Do you buy Dell?
Here's the ranking in the computer biz world
HP has just recently annouced losses and are or may have already reduced prices to compete with direct-sales Dell.
But Dell are fighting off these HP discounts with discounts on their own.
Frankly speakig, I don't think HP will have an easy battle. That's because of the way they are doing business. They have much more channels compared to Dell. When the computer reaches the customers, the customer would have to end up paying everyone up the chain.
And that's where Dell's strength lies.
I don't use a Dell computer. With people becoming more and more techno savvy, they have became more cost conscious, especially in these dire economic times, and are likely to search for even cheaper alternatives.
As for those people who buy Dell, I would guess that they are buying because of the service and convience.
:arro: Any opinions??