be shameless.
Originally posted by ChoCoChips:be shameless.
be like you isn't ??
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:
be like you isn't ??
i where got shameless!
(to TS) not cocochips..
Originally posted by ChoCoChips:i where got shameless!
kidding lah... so Kan-Cheong...
Only Littlemissbonk@rs will know... lol.
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:
Originally posted by ChoCoChips:smlj
cool it bro.. just kidding.
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:
cool it bro.. just kidding.
i not angry la.
Originally posted by Working Man:Alas if I can go to west country, I will but how can? I only got poly cert and work low level office job. Unless I am doctor or business man with millions then western country want me.
Nowadays, peers will attack you one leh, how many enemies can you make out of them? Too many. Do you not think for a second who is the one who leak out my approach to the girl? Of course the girl tell everybody lar. That is why guys don't want to ask the girl out. Many girl think we don't have balls but they take baseball and whack our balls, you think not painful leh?
That is why I dare say, serve some woman right, that is why a lot of men don't want to go after them because they go and tell everybody. But I also say that there are woman who go after guy when the guy not interested in them. So best way is to strengthen relationship through friendship, from there maybe the guy can make his move. Friendship have advantages because no emotional strings tied and you can see whether the ger match you or not.
Sorrie, I don't go for dance lesson, sometimes I end up dancing with 60 year old grandma. Still they are good dancer but I don't expect to find anyone special there, I have gone for dancing class before. Plus I make a bad dancer, I got two left feet.
Friendship and dating is two different things. A good friend might not make a good girlfriend. When they are only your friend, you will not see their true colors because they are not so close to you. Once you get familiar with a girl in friendship mode, it is very hard to convert to dating unless the girl is very interested in you all along.
If you are talking about those girls who you are interested in them but they are not so interested in you, you being their friend is making things harder to happen. They will just treat you as a friend only whereas in your mind you keep thinking that one day you will have a chance to make her your girlfriend but you are actually in your fantasyland. And you build up so much hope and expectations and when she tells you that she just treats you as a friend only, you will be banging your head on the wall becuase you have wasted so much time and resources and now you are being rejected.
Just approach girls who are not from your workplace and none of your peers know her. that would solve your problem. but if you are lazy to look elsewhere, then you can continue to be comfortable and miserable in your current predicament.
Some women have big mouth, they deserve it. But not all women are like that. You just haven't met a good one yet.
so difficult meh.....there are many single girls out there. Ask more frequently and high chance you will meet many singles.