As the backbone of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), the SAF Warrant Officers and Specialists play key roles as trainers and repositories of the values, skills and knowledge necessary for maintaining a credible and professional SAF. The changes in the Warrant Officers’ scheme are to meet the requirements of the 3rd Generation SAF, and will provide strong leadership to the rank and file.
The roles and responsibilities of the Warrant Officers as combat trainers have been expanded. They will assume appointments as Warrant Officer Chief Trainers and Heads of Training Wing. At the battalion level, for example, the Battalion Regimental Sergeant Major will take on the role of Chief Trainer for the Battalion in weapons and small unit training.
The Specialist and Warrant Officer Corps will be repositioned as the Warrant Officer Corps and a new 3rd Warrant Officer rank will be introduced. This will facilitate the smooth transition from Specialist to Warrant Officer and allow for a faster progression through the ranks. With the new 3rd Warrant Officer rank, high-performing Specialists can attain their Warrant Officership as early as the end of their 6th year in service.
Under the enhanced scheme, Specialists can now embark on their degree studies as early as the end of their second year of service. This will help meet the aspirations of servicemen who wish to upgrade themselves professionally and academically.
These changes will be made through the existing Premium plan, which allows the Warrant Officers to serve up till age 55.