If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin. - Ivan Turgenev
The minute you start talking about what you're going to do if you lose, you have lost. - George Shultz
The highest courage is to dare to appear to be what one is. - John Lancester Spalding
Don't blame others for the things that can't be controlled, in the end, the saddest thing change no matter how big the loss. Only you can be brave enough to move on and accept it's no one's fault.
A human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. - William James
Integrity without knowledge is weak adn useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. - Samuel Johnson
These are from the movies.....
"Every man dies. Not every man truly lives." - Braveheart
"Your heart is free... Have the courage to follow it." - Braveheart
"To make the journey and not fall deeply in love, you haven't lived a life at all. Stay Open. Lightning could strike." - Bill, Meet Joe Black
"Some people can't believe in themselves until someone else believes in them first." - Good Will Hunting
"There is fate, but it only takes you so far. Because once you're there, it's up to you to make it happen." - Can't Hardly Wait
"IF you're gonna bury the truth, make sure it stays buried." - I know what you did last summer
"Death is actually a small concern compared to the living dead who have not fulfilled their dreams or who have not been true to themselves." - Patch Adams
"On my command,unleash hell"
The most dangerous mental faults are laziness and impatience. - Kierkegaard
PaJeRoMiNi Ver 1.0
In hokkien:
"Bo Keng Buay Chut Peng"
Nvr keng cannot get out of army....
there is no second chance to give people the first impression - BoYisHbOy
"When at first you dun succeed, you are a failure."