One Iranian twin dies after separation op
SINGAPORE -- Ladan Bijani died on Tuesday shortly after a historic operation to separate her from her twin sister Laleh, hospital officials announced.
Ladan Bijani (left) died shortly after the operation from severe loss of blood. The remaining twin, Laleh, is still in critical condition. -- FILE PICTURE
Laleh is in critical condition in Raffles Hospital, where the surgery started on Sunday morning.
CNN reported that Ladan died from severe loss of blood after the separation was completed. Laleh had also lost a lot of blood, and doctors are concentrating their efforts on stabilising her.
Well-wishers keeping vigil at the hospital burst into tears when the news was announced, CNN said.
Raffles Hospital spokesman Prem Kumar Nair had, just moments before, announced that the women were in a critical condition.
The team of doctors had to contend with unstable pressure levels inside the twins' brains just before they uncoupled the brains and cut through the last bit of skull joining them.
The process was slow and tedious as their brains have been fused tightly together for the last 29 years. Their brains had to be pried apart millimeter by millimeter through the many hours of the surgery.
The twins had made a big impression around the world with their gutsy display of courage. Doctors at one point tried to talk them out of the operation, but the 29-year-old sisters, both law graduates, said they were willing to accept the risks and face those dangers to lead separate lives.
The team of Singapore doctors, backed up by a group of specialists from abroad, performed a similar operation in 2001 on a pair of infant Nepalese girls. But surgery on conjoined adult twins is unprecedented.,4390,198679,00.html?