Big White Box is not so much about money, but talent - and using creativity to change the lives of others. This site is completely not-for profit, so any money we make goes to good causes.
Anyone can add to the Box and sell their photography; although low quality work won't be allowed through. Photos can be purchased for £5 and the profit is split between the photographer and an international aid organisation like Oxfam or Save the Children.
We are raising money for 3 charities; each one is a part of the Make Poverty History coalition and the Disasters Emergency Committee. When a customer buys a picture, they can decide which charity they would most like their money to go to.
Each photo must be more than 1 MP and less than 4MP...
# A designer needs plenty of scope to superimpose their advertising message or slogan onto the image - so carefully composed clear spaces are a big bonus.
# Keep it simple. Stock photos are meant to compliment a design rather than be the main point of focus; a less cluttered image is far more likely to sell.
UK2 Pounds will be delivered to your Paypal acc on every sale of each of ur pictures while 3 Pounds will be donated to charity
U can opt to give the 2 Pounds to charity too something for them
remember that if you earned some money and dont want to use ur credit card to get it u can subscribe to years of p-membersip