Has Malaysia decided to phase out MiG????.
Think before u write.FYI only.
May 31, 2009 21:03 PM
RMAF Thrives With Fleet Of Sophisticated Aircraft
By Norshazlina Nor'azman
KUALA LUMPUR, May 31 (Bernama) -- In this era of high technology,
The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), which will be celebrating it 51st
anniversary tomorrow, has been keeping up to date with the latest
developments in aerospace technology to ensure security of Malaysia's
air space.
With 18 newly acquired Russian-made Sukhoi SU-30MKM and four Airbus
A400M aircraft to be received in stages later, RMAF has moved to
another dimension in national defence development.
The recent acquisition of eight Aemarchi MB-339C Lead-In Fighter
Training (LIFT) aircraft to assist in the training of young pilots has
also lifted the RMAF's image in the eyes of the world.
Its chief, General Tan Sri Azizan Ariffin said the acquisition of the
new assets was in line with RMAF's aspiration to become an efficient
and fully-prepared organisation.
He said the preparedness of the air force was vital as the world was
not just facing conventional warfare but also a more complex threats.
"Although RMAF has the experience and is prepared to face either
counter-insurgency warfare or a conventional war, the current threats
also come in the form of terrorists, pirates, human traffickers and
many more.
"Hence, we are and will continue to take on all the challenges be it at
a strategic, operational or tactical level, where we want balanced and
dynamic changes to be combined in a holistic way to prevent the inflow
of subversive elements into the country," he said in a special
interview in conjunction with RMAF's 51st anniversary tomorrow.
He said Malaysia's geography, comprising two divided lands, was among
the factors for RMAF to have more fighter jets in its fleet.
"The upgrading of the aerial defence system is a continuous effort to
ensure that RMAF's assets are compatible with the latest technology.
The planning and the development of RMAF's assets is a long-term
process before it can become a respectable and credible air force.
"The assets will be developed in stages based on priority, due to the allocations given under the Malaysia Plans," he said.
Meantime, Azizan also refuted speculation that the service of its
MIG-29N aircraft would be terminated following the acquisition of
"Throughout its service, the MiG-29 has been recognised as the most suitable for its job.
"The mid-life review, however, is being carried out and the aircraft
will continue to be used for operations until we find out other
implications," he said.
Nevertheless, he said since MIG-29N aircraft was more of an
air-interdiction aircraft, the RMAF was planning to acquire six
multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA) to increase the capability of the
existing warfare system.
Azizan also said the RMAF had never planned to terminate the service of
the Charlie C-130, which has been the backbone of RMAF transportation,
with the acquisition of the Airbus A-400M, due to arrive only after
On the Nuri helicopter (Sikorsky S61), he said the helicopter was still capable of delivering even with a limited ability.
"As long as the acquisition of the Eurocopter EC-725 Cougar helicopter
is not finalised, the Nuri helicopter will continue operations until
2015 because RMAF always conducts maintenance according to set
standards and under closely monitored procedures," he said.
When asked about RMAF's aspiration to acquire the F/A-18F Super Hornet,
Azizan said several criteria and standards should be met before any
decision is made.
Right now, he said a study was being carried out to determine which
aircraft should be acquired first so that the acquisition was in line
with RMAF's strategic planning and the government's allocation.
He also reiterated that RMAF's involvement in a joint exercises abroad
had proved that the expertise of RMAF pilots and crew was at par with
their foreign counterparts.
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“是的,我们会在下个月开始,é€�æ¥è®©ç±³æ ¼æˆ˜æœºé€€å½¹ã€‚”
较早å‰�,在出å¸å�¦ä¸€ä¸ªæ´»åŠ¨æ—¶ï¼Œé˜¿æœ«æŸ¥å¸ŒæŒ‡å‡ºï¼Œæ”¿åºœä¼šå¯»æ‰¾ä¸€ä¸ªæ–¹æ¡ˆæ�¥å¤„ç�†ç±³æ ¼æˆ˜æœºï¼Œè¿™åŒ…括出售给è�”å�ˆå›½å…�许的第3国家。
MiG-29N/NUBæˆ–è€…ç±³æ ¼æˆ˜æœºåœ¨é©¬æ�¥è¥¿äºšç©ºå†›çš„去留问题,最近æˆ�为一个相当çƒé—¨è¯�题。
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在这里,我们就å�¯ä»¥å�‘çŽ°ï¼Œç±³æ ¼-29N的飞行时间迫近了2000å°�时,所以空军对其进行了“ä¸æœŸå¯¿å‘½æ£€è®¨”。
阿兹å� æŒ‡å‡ºï¼Œç±³æ ¼-29N在空军æœ�役期间,完全有效的体现了其价值。
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历å�²æ€§çš„一刻。1993年当时任防长的纳å�‰ï¼ˆçŽ°ä¸ºé¦–相)宣布马国采è´ç±³æ ¼å�Šå¤§é»„蜂战机。
ç±³æ ¼-29N战斗机专题报导
further readings
In the above link,it says the original design of MiG 29 life span is
2000 hours.Assume 120 hours per year,now it is the time
if RMAF to upgrade it to, say ,4000 hours.Interesting!!
空军å�¸ä»¤çš„“ä¸æœŸå¯¿å‘½æ£€è®¨”说法回ç”,是与KLSè¿‡åŽ»ä¸Žä¿„ç½—æ–¯äº‹åŠ¡ç ”ç©¶è€…æ�¨æ”¿å�«è¿›è¡Œè®¨è®ºæœ‰å…³ç±³æ ¼-29N原设计寿命,å�ªæœ‰2000å°�时的说法是å�»å�ˆçš„ã€‚ç±³æ ¼-29N原设计寿命å�ªæœ‰2000å°�时,以一年飞120å°�时计算,应该å�¯ä»¥ç”¨å��å‡ å¹´ï¼Œå·®ä¸�å¤šæ˜¯çŽ°åœ¨ã€‚å› æ¤ï¼Œç›®å‰�开始进行ä¸æœŸå¯¿å‘½æ£€è®¨ï¼Œåº”该是看是å�¦è¦�å�‡çº§è®©å¯¿å‘½æ��å�‡åˆ°é¡¶é™�çš„4000å°�时。
The RMAF is surely one of Asia's leading buyer of Western aircrafts.
This is in line with the Malaysian goverments policy of upgrading their defensive capabilities.
The Saab JAS 39 Gripen (English: Griffin) is a fighter aircraft manufactured by the Swedish aerospace company Saab. Gripen International acts as a prime contracting organisation and is responsible for marketing, selling and supporting the Gripen fighter around the world.
The aircraft is in service with the Swedish Air Force, the Czech Air Force, the Hungarian Air Force and the South African Air Force, and has been ordered by the Royal Thai Air Force. A total of 236 Gripens have been ordered as of 2008.[5]
nice to hear that the western countries are accepting malaysian palm oil, coconut and chicken wings in exchange for fighter planes.
as if that will ever happen....
maybe the russians will take the oil and coconut, but later on their spareparts will be in hard hard currencies.
From what I've seen and read recently, the MiGs are going to be phased out. Not much to question that anymore....
June 01, 2009 23:57 PM
RMAF MIG29 Jets To Be Phased Out - Zahid
BAGAN DATOH, June 1 (Bernama) -- The MIG-29N fighter jets of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) will be replaced with other interceptor jets to strengthen the force.
Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the matter had been discussed with RMAF chief General Tan Sri Azizan Ariffin and the aircraft would be replaced soon.
"I have decided that from next month, the aircraft be phased out and we should find a way to sell them to certain companies or countries approved by the United Nations," he told reporters after visiting the victims of a storm in Rungkup, here, Monday.
On the Sukhoi fighter jets received recently, he said the preparedness of the squadron stationed at the RMAF base in Gong Kedak, Kelantan had been proven as the members had received sufficient simulator training and other forms of training continuously.
On the 1Malaysia concept in the Malaysian Armed Forces, he said the ministry had carried out the 1Malaysia 1Force campaign through the concept of holistic defence and encouraging all races to join the territorial army.
In another development, Ahmad Zahid said the federal government had agreed to provide assistance to the storm victims in the Bagan Datoh parliamentary constituency with the involvement of 98 soldiers from the army's 2nd Division.
He said the Engineers Corps and Infantry brigade would rebuild or repair the homes damaged by the storm early last Saturday morning. The work will take about two weeks.
In the storm, the roofs of 408 houses were damaged or blown off, while 32 houses were badly damaged.
I think its a good thing too... MiGs are very maintenance intensive relics to fly.