Will be posting a bit, so dont mind me.....
Adam's Ale/Wine
Ale is a strong beer, and Adam was the first man on earth. When Adam thirsty all he had to drink was water. From that, Adam's ale and Adam's wine are humorous ways of referring to the water we drink. "No coffee for me, thanks," Helen said. "I'll just have a glass of Adam's ale"
All Roads Lead To Rome
When the Roman Empire stretched across Europe its engineers built roads which all led to Rome. "Like a spiderweb with Rome in the centre," Teddy said. Teddy's right, and that has given us this saying that now means there are many different ways of attaining a single goal. "I may do things in an unusual way but all roads lead to Rome and my method seems to work."
All's Fish That Comes To The Net
Fibb caught a mermaid. "Fantastic!" Fibb cried. Mrs Fibbs frowned. "But dear," Fibb said, "isnt it true what fishermen say, that all's fish that comes to the net?" Mrs Fibb frowned: "In that case, lets fry it!" Forlornly, Fibb flung the mermaid back into the sea. This proverb tells us that when something comes our way we should consider how it might be useful or benefit us.
An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away
"If doctors had to depend on me to make a living they'd be in financial trouble," Eve said. "Why is that?" her friend Adam asked. "Because I like apples," Eve smiled. I believe Eve is alluding to the saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away. It means apple are so nutritious they keep you in the peak of health.
Be On The Safe Side
It takes Arnie less than an hour to get to work but too be on the safe side he leaves his house very early in the morning. "We live in uncertain times when anything might happen," Arnie said, "so to be on the safe side I allow myself a couple of hours to get to the office." This expression means to take special precautions to avoid making a mistake.
Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
Robert has a new model."She's not a beauty queen," he said, "but to me she's perfect." Prunella blushed. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Robert." "Indeed it is," he said, "and this old saying tells us that the idea of beauty exist in our minds. What is beautiful to one person may not be beautiful to others."
A Bed Of Roses
"Life," Chadwick grinned, "is a bed of roses." Then he frowned. "The only time it's not is when I am called upon to chase mice. Not many people know this but I can't really stand the things!" Chadwick yawned and went back to sleep. A bed of roses describes a life or a situation that is agreeable and gives comfort, peace and pleasure.
Beggars Cant Be Choosers
Since Fergus is usually in need, he's the ideal person to explain this saying. "It says someone in need should be grateful for what is given to him - even if it's not what he wants or expects." he said. :Once I found a purse. I returned it to its owner, of course, and was given a dollar. It wasn't much and I hoped for more but when you're hungry beggars can't be choosers."
A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush
"Some people aren't content with what they have," Maltida sighed. "They don't seem to realise that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." Maltida is using a proverb that tells us that we should be satisfied with what we have - and that we should not risk losing what we already possess searching for we imagine will be better.
The Blind Leading The Blind
I know absolutely nothing about physics. If you asked me to help you with your physics lessons it would be a perfect example of the blind leading the blind. This expression is used to describe any situation in which a person helping or advising someone knows as little about the subject as the person who is being advised.
The Buck Stops Here/With Someone
"Stop!" Podunk shouted. "I'm the boss. I'll make the decisions in this offcie. The buck stops here." The expression Podunk is using means a final decisionn or total responsibility for an action rests with the speaker. In this case the buck stops with Podunk.
Burn The Candle At Both Ends
Those who are always busy and seem to get little rest are said to burn the candle at both ends. "Like me," Lily complained. That's true, during examination time Lily can be seen attending classes during the day and studying until the wee hours of the night. "I'll be happy when I graduate. I'll sleep all day and never have to burn the candle at both ends again," Lily daydreamed.
Buy A Pig In A Poke
Those who buy something without examining it for faults or check to see if they are really getting what they believe they have purchased buy a pig in a poke. "What in the world is a poke?" Elmer asked. A poke is an old, old word for a sack or cloth bag. "So if I bought Ed's old car without having a mechanic look at it I'd be buying a pig in a poke?" That's right, Elmer.
Catch/Clutch/Grasp At Straws
A drowning man will reach for anything to save himself, including pieces of straw. That's the idea behind this expression which means to resort to any means to save yourself when in serious trouble. "The neighbourhood kids must be desperate," Abe said. "How else can I explain the way they're clutching at straws to find ways to enjoy themselves?"
Catch As Catch Can
"Ozzie can neither kick nor run so there was no logical reasons for putting him on our team," the coach said. "But we needed a goalkeeper and Ozzie was the only man available. Giving him the position was more or less a case of catch-as-catch-can." I hope that doesn'toffend Ozzie because catch-as-catch-can means to do anything or use any means to achieve an aim or reach a goal.
steady lah more more.. its interesting.. i've been using them w/o knowing where they come from
Children Should Be Seen And Not Be Heard
Much to the remorse of the children, this saying means exactly what the words say. Adults use it to suggest - a better word is command - a child to stop asking questions, talking, or making unneccessary noise. "You children must stop arguing so much. Dont you know children should be seen and not be heard?" "Isnt 'unneccessary noise' a value judgement?" Fiona whispered.
Christmas Comes But Once Each Year
"Our ship's gone and we're stranded in the middle of the sea, but Christmas comes but once each year and I intend to celebrate!" Tim said. I wish Tim well - even though this saying is normally used to provide people with an excuse to indulge on food and drink and spend money during the Christmas season.
Cry Over Spilt Milk
Natalie is a little girl with a big problem. The cow she was milking has overturned the milk pail. "I am close to tears," Natalie cried. The cow is more relaxed about it. "A loss is a losse, but there's no point in crying over spilt milk" The cow's right - and this saying means it's pointless to get upset or feel regret about a loss or mistake that can't be undone.
Curiousity Killed The Cat
Cats are said to have nine lives. It's also said that having too much curiousity kills them. That has given us this proverb which we use to warn people not to show too much interest in affairs that didnt concern them. "You attend to your affairs and I'll attend to mine. Remember that curiousity killed the cat."
Cut Off Your Nose To Spite Your Face
When people are dissatisfied or angry, they sometimes react by doing foolish things that proves harmful to themselves. When someone does, he is said to cut off his nose to spite his face. "If you quit your job before you find another, you might be cutting off your nose to spite your face," Tom cautioned his brother.
Dead Men Tell No Tales
This proverb states that those who are no longer alive aren't able to speak - and therefore won't reveal someone's deepest, darkest secrets. "We may never learn the truth behind the JFK's assassination. All the witnesses are gone, and as you know dead men tell no tales."
The Devil Finds Work For Idle Hands
When Maurice was young, his parents warned him that the devil finds work for idle hands. They were telling him that unless he kept busy doing useful or constructive things he could be tempted into mischief or evil. "Sorry, but I dont think the saying the devil finds work for the idle hands means I should waste my time sweeping floors," Maurice said to a stranger.
The Devil Has The Best Tunes
About 200 years ago a religious leader in England named John Wesley turned popular songs into church hymns. "Why should the devil has the best tunes?" he asked. Today someone doing unworthy things because it gives him pleasure might use this phrase humourously. "I know I watch too much television when I should be studying but the devil has the best tunes," Kurt said.
Dog Eat Dog
In a competitive situations where each person has his own interests at heart and his own desires in mind it is usually the strong and the determined who succeed. People refer to this type of situation as dog eat dog. "I am happy that there's no dog eat dog in the office where I work," Mildred said. Millie is fortunate because there are some who might say we seen to live in a dog-eat-dog world.
Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining
A drop of rain landed on Felix's head. That caused him to look up until he located a particular cloud. "Sometimes when it's raining we can see the sun peeking through the clouds," he said. That causes some clouds to have a silver edge and had led to the saying that no matter how dark things are every cloud has a silver lining" He smiled. "That means good things usually follow the bad."
An Exception To The Rule
While inspecting his troops, the captain noticed something odd. "What's wrong with you?" he shouted at Wilburforce. "My moustache is an exception to the rule," Wilburforce replied. There are no exceptions to the rule in the army," the captain barked - and no one saw Wilburforce again. An exception to the rule is something that does not conform to or agree with a rule.
Experience Is The Best Teacher
You can tell someone how to do something and you can show him how to do it. He will learn best, though, if he does it himself. That's the idea expressed in this saying. "Hold tight and keep trying," Agatha smiled as her niece flew by in her broomstick. "Experience is the best teacher."
Fling/Sling/Throw Mud At Someone
Fling, sling and throw mean virtually the same thing. In this proverb, to fling/sling or throw mud at someone is to say evil or bad things about someone and in doing so, to damage his or her reputation. "Some people sling mud at people just because they're jealous," Sammy said. That's just awful, isnt it" It is and wouldnt it be nicer world if everyone stopped throwing mud?
A Fool And His Money Are Soon Parted
Many people know this proverb but few actually practise it. It says that a person who spends his money foolishly will soon be penniless. That is, he and his money are parted. "Rodney made a lot of money last month but he spent it unwisely. A fool and his money are soon parted, they say."
Forgive And Forget
Officer Mutt caught Albert in the act of leaving the jail. "I was just stepping out for a pizza. Forgive me and forget it," Albert said. Mutt was furious. " You do such naughty things! How can you expect me to forgive and forget!" The expression forgive and forget refers to excusing or pardoning someone for doing something. " And then trying your best to forget it!" Mutt muttered.
A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed
This saying - often shortened to a friend in need - describes a truly genuine friend. No matter how difficult things are, he can always be depended on to help. "Oh,oh, I forgot my umbrella," Felix said. "Dont worry, you can share mine," both Herb and Dan smiled. "After all, a friend in need is a friend indeed."
Genius Is The Infinite Capacity For Taking Pains
The writer Thomas Carlyle said that the genius consists of having limitless patience to do a perfect job but he said it in the way it appears above. If someone were to ask me to give an example, I'd suggest they stand at Robert's window watching him work. "Its not easy painting butterflies! Robert exclaimed.
Give Someone Enough Rope And He Will Hang HImself
If encouraged, a person doing wrong, foolish or ridiculous things will keep on doing them. 'He doesnt even have to be encouraged," Lester said. Just let him keep doing wrong because if you give him enough rope he'll hang himself." What Lester means is if we allow someone to continue in his bad ways he'll evetually bring about his own downfall or ruin.
A Golden Key Opens Every Door
"Look what I found!" Albert cried. "Why its a golden key!". Officer Mutt observed. "It reminds me that a golden key opens every door," Albert smiled. "Yes, I think it will open a door for you at my nice jail," Mutt replied. Actually the golden key here is money and it is asumed it will let someone do anything he wants.
Greener Pastures
"I've discovered a way to keep my pastures looking fresh," Mortimer grinned, "and by offerring my cows greener pastures they're happy to stay at home." Greener pastures refers to a place where conditions appear to be better or more livable. "MY cows have disappeared!," one of Mortimer's neighbours complained. "Thats how it is with cows," Mortimer replied. "They probably moved to a greener pastures."
Grin And Bear It
Skiing down a mountain, Chuck collided with a bear and got trapped underneath it. Known for his cheerful disposition, Chuck wasnt alarmed. "I have a way of looking at misfortune,' he said. "I simply grin and bear it." To grin and bear it is to put up with discomfort or bad situation without complaining. So Chuck's still there grinning and bearing it, waiting for help to arrive.
He Who Pays The Piper Calls The Tunes
The meaning behind this saying is that the person who pays for something, has the right to do what he wants. That is, he can call the tune. "Its my party so I can invite anyone I want. After all, he who pays the piper calls the tune," Cleo said.
Hide Your Light Under A Bushel
A bushel is a type of basket used to hold a measure of grain. This saying (its from the Bible) expresses the idea of a modest or shy person concealing his talents, skills or abilities. "Really, Jaime, I didnt know you were such an artist!" his teacher exclaimed. "You shouldnt hide your light under a bushel. You should paint more pictures."
Hitch One's Wagon To A Star
Many years ago travellers used the stars to guide them in the correct direction over land and sea. That led to this expression which means to move forward in a way to improve your chances of achieving success. "I have a goal in life," Teddy said, "and to accomplish it I am going to htich my wagon to a star and spend more time in the library studying my lessons."
Home Is Where The Heart Is
No matter where you are, 'home' is where you feel most comfortable and content. It is where you really and truly want to be. "No matter where my steps might lead me, my heart will always ne here with you and my good friends," Albert said. "I know," Officer Mutt said. "Home is where the heart is."
If Money Is Not Thy Servant It Will Be Thy Master
This proverb - and you are likely to see a number of variations of it - is a caution: use money wisely and you are its master. Use it badly and you become its slave. No one knows better than the King for he has this to say about it: "Money hasnt made me its servant for I am the humble master of all money I collect from my subjects!"
If The mountain Will Not Come to Mohammed, Mohammed Must Go To The Mountain
This saying is so long that its usually shortened in several ways. Its a reminder that if someone wants something its not going to come about by itself: he must do soemthing to attain his goals. "if its success you're after you will have to work for it. Keep in mind that the mountain isnt going to come to Mohammed," Mrs Bell said to her son Alexander.
If Wishes Were Horses, Beggars Would Ride
If we could get all the things we wanted just by making a wish, everyone would have all he ever wanted. That would include beggars, of course, who usually would suddenly become rich. This saying is usually shortened to if wishes were horse. "If wishes were horse I'd live in a big house."
If You Cant Lick Them ('em), Join Them ('em)
Today we are going to join some leopards to look at an old saying. The 'em' in it is a contraction of 'them', and its pronounced um. We can define this as saying 'if you cannot defeat an opponent or get him to change his ideas, plans or way of doing things, the best thing is to change your ideas, plans etc'
In For A Penny, In For A Pound
The pound here is the British pound sterling. A penny is one hundredth part of one. This old saying tells us that if we decide to do something, we should commit ourselves to it boldly and completely. "I am going to devote myself to earning as much as possible this summer," Teddy said. "After all, in for a penny, out for a pound."
A Job Worth Doing Is A Job Worth Doing Well.
Jeffrey has made what may be his last great trip of explorations. Watching someone trying to build a fire by rubbing sticks together he became distressed. "Havent you heard that a job woth doing is a job worth doing well? Here, use my lighter!" This proverb means if you do something you should do it as well as you can.
Keep The Wolf From The Door
Wolves, it is said, prey on the weak when searching for food. From that, the 'wolf' in this expression is a metaphor for hunger. To keep the wolf from the door, then, is to avoid hunger and poverty. "I dont like my job,' Rudolph confessed, "but I have to do something to keep the wolf from the door."
Keep A Dog And Bark Oneself
People who keep a dog to guard their property would be very unhappy if the dog failed to do his duty. In the same way, a boss who has to do the work his employees should be doing might complain to them by using this expression: "You're never around when I need you! I might as well keep a dog and bark myself!"
Kills Two Birds With One Stone
When someone kills two birds with one stone, he gets two things done by performing one action. Two birds in autumn were discussing winter plans. "Why dont we kill two birds with one stone by stopping off to visit Aunt Martha when we fly south this winter?"
Know A Hawk From A Handsaw
When Shakespeare was searching for a way to have Hamlet tell people that he wasnt a fool and that he indeed knew what he was talking about, he gave Hamlet these words to say (Hamlet II,2). Here we have Teddy using the same words to say somethin gabout his uncle. "He's the smartest man in the world. If anyone knows a hawk from a handsaw, Uncle Felix does."
Laugh And The World Laughs With You
Most people like to laugh. I guess thats why someone once said that laughter is contagious. Therefore, when someone is in a happy,cheerful mood, people like being with him. Thats the meaning behind laugh and the world laughs with you. The complete saying is this: laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone.
Least Said, Soonest Forgotten
After making a mistake, saying or doing the wrong thing or, perhaps, embarrassing ourselves or others in some way we tend to think and worry about it - and we might apologize for it over and over. Usually least said, soonest forgotten. That is, less we say about it the sooner the incident will be forgotten.
LIfe Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries
This is the title of a song that was popular in US in the 1930s. The song spoke of life being full of happiness and pleasure though tehre was a certain amoutn of sarcasm in it. Today the expression mightb e used hopefully or mockingly. "I just got promoted! Life is just a bow of cherries!" "I fell terrible, but I keep telling myself life is just a bow of cherries."
Like A Bull In A China Shop
You can imagine what happen if a bull walked into a china shop. It would lead to a mess, and thats why we say a clumsy or tactless person is like a bull in a china shop. "Jim has no patience or diplomacy. He's like a bull in a china shop at business meetings."
Lock The Stable Door After The Horse Has Bolted
Once a mistake has been made or an error committed, its too late to take precautions to prevent it from happening. Thats the idea behind this proverb. Therefore, we should take care to prevent trouble before - not after - it happens. "Thats why I am locking up," Mortimer said. "The horse is gone but I dont want people stealing my hay!"
The Longest Day Must Have An End
Some days seems partcularly long and endless, especially when we're unhappy.Every day does end, though, even those that are painful or difficult. By extension, all difficult jobs or situations also have an end. "This has been an awful day," Felix mumbled, " but even the longest day must have an end, thank goodness!"
Look Before One Leaps
"I never make mistakes. I always look before I leap," Henry declared. His wife wasnt so sure. "How about the time you jumped into the lake?" she asked, "That was different. I was so much in love I wasnt thinking clearly," Henry answered. To look before you leap is to consider carefully your actions before performing them.
Losers Weepers, Finders Keepers
This is an old rhyming statement used (mostly) by children. If someone loses something, he weeps - but if someone finds it, he keeps it. As you might imagine, children who say this are usually 'the finders' of something. "THe King cant find his crown. Losers weepers, finders keepers," Nobbin laughed.
Love Me, Love My Dog
This old saying comes from the fact that people who have dogs expect others to appreciate them as much as they do. It has come to mean that if we want a person's friendship we must accept him totally, faults and all. "I know i talk too much, Harry, but as the saying goes love me, love my dog."
Many Hand Make Light Work
Mr Hayday is fortunate to have found somone as useful as Ollie for his shipping department. Not only does Ollie do the work of several men, he sings songs while he works. "Two hands good, eight hands better," he sings. Ollie is good - and he's proving the saying that many hands (people) sharing a job or task male light (easier) work of it.
Make Hay While The Sun Shines
Farmers with hay to harvest dont wait until its raining to go to their fields: they take advantage of bright sunny days. From that, make hay while sun shines refers to taking advantage of a favourable situation to benefit or profit from it. "Everyone has gone to bed so I am going make hay while the sun shines and study while its quiet," Elliot said.
Marriage Are Made In Heaven
"People often say that marriages are made in heaven," Polly said. "What does that mean? Don asked. "It means that long before we met it was decided in heaven that we were ideally suited for each other and therefore we would meet and get married," she replied.
Money Burn A Hole In Someone's Pocket
Here is a riddle: What is it that when some people have it they are so eager to get rid of it that it seems to burn a hole on their pocket and disappear? The answer is money. "No sooner do teh workers get their wages but the money seems to burn a hole in their pocket and they rush out to spend it," Basil said.
Money Doesnt Grow On Trees
Its difficult for children to undertsand that money doesnt grow on trees. That is, money isnt as abundant as leaves and it certainly doesnt fall from the skies. This old saying is meant to advise us that we should spend our money carefully for work is required to earn it
The Mountain Labours And Bring Forth A Mouse
"Whats that funny statue doing there?" Bimbi asked. "Its there to encourage someone to think up a silly saying," Hoozit said. In time someone proved Hoozit correct by creating the above proverb. Hoozit even knew what it would mean: to work hard and long on a project that turns out to be pretty useless.
No News Is Good News
If something good happens we seldom hear about it. If something bad happens we hear about it immediately. Its on television, in the newspapers, its eevrywhere. For that reason, we've come to believe that if we hear no news about something its because its good news. "I ve given up reading or listening to the daily news," Felix said. "No news is good news," he said.
Not The Only Pebble On The Beach
Peggy and Polly had a quarrel. "I'll never talk to you again! Peggy shouted. "What do I care? You're not the only pebble on the beach," Polly answered. I hope these two settle tehir dispute soon because when someone uses this expression he (or she) is boldy saying, "You're not the only person in this world!"
Once Bitten Twice Shy
Ned's dog hasnt shown much interest in playing with him lately. "Once bitten, twice shy," the dog whimpered. This says if you have have had a bad experience (been bitten) doing something, you will be extremely (twice shy) about repeating the mistake. "The last time i played with Ned he bit me! That little kid's rough!" the dog explained.
One Man's Meat Is Another Man's Poison
"In my line of work you get use to eating when you can and in all sorts of restaurants. But I enjoy trying different kinds of food." "How is your lunch?" Vulpone asked. Timothy took one bite and fainted but before he did he was heard to mutter: "One man's meat is another man's poison." This means that while something may be unpleasing to one person it can be thoroughly unpleasant to another.
One Swallow Does Not A Summer Make
When winter is due to end, migrating birds - like swallows - think of returning to their northern homes. People there must be careful, though, for the sight of one swallow doesnt mean winter is really over.That has given us this cautionary advice dont form hasty opinions or come to quick conclusions on the basis of a few facts.
Opportunity Only Knocks Once
Norm was napping under a tree when an apple fell. It bounced and hit a fellow named Newton. Newton became famous writing about gravity, but no one ever heard of Norm. "Opportunity only knocks once," Newton smiled, " and Norm slept through it!" This caution says: seize an opportunity when it occurs for it may never happen again.
An Ounce Of Prevention Is Better Than A Pound Of Cure
The value of a cure for an illness cant be measured. This saying goes a step further and states that it is even better to be cautious and prevent a misfortune or an accident from happening. "Be sure to get lots of exercise, and eat nutritious food to stay healthy. Remember that an ounce of prevention is better than a pund of cure."