The recent exercise held at Sudong where the Army,Air Force and The navy were involved to reclaim the beach. As in the video on Razor tv.,shows rounds being fired when beach assult was excuted would have been better if there was a opposition force to prevent and make the take of the beach head interesting. Not using Live rounds but if not mistaken, Miles laser system, not sure still have in use or any other system to make the exercise more realistic.
Originally posted by Epcoxn:The recent exercise held at Sudong where the Army,Air Force and The navy were involved to reclaim the beach. As in the video on Razor tv.,shows rounds being fired when beach assult was excuted would have been better if there was a opposition force to prevent and make the take of the beach head interesting. Not using Live rounds but if not mistaken, Miles laser system, not sure still have in use or any other system to make the exercise more realistic.
Epcoxn - Then the exercise will take forever !!!
Then too realistic = the assualt force get creamed - and without the breach head = exercise cannot end , no going home !!!
True but even where there is OPFOR, it is sometimes under orders to withdraw so the unit can achieve its objective.
In real live wars are not fought with time table or office hours..That does mean for training purposes, they could have a cut of time. If there happen to a actual situation, wars will only end after someone looses or surrenders. We could have capture the Flag.That way it all depends on how fast a unit can get the flag the exercise will end."Dirty Dozen" referance.
The assualt forces will get better training if they accounter some resistance. As most training we attack the beach, few have been done defending the beach. As in most war movies,THE LONGEST DAY, SAVING PTE RYAN. good example, assults on beach will train our soldiers on what they can expect to encounter.
Spit the forces to a defence and an attack force that way both will get better trained in a single exercise. Though this exercise could be held weeks before the fasting month but it does service a good training for you never know when actual situation will happen.
That is when a neutral officials should come in play. Someone who out ranks others and oversee the exercise. One could offer long weekends to the winning side which will motivate them to win. Though the losers should not be left out maybe one day off for good attempt. Then both side will have something to look forward to get. Like in the movie,"HEARTBREAK RIDGE" the simulated war game.
I agree with parts of the same unit playing both attack and defence. Good to have the enemy point of view. It's also fun.
Originally posted by alize:True but even where there is OPFOR, it is sometimes under orders to withdraw so the unit can achieve its objective.
Yes that is true, but sometime if using miles and other monitoring equipment. Sometime bobo shot may end true :) if too real, the OPFOR can "accidently" over kill a unit - which become non-combat capable.
Yeah, then the dead members of the unit will not get to train.
I also don't understand the miles. In BMT they zero it at 10 meters distance (very accurate hor). Then they taught us to zero it and use it ourselves, but in the end didn't let us play.
That is when the officers come into play. They have to utilize other unit to make up for the fallen ones. A bit of cross training will benefit in the long run. That should go to all in the force. For you willnever know who get disabled at that time and with that person leading the whole team will be down.
And as for the assult. Most of the time should have occured at dawn before day break ,element of surprise and the sun at the background. Night Assult were what we hand trained for in the past.And we did it in total darkness with any nav lights to show we were coming till we have drop of the attacking force at the beach.
.I had no chance training with the Mile System came out when was in fleet but they should try to improve and put it to use. Singapore is not a nation short of system analyst nor have we not the know how . Remember 3G ARMY.
That in mind once in a while should go back to before low tech to train as to depend on high tech does come with its own flaws. EMPs is one or the m or virus programmes another.