wah seh..ok i try to describe a simple one..=P
1) resize your pic..under image --> image size (say you resize to 600x400 for landscape, 400x600 for portrait)
2) ctrl a, ctrl c to copy the the pic, then go choose the backgrd colour (the colour of your frame)..you see 2 overlapping boxes on the left hand side? the top one is for foregrd colour, bottom one for backgrd..
3) go image --> canvas size --> change the dimensions to pixels --> lets say your pic is 600x400 and you want a border of 50 pixels..so you put 650 and 450 in the boxes..then ok..
4) ctrl v to paste the pic
5) if you want a line to separate your pic and the border, go edit --> stroke..then choose the colour and the thickness of the line..
6) if you want..you can also go layer --> layer style --> blending options to add some "shadows" and stuffs..
7) layer --> flatten image (right at the bottom)
and there you have it~~~!
errr..if..the above fails..alternatively, you can get jOhO to create the action for you..then you just put it in your action folder..then open your photoshop and you can use it liao =P