:I remember last time 8033D rear EDS corrupted or something. Block, then 8, then like a reversed Euro (€) sign
SMRT at least they know how to mantain and choose a good brand, and the Sls usually know how to clear and fix the corrupted EDS unless the EDS is dead already. Also, SMRTB tends to stick to tried and tested brands, such as LAWO, Transit Media etc., and if new brand which they never use before, trial first (Mobitec). Unlike SBST, who go buy 500 buses with Coolair EDS, which I have never heard of beforehand. Still, SBST is learning, and now making better choices for future buses, like the case of the EEV KUBs.
However, how reliable is LECIP? Though I know this is a trial basis, and they may revert back to destos, can it handle SG climate? Can the public see the svc no. from far away?Only time will tell, eh?
the 3 VOs with LECIP doesn't seem to have much problems till now. saw all three at different times today. 9618K in the morning along Lentor when it's going to WDL to start svc. 9631X on 17 when waiting for 8031J to come. and 9661J on 5 when going home frm PSR.
Originally posted by nenepokey:the 3 VOs with LECIP doesn't seem to have much problems till now. saw all three at different times today. 9618K in the morning along Lentor when it's going to WDL to start svc. 9631X on 17 when waiting for 8031J to come. and 9661J on 5 when going home frm PSR.
But right now the problem is that the EDS has to be fitted in the confines of the desto area, which isn't very big, meaning the EDS is about the size of your desto. If you compare the VOs with LECIP and the Tridents, which had their EDSes from the start, you can see the difference in viewing area available, and this would most likely be like the Euro IV KUBs, where the EDS happens to be small. Time will tell about how reliable the LECIP EDS are, but I have faith on the Japanese XD (Our UDs are much faster than many buses in SG XD)
But when I saw 9618K and 9661J on service, the numbers were squashed and hard to see. I only knew they were 168 and 5 because there are only 3 with LECIP, and you can tell the no. of digits in the service from that distance XD
Originally posted by carbikebus:Wahlao die die he say SBST good one cause he anti SMRTB one..
did I openly say abt anti - SMRT?
it's the ppl themselves tat causes all these, road bulls on e road
Originally posted by Raraken:But right now the problem is that the EDS has to be fitted in the confines of the desto area, which isn't very big, meaning the EDS is about the size of your desto. If you compare the VOs with LECIP and the Tridents, which had their EDSes from the start, you can see the difference in viewing area available, and this would most likely be like the Euro IV KUBs, where the EDS happens to be small. Time will tell about how reliable the LECIP EDS are, but I have faith on the Japanese XD (Our UDs are much faster than many buses in SG XD)
But when I saw 9618K and 9661J on service, the numbers were squashed and hard to see. I only knew they were 168 and 5 because there are only 3 with LECIP, and you can tell the no. of digits in the service from that distance XD
yup. have to agree that the viewing area is slightly too small. let's see in the future to come!
Was wondering
why didn't they put LECIP on the VSOs instead..../random
in the scenario if they can choose to order 50 EDSes.
Looking from 537B's photo, I think what it needs is just the number to match the size of what is on E4 KUB. There's so much blank space in between the destination and the service number. Viewing space is still managable - HK got this right when they did the same with their own VO3X with similiar constrains :
Originally posted by sgbuses:Looking from 537B's photo, I think what it needs is just the number to match the size of what is on E4 KUB. There's so much blank space in between the destination and the service number. Viewing space is still managable - HK got this right when they did the same with their own VO3X with similiar constrains :
omg.. the photo just exploded in my face. resize it...
Originally posted by TIB537B:
Was wondering
why didn't they put LECIP on the VSOs instead..../random
in the scenario if they can choose to order 50 EDSes.
Looks like a newly delivered bus...
Originally posted by lifelikedrama:omg.. the photo just exploded in my face. resize it...
Done. Copied the wrong URL.
Originally posted by sgbuses:Looking from 537B's photo, I think what it needs is just the number to match the size of what is on E4 KUB. There's so much blank space in between the destination and the service number. Viewing space is still managable - HK got this right when they did the same with their own VO3X with similiar constrains :
ya that's what i feel also, alot of wasted space on the LECIP EDS. Hope they bold the EDS number or something.
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:Looks like a newly delivered bus...
With the EDS yes.
Originally posted by TIB537B:
your classmate's quite wrong about thatEDS has been around for quite a number of years and several operators in Singapore and beyond are using it. That doesn't mean the overseas companies/SMRT BUSES/SBST copies from each other right?
And besides, technology has made it possible for cheaper destination signages that can contain all routes instead of having physical destos, so it's more of a benefit and a natural evolution for the bus companies to choose EDS over plastic signages.
Yeah i understand but i tell him also he wont understand one.So i dont bother telling him.
Originally posted by sbst275:
least better than having rubbish output print message like "6DP tle"61 + NDP Shuttle combo
Lol.Sometimes i like seeing SMRT's corrupted EDSes where the 2 lines of words gets cocked up or half combined with each other.Really unique.
Originally posted by SBS7382C:
wonder when will oc eds get corrupted
Wah u ah not enough seeing corrupted EDSes everywhere ah?Already the euro 4 kubs EDSes are an eyesore u still want the OCs EDSes to get corrupted.
Originally posted by Raraken:I remember last time 8033D rear EDS corrupted or something. Block, then 8, then like a reversed Euro (€) sign
SMRT at least they know how to mantain and choose a good brand, and the Sls usually know how to clear and fix the corrupted EDS unless the EDS is dead already. Also, SMRTB tends to stick to tried and tested brands, such as LAWO, Transit Media etc., and if new brand which they never use before, trial first (Mobitec). Unlike SBST, who go buy 500 buses with Coolair EDS, which I have never heard of beforehand. Still, SBST is learning, and now making better choices for future buses, like the case of the EEV KUBs.
However, how reliable is LECIP? Though I know this is a trial basis, and they may revert back to destos, can it handle SG climate? Can the public see the svc no. from far away?Only time will tell, eh?
Yeah thats why i like SMRT more than SBST.They are more experienced at this kind of things.SBST since they just only started thats why cock up a lot.They should have just tested it out on one DD like a demonstrator first.Then they should have decided if the EDS is worth it putting on every DD or not.If this LECIP EDS turns out like the coolair EDS,thats it.Hopefully like u said,the LECIP EDSes SBST are using now wont become worse like the Euro 4 kubs EDSes as time goes by.
Talking abt cocked up EDSes,wonder when will 8031J's EDS gets cock up too.
Why do they want to convert to EDS? Desto no good meh?
Originally posted by linwei20:Why do they want to convert to EDS? Desto no good meh?
Maybe using EDS provides more route info than using destos?
Originally posted by SMRT BUSES LuvER:Maybe using EDS provides more route info than using destos?
Ya truth, it provides more route infomation, but problem is, when the EDS corrupted, BC/SL didn't notice it and they didn't put a bus plate infront, what to do? We got to miss the bus?
Originally posted by linwei20:Why do they want to convert to EDS? Desto no good meh?
There is no need for physical destos, most, if not all of the route data are at one's fingertips.
TIBS was a good example of EDS success.
i suck more than suck
Originally posted by linwei20:Ya truth, it provides more route infomation, but problem is, when the EDS corrupted, BC/SL didn't notice it and they didn't put a bus plate infront, what to do? We got to miss the bus?
the best is when they search for the service and press 238 out instead of 268. seen that 3 or 4 times liao. surprisingly people knows its 268.
Originally posted by TIB537B:
Was wondering
why didn't they put LECIP on the VSOs instead..../random
in the scenario if they can choose to order 50 EDSes.
wondering why they took out the eds from 9888y on the first place...
Originally posted by SBS7382C:
wondering why they took out the eds from 9888y on the first place...
Probably it was beyond repair... If it's not broken I doubt they would want to do anything to it.