i read in the Straits Times that the armour can protect up to 7.62 and fragmentation, how about RPGs & IEDs?
i read somewhere that the bronco comes standard equipped to withstand up to 12kg mines at the bottom.
RPG and IED would really depend on what kinda armour it is using. Bronco is speculated to be using Mexas-L if this manufacturer's link is to be believed.
source: gary1910
for RPG protection i think they will have to prepare a bronco SLAT armour kit. i wonder how would the Bronco look like with SLAT armour.
Originally posted by Man!x:i read in the Straits Times that the armour can protect up to 7.62 and fragmentation, how about RPGs & IEDs?
Slat armor for RPGs
Jammers for IEDs
Today zao bao hard copy get a report on ST Branco and a interview with
LAND SYSTEMS--SEW Chee Jhuen--President.
pl bear with me to quote the full article here.There is life span in the link.
ST may not report this.zao bao report more on defense news.
summary of the news 06 Jan 2009
---huge potential for Bronco.30 countries need to get replacement for old
BV 206 .
---Only two versions for UK MOD--BvS and Bronco.
---France and Finland have showed interest.
----UK MOD and Afghnan service men came to SG to test drive Bronco.
---ST understood that BAE going to use BvS 15 for tender.It took at least
half year to develope new product.There is risk for UK MOD to use
new platform.ST has improved Bronco according to SG servicemen feedback.
---UK press did not query why UK needs to buy ATTC from a former colony.
This shows the public has confidence on the professional judgement of MOD.
----With UK MOD as a reference customers,ST is looking for more biz.
----ST just a small fry,compared with BAE etc US$30 b sales a year.
Innovations and new ideas do help.
---SAF Op Ready servicemen has to familiar with platform (again)
within few days when they are back for ICT.
---find out more if u interested..eg get a transalation engine .
本地军车开å�‘海外 让本土“éª�马”奔腾三å��国
� 陈颖佳
æˆ‘å›½ç ”åˆ¶çš„“éª�马”全地形履带å�ŒåŽ¢è¿�输车(Bronco All Terrain Tracked Carrier)具庞大外销潜能。30多个国家å�¯èƒ½è€ƒè™‘以它æ�¥å�–代陈旧的BV206å�ŒåŽ¢è¿�输车。
ç ”åˆ¶éª�马è¿�输车的新科工程å�å…¬å�¸æ–°ç§‘动力(ST Kinetics)上月获得英国国防部总值1亿5000万英镑(3亿3000万新元)å�ˆçº¦ï¼Œä¸ºåœ¨é˜¿å¯Œæ±—执行维和任务的部队供应100多辆éª�马è¿�è¾“è½¦ã€‚è¿™æ˜¯æ–°åŠ å�¡é¦–次出å�£è‡ªåˆ¶æˆ˜åœºç”¨é€”军车到å‰�线执行任务。
新科动力总è£�è�§å¿—æ�ƒæœ€è¿‘接å�—本报专访,分享æˆ�åŠŸç«žæ ‡å› ç´ ï¼Œå¹¶å±•æœ›éª�马è¿�输车的å‰�景。
BV-206ç›®å‰�是最普é��使用的å�ŒåŽ¢è¿�输车。这ç§�玻璃纤维车身的战车,能在地形å¤�æ�‚和气候æ�¶åŠ£æ�¡ä»¶ä¸‹è¿�作,å�¯å°†å†›é˜Ÿå’Œç‰©èµ„è¿�åˆ°è½¦è¾†æ— æ³•æŠµè¾¾çš„åœ°æ–¹ï¼Œæœ‰30多个国家的军队使用。
è�§å¿—æ�ƒè¯´ï¼š“但多数BV-206å·²é™ˆæ—§ï¼Œå› æ¤é‡‡ç”¨å®ƒä»¬çš„军队都å�¯èƒ½æ˜¯éª�马的潜在用户。”
他说,è¦�æ��å�‡BV-206车队的军队实际上å�ªæœ‰ä¸¤ä¸ªé€‰æ‹©ï¼šè‹±å›½èˆªç©ºå�Šèˆªå¤©ç³»ç»Ÿå…¬å�¸ï¼ˆBAe)瑞典å�å…¬å�¸èµ«æ ¼éš†ï¼ˆHagglunds)出产的BvS-10(维京),或éª�马。
过去八年,新科动力积æž�地å�‘国外促销éª�马,连ç»å››æ¬¡å�‚åŠ ä¸¤å¹´ä¸€åº¦åœ¨å·´é»Žä¸¾è¡Œçš„æ¬§æ´²é˜²å�«ç§‘技展(Europe Satory)。æ�®çŸ¥ï¼Œæ³•å›½å’ŒèŠ¬å…°è¡¨ç¤ºæœ‰æ„�è´ä¹°éª�马,新科工程师就曾到欧洲雪山测试éª�马的雪地作战能力。
æ�®è�§å¿—æ�ƒäº†è§£ï¼Œè‹±å›½å†›æ–¹å�‘现派到阿富汗的维京战车,装置é¢�外护甲装备å�Žï¼Œè½¦åŽ¢å�˜å¾—æ›´ç‹å°�,能è¿�载的æ¦å™¨å› æ¤å‡�少,速度和爬å�¡èƒ½åŠ›ä¹Ÿå‡�å¼±ï¼Œå› æ¤å¯»æ‰¾è´Ÿè½½é‡�较大的战车替代。
éª�马的负载é‡�比维京战车高50%,å�¯çˆ¬60%å�¡åº¦ï¼Œå¹¶åœ¨30%æ–œå�¡æ¨ªè¡Œï¼Œèƒ½è·¨1公尺高障ç¢�å’Œ2å…¬å°ºå®½å£•æ²Ÿï¼Œå‡ ä¹Žæ‰€å�‘披é�¡ã€‚
æ ¹æ�®æ–°ç§‘动力掌æ�¡çš„情报,竞争对手BAe当时æ��出替代方案,声称能在今年推出全新的BvS-15解决现有战车的问题。
è�§å¿—æ�ƒè¯´ï¼Œæ–°ç§‘åŠ¨åŠ›å› æ¤æŽŒæ�¡äº†æ—¶é—´ä¼˜åŠ¿ã€‚他说:“以国防业界ç»�éªŒï¼Œç ”åˆ¶æ–°æˆ˜è½¦è‡³å°‘éœ€å�Šå¹´æµ‹è¯•ã€‚或许,英国国防部会认为选择全新的战车须é�¢å¯¹å¾ˆå¤§çš„技术风险。”
ä»–è¯´ï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡æ¦è£…部队使用éª�马已七年。在这个过程ä¸ï¼Œæ–°ç§‘动力按照æœ�役军人的建议对éª�马进行改良。
é™¤æŠ€æœ¯ä¼˜åŠ¿å¤–ï¼Œäººä¸ºå› ç´ ä¹Ÿåœ¨è¿™é¡¹å†›è´æ‰®æ¼”é‡�è¦�角色。è�§å¿—æ�ƒå½¢å®¹è‹±å›½å›½é˜²éƒ¨çš„评估过程é�žå¸¸ä¸“业客观,æ��出的è¦�求é�žå¸¸å�ˆç�†ã€‚他说:“当地舆论并未质问英国国防部å�‘å‰�殖民地è´ä¹°å†›å¤‡çš„ç�†ç”±ã€‚这显示英国公众相信他们的国防部具备专业判æ–。”
è�§å¿—æ�ƒè¯´ï¼Œè‹±å†›æ˜¯å…·æœ‰å�‚ç…§ä»·å€¼çš„å®¢æˆ·ï¼Œå› æ¤å¸Œæœ›è¿™é¡¹äº¤æ˜“能促使更多国家考虑采用éª�马o
ä»–å�¦æ‰¿ï¼Œè‹±å›½BAe或美国通用动力(General Dynamics)æ¯�年的销售é¢�300多亿美元,新科工程没野心,也ä¸�å�¯èƒ½å�‘展æˆ�如æ¤å¤§è§„模的军备供应商。
è¯�虽如æ¤ï¼Œæ–°ç§‘在国际市场难å…�会与财雄势大的跨国军ç�«ä¾›åº”商交锋,但新科的ç–略是é�¿å…�ä½ æ»æˆ‘活的割喉å¼�竞争,陷入血腥的“红海”,而是以创æ„�å’Œé�©æ–°å¯»æ‰¾ä¸€ç‰‡ç”Ÿç”Ÿä¸�æ�¯çš„è“�海。
ä»–è¯´ï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡æ¦è£…部队是新科主è¦�å®¢æˆ·ï¼Œå› æ¤æ‰€è®¾è®¡çš„军备须符å�ˆäºšæ´²äººä½“型,ç�€é‡�å‡�å°‘å�Žå��力ã€�轻便易用。他说:“æ–°åŠ å�¡æ¦è£…部队是国民æœ�役军队,战备军人æ¯�年回è�¥å�—è®ä¸€æ¬¡ï¼Œé¡»åœ¨æ•°å¤©å†…å¦ä¼šä½¿ç”¨æ–°å™¨æ��。”
新科æ¯�å¹´å°†3%收入投入产å“�ç ”å�‘,与高ç‰å¦åºœå’Œæ”¿åºœç ”究机构å�ˆä½œï¼Œå¼€å�‘特有军备。
它所开å�‘çš„120毫米超速先进迫击炮系统就是一个例å�ï¼Œé€šè¿‡ç ”å�‘使å�Žå��力å‡�少一å�Šï¼Œå�ªæœ‰20å…¬å�¨ï¼Œå¹¶å…·å¤‡è‡ªåŠ¨è£…弹功能,最高射速æ¯�分钟18å�‘。è�§å¿—æ�ƒè¯´ï¼š“亚洲军人体型较å°�,我们就应用液压技术使他们ä¸�必费劲扛炮弹。”
新科以出å�£40毫米榴弹炮和弹è�¯è‘—ç§°ï¼Œä¹Ÿç ”åˆ¶äº†Ultimax-100轻型机关枪和SAR21冲锋枪。è�§å¿—æ�ƒè¯´ï¼Œæ–°ç§‘动力在40毫米榴弹的领域领先,能æ��供了ä¸�å�Œæ�€ä¼¤åŠ›çš„榴弹让军队执行ä¸�å�Œç§�类任务。
å�‚åŠ å�°åº¦å†›è´æ‹›æ ‡
å�°åº¦é™†å†›ä¸ºæ–°ä¸€ä»£155æ¯«ç±³æ¦´å¼¹ç‚®ç³»ç»Ÿæ‹›æ ‡ã€‚æˆ‘å›½å°†ä»¥è‡ªåˆ¶çš„FH-2000牵引ç�«ç‚®å’Œé£žéª�马(Pegasus)155æ¯«ç±³è½»åž‹æ¦´å¼¹ç‚®è½¦ç«žæ ‡ã€‚
è�§å¿—æ�ƒè¯´ï¼Œå�°åº¦çš„军备市场具有挑战性。较早å‰�的一项155æ¯«ç±³æ¦´å¼¹ç‚®ç«žæ ‡æ´»åŠ¨ï¼Œå› ä¸ºå�°åº¦é«˜çº§å®˜å‘˜æ¶‰å«Œè´¿èµ‚而å�–消。
å�°åº¦é™†å†›ç�«ç‚®å†›è´æ¡ˆçš„结果最早年底æ�晓,å�¯èƒ½æ‹–ä¸Šå¥½å‡ å¹´ã€‚è§’é€�者必须在高原和平原通过冬å£å’Œå¤�å£æµ‹è¯•ã€‚
展望2009年,è�§å¿—æ�ƒè®¤ä¸ºï¼Œå�„国å�¯èƒ½å› 为ç»�济ä¸�景削å‡�国防开销,但一些军事强国得继ç»æ‰§è¡Œæˆ˜äº‰ä¸Žç»´å’Œä»»åŠ¡ï¼Œå¿…须维æŒ�一定的军事开销。
但他认为,2009年美军将继ç»é©»æ‰Žä¼Šæ‹‰å…‹ï¼Œè€ŒåŒ—çº¦ç›Ÿå†›å°†åŠ ç´§é˜¿å¯Œæ±—çš„å†›äº‹è¡ŒåŠ¨ï¼Œå¯¹å†›å¤‡è¿˜æœ‰ä¸€å®šçš„éœ€æ±‚ã€‚ä»¥è‰²åˆ—å¯¹åŠ æ²™çš„å†›äº‹è¡ŒåŠ¨ä¼šç»´æŒ�多久,也ä¸�得而知。
å�¦ä¸€æ–¹é�¢ï¼Œå�³ä½¿å’Œå¹³ç¨³å®šçš„东北亚,ä¸å›½æ—¥ç›Šå¢žåŠ 军费,促使日本ã€�韩国和å�°æ¹¾å¢žåŠ 军事开销,这场军备竞赛会æŒ�ç»ä¸‹åŽ»ã€‚
ä»–ä¹Ÿè¡¨ç¤ºï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡å›½é˜²å·¥ä¸šå°†ç»§ç»æ��ä¾›è®¸å¤šå°±ä¸šæœºä¼šï¼Œä»–å¸Œæœ›æ›´å¤šå·¥ç¨‹ç³»æ¯•ä¸šç”ŸåŠ å…¥ã€‚
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è�§å¿—æ�ƒè®¤ä¸º“å† å†›”æ˜¯æœ€å…ˆè¿›çš„æ¦´å¼¹ç‚®è½¦ï¼Œæ ¹æ�®æ–°åŠ å�¡çš„军事环境é‡�身订å�šï¼Œå› æ¤å›½é™…需求é‡�ä¸�高,新科动力并没有积æž�外销。
《简æ°�防务》科技主编Rupert Pengelley去年8月形容“å† å†›”榴弹炮车展现了网络化作战能力。EOQ
Today www.mypaper.com.sg and zaobao report on this deal.
This is interesting two researchers RSIS said SG is on par,
if not overtake,Israel and Sweden .
ST K had ordered materials before they got the contract.
I think it did help ST Kinetics got the contract.
few points worth to note:
www.mypaper.com.sg 14.01.2009
Breakthrough Bronco UK deal means it’s exporting
major weapon system to First World nation
----They(Bronco ATTC) were shipped at STK’s
expense to the United Kingdom
to undergo brutal tests against
improvised explosive devices
(IEDs) and mines
---The British Army is currently
stretching its existing Viking
ATCs above their limits – by
some two tonnes.
The protection level demanded
by the British Army was one
that has never been seen before
for an all-terrain carrier, due to
the increased lethality of Taliban
roadside bombs and mines.
---The Bronco can operate not
only in extreme weather and
dusty conditions but also in difficult
off-road terrain of mountains
and valleys.
---STK provided the British
with all the answers they needed
in their evaluation of the
Bronco, including test data kept
by the company and references
that the British could check,
such as the National Automotive
Testing Centre in the US
where the Bronco had been put
through its paces.
The SAF chipped in as well
by providing data of its own experience
in using the Bronco.
in theatre.
---“Based on that, even though
we haven’t got the contract in
the bag, we worked backwards
and placed a pre-order of materials.
“That cut short some of the
lead time and that is why we can
meet the delivery deadline,” he said
---In 2007, the British placed a 65million order for 40mm grenades
from STK.
Singapore continues to reinforce
its pole position in this area
with new innovations, such
as the air-burst round.
STK’s self-destruct 40mm
ammunition has a 99.8 per cent
reliability and has been widely
used in Scandinavia.(lion note---another order in late 2008)
picture caption---
LIGHT-FOOTED HERCULES: One Hercules of a combat vehicle,
yet incredibly light-footed.The Bronco is seen here climbing a
dune in the desert.
Furthermore, Singapore has not benefited from the substantial US foreign aid that Israel enjoys. Remarkably, Singapore has technologically leap-frogged over several development stages, achieving a level of defence-industrial maturity akin to that of Sweden. The Swedish defence-industrial model has evolved an indigenous capability -- over generations -- to produce fully- integrated sophisticated weapons systems, such as the Gripen fighter, that was recently exported to Thailand---EOQ
They are from the S.Rajaratnam School of International Studies, NTU.
dead horse dead horse ?
no one likes your new F35b thread so come here and practice a little bit of necromancy ?
reviving the dead ?
Let your dead threads Rest In Peace, so you wont be subject to more humiliation and sarcastic remarks about you.
I watched the asia1 razor video on the Bronco. Interestingly, the 'empty' weight of the Bronco is 11 tons and can have up to 5 tons of 'payload'.
However, the UK version total weight will be more then 16 tons due to the increase in armour/protection.
According the the STK guy, the drive train will be 'upgraded' to handle the increased weight. He seemed to allude that the tracks will be made wider to ensure the same low ground pressure despite the increased weight. but I wonder whether it will have an upgraded engine. Given the increased weight, surely we need more power to ensure the same level of mobility.
The UK sale is wonderful... but i think the UK guys are desperate.... givenn that we can meet the delivery schedule and the protection requirements, surely they will buy it..
i hope the STK guys get it right.. hopefully the Bronco will be able to fulfill the 'hopes' of all present.
Remember that the env that it is operating in will be harsh.... and also they will probably not be so mindful or maintainence or operating limits given that it is a 'wartime' environment... hopefully, we don't see a lot of breakdowns etc etc...
I surely hope that ST does get it right not only for the sake of the British Army ! Dont forget that the SAF is using it too !
Good military equipment are supposed to be designed to work in very harsh environments with minimal maintenance, be easily repaired in the field, be soldier & idiot proof, work 99.99 % of the time etc etc. Wud you be asking for less while in a war zone ?
The is no such thing as a maintenace-free equipment.
Certainly when you rely on this piece of equipment to save your life during actual operations, you will maintain it properly and more properly.
Anyone can share their experience in maintenace of the SAF Bronco ?
of all things holy, this thread made me LOL.
2 forumers duking it out while all of us sit back wif popcorn watch show.
thanks for the entertainment :)
Lionnoisy, good job on the research.
I have a small request, can you please remove the HTML tags before you post? Makes your hardwork goes to waste. You can strip off the tags by pasting into notepad and then copy and paste from there again.
Sunday, 22 February, 2009
''Singapore Technologies Kinetics (STK) has chosen this year’s IDEX to show for the first time in public its Bronco All Terrain Tracked Carrier (ATTC), with many of the modifications to be incorporated into the British Army’s Warthog configuration.
Following a competition between the BAE Systems BvS 10 Mk 2 and the STK Bronco ATTC late last year, the UK Ministry of Defence selected the latter to replace the BvS 10 (called the Viking in UK service) currently deployed in Afghanistan. Under the terms of this £150m (US$215m) contract, STK will supply more than 100 enhanced versions of the Bronco ATTC to meet the UK Warthog requirement.
First production vehicles will be completed towards the end of the year and sent to the UK for final modifications under the leadership of Thales UK, before being deployed to Afghanistan in 2010.
The British Army will take four versions into service: ambulance; command vehicle; repair and recovery; and troop carrier, which will have seats for four people in the front and eight in the rear.
The first Warthog demonstrator is being built and will be completed in mid-year. Being shown at IDEX is a standard Bronco ATTC with many, although not all, of the Warthog modifications. According to STK, the fielding of Warthog will provide the British Army with a vehicle offering enhanced volume, payload and protection. Compared with the current Bronco, Warthog will feature additional protection, especially against mines, diesel fuel tanks moved from the floor and positioned one either side of the door in the rear unit, and a gross vehicle weight of 18 tonnes inclusive of armour. It will also be slightly longer and wider.
Warthog will be powered by a Caterpillar C7 diesel developing 350hp, coupled to an Allison MD3500 fully automatic transmission, giving a top speed of 65km/h. It will be fitted with the General Dynamics UK Bowman digital communications system and devices to counter improvised explosive devices.
The standard Bronco ATTC was originally developed to meet the requirements of the Singapore Armed Forces, which have deployed significant quantities of the vehicle in numerous configurations.''--EOQ
all the above and below caption from Janes...
![]() |
Displayed is a standard Bronco with many of the Warthog modifications
It is interesting to note that the Warthog's tanks are located by the sides of the rear door of the rear unit.
Warthog will feature additional protection, especially against mines, diesel fuel tanks moved from the floor and positioned one either side of the door in the rear unit,
Long fuel lines is a worry and no rear unit, the whole system stops?
thats better.Thanks Noisylion.
Bravo! Finally a proper "looking" post from our resident noisylion.
The discussions in Pegasus and M777 lead me post to here.
I think this shall be the correct thread to talk Warthog.
read this forum then u know more.
www.stengg.com went into extra mile by ordering materials
before they got the contract of Warthog aka Viking replacement,
The tender came from UK urgent operational requirements (UOR) procurement system.
This shows ST has high confidence and think for the customer--
UK MOD.Becos MOD needs Warthog very urgently to protect
their soldiers' life.
BAE Mk 2 is a little too late.They were still under development.
Bronco has been in operation for a no. of years.I think some
improvement has been done.So,if u were MOD top brass,
will u trust a proven platform like Bronco or the promoised
Mark 2?
Hagglunds Designs New Viking
''By andrew chuter
Published: 17 Oct 12:21 EDT (16:21 GMT)
LONDON - A new version of the Viking tracked armored vehicle offering
enhanced protection to crews is on the drawing board at BAE System
Hagglunds in a bid to beat competition from Singapore aiming to unseat
the Swedish company as the supplier of all-terrain vehicles to the
British military.
A spokeswoman for the Sweden-based subsidiary of BAE said the company
hopes to have a prototype Viking Mk2 running early next year with the
vehicle available for delivery in the summer.
Earlier this year, the British announced a competition for between 47
and 212 vehicles to replace earlier Hagglunds BV206s in their fleet. A
contract is scheduled to be awarded at the end of next year as part of
the MoD's standard equipment procurement process.######
Singapore Technologies Kinetics' Bronco vehicle is also a strong
contender. The Singaporean and Swedish vehicles are tracked and consist
of two linked armored units.
The new Swedish vehicle would offer protection up to Stanag 2 level and
have a better payload than the current Viking used by British forces in
The procurement has been upgraded to
urgent operational requirements (UOR) procurement system,due
to heavy loss in road side IED.
i need repeat this MOD article to clear the air--
Minister for Defence Equipment and Support, Quentin Davies, said:
"Warthog will be true to its name as a beast of a vehicle that can manoeuvre across difficult terrain, power-up steep gradients and even cling to slopes. Warthog will provide improved protection to our troops in Afghanistan's Green Zone, where water and a fragile infrastructure make it difficult for other vehicles to operate. It will be able to move through deep water while carrying troops at the heart of our operations."
A protected gun mount, extra armour, specialist electronic counter-measure equipment and communications tools will be added before Warthog is deployed on operations.
i like Bronco 3 in 1 package.
this is interesting why Viking is used--
''On tracked vehicles, the Viking was used because the Marines had nothing else. It will be replaced by a larger version of the same type, the Warthog. There are advantages and disadvantages to tracks versus wheels, but I cannot understand why if a mine-protected tracked vehicle is required, it cannot be produced quickly—to say it cannot be done is simply absurd.''
House of Commons Hansard Debates for 20 Jan 2009 (pt 0008)
Viking is good,but not good enough.Or u can say there is better alternative.
House of Commons Hansard Ministerial Statements for 29 Oct 2008 (pt 0001)
''Viking has provided an excellent capability in Afghanistan, giving us
unparalleled access to areas around the Helmand river. But, although we
are providing
29 Oct 2008 : Column 29WS
some further enhancements to its protection, we have reached the limit
of its ability to carry extra weight and protection. This is why we
intend to replace Viking in Afghanistan with an alternative, better
protected, high mobility vehicle, to be known as Warthog;
work is underway to identify the right vehicle to fulfil this role. We
will procure over 100 new vehicles with deliveries starting at the end
of next year.''
so u see MOD alreday announces the deliveries date in Oct 2008,
before the announcement of the award of contract to ST in mid DEc.
Why MOD has confidence in the delivery date?
One of the reasons may be ST had showed them the order for the Warthog materials
does this
we have reached the limit of its ability to carry extra weight and protection. This is why we intend to replace Viking in Afghanistan
equate with this ?
It only will be proved if it is up to the task after assessment.
In UK ATTC,The BAE Viking is proved not up to the
requirements of UK MOD!!
kindly prove which part of this says that BAE viking is NOT UP TO THE REQUIREMENTS of UK MOD ?
simply because you lack the mental capacity to think, or the logical faculties to process this information, dosent mean the BAE viking is not up to requirements.
rather, it means that the mission requirements, have increased to the point where the viking as a platform, is unable to meet or service these requirements. dosent point to the viking as a flawed platform. points to the fact that mission requirements have escalated.
and it points to this, quote you
''with greater protection levels,''mean Bronco is better than Viking
in protection lah,stupid!!
exactly my point. its better in protection but does that make it a more combat effective platform. how stupid can you get ? make a point but dont get what it means.
being better in protection dosent make it a combat effective platform for that matter. i can put you in a battleship grade armour, but if you cant fight and if you are not reliable, you can be shitting in your pants like what you're doing now.
flawed, stupid and almost criminal ignorance. sad lionnoisy. a new low for you ?
look at the sherman M4. inferior in gun, inferior in armour, inferior in crew but in sufficient numbers to ovverun the german mark IV panzers. its sheer virtue of strength in numbers, allowed the americans to overcome superior german armour.
does this mean the m1 abrams is a weak tank ?
on the contrary.
combat experience has allowed the platform manufacturers to find out the weaknesses of the m1 abrams as a weapons platform and improve on it.
the m1 as a platform has evolved to include new urban combat variants and improved baseline performance in the m1A2 SEP and the M1A2 TUSK
so let me settle this once and for all.
why are combat proven platforms so in demand ?
simply because like in the case of the M1, they have met the threat, experienced the danger and have had upgrades/improvements that allows them to overcome their weaknesses. simply put, a combat platform with combat experience, allows the FLAWS within a platform to be recognized and solved. it is a more competent vehicle with lesser known / existing flaws.
the problem with the viking and its replacement by the ATTC is not because its a incompetent vehicle platform or that is so flawed that it cant be rectified. the problem with the viking / BvS10, is that it has reached the limits of its capability growth.
i.e, you can only add on so much armour to a proven platform. additional armour costs greater wear and tear on the engine and transmission. use under combat conditions implies increased wear and tear and mileage.
the viking as a platform is combat exhausted. it has reached the end of its capability upgrade curve. any further upgrades would probably NOT be cost effective and wasting money on a worn-out / overused platform.
2 years of combat wear and tear under operational conditions have probably subjected the viking to the equivalent of about 10 years worth of peacetime operations. is it worth spending on a SLEP / refurb program on something that has no future potential for growth without incurring a performance penalty ?
oh waitaminit, isnt that your poor little lion's problem ? cannot think for himself ? only copy and paste articles and information without thinking them through ?
well, ild like you to think about this
But wat is the fzzking use of these articles?
Paper and lip services alone cant save the ass of UK soldiers.Right?
Only the right armour can save their ass.
what is right armour ? does right armour mean heavy armour ? what kinds of armour platforms are you talking about ? what qualities of that kinda armour ? what kind of terrain that armour is operating on ? how reliable is that armour under certain terrain conditions ? does that armor platform have capability upgrade options ? does it have future growth potential ?
you obviously have failed to think this through. dont waste my time with your spam. come back to get your ass pwned when you have a more thoroughly thought through nonsense idea.
sgstars, too chim he no unsderstand (as if he would understand simiplicity)
but just to add on to ur point. Lion, do u think RSAF would choose F-15E over Eurofighter or Rafale if not for the combat proven record ???
Following up on gd4u's diversion, I think F15E, Eurofighter and Rafale are all very excellent aircraft although they are also very different aircraft. A combat proven record is a good criteria for selection but it really depends on what were the SAFs requirements.
Winning the Warthog order from UK is an unparalled achievement for STK. Obviously there were no other contenders besides the Bronco ( & a modified one at that ) that cud have met UKs requirements in the short time that they required the vehicle. Only time will tell ( & it will be soon ) if the Bronco will be proven a combat worthy ATTC.
Additional orders from UK for STK's Bronco soon after they are fielded and battle tested will be the litmus test.