US financial is really in the bad shape.Bush will meet President Working group on Financial market on Monday.but Fed cant wait.
Fed already cut ''the rate on direct loans to commercial banks by a quarter-point''on Sunday 16 ,US time .I think they want to save the market from crash amid the Bear Stearns Cos melt down.
J. P. Morgan Chase will buy the poor Bear Stearns at S$2 a share,a tiny fraction of about $150 a share few months ago and $27 at closing of Friday!!The insolvent of 5 th biggest investment is damn bad ,dragging down other big 4.
Lehman Bro share dropped 14% on Friday was not a good sign.
Who can save America?
2.People lossing confidence on everyone is the cause.
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- The Federal Reserve on Sunday cut the rate on direct loans to commercial banks by a quarter-point and said it will allow primary dealers to borrow at the rate in exchange for a broad range of investment-grade collateral. In a statement, the central bank also extended the maximum term of discount-window loans to 90 days from 30 days. The Fed also OK'd the financing deal announced by J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. (JPM: 36.54, -1.57, -4.1%) and Bear Stearns Cos. (BSC: 30.00, -27.00, -47.4%) . J. P. Morgan on Sunday agreed to buy Bear Stearns for $2 a share.
JPMorgan Chase & CoLast: 36.54-1.57-4.12%
4:02pm 03/14/2008
The Bear Stearns Companies IncLast: 30.00-27.00-47.37%
4:01pm 03/14/2008
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wtf has Bear Stearns got to do with me and wtf is this in Military Nuts?
Originally posted by the Bear:wtf has Bear Stearns got to do with me and wtf is this in Military Nuts?
You don't honestly expect a rational answer (or anything vaguely resembling rational) from the screaming pussy, do you?
No rational answer expected but it offers an opportunity to give a WTF remark.
and +1
His behaviour is becoming increasingly erratic since he has been badly defeated in just about every thread he tried to toot ST's horn in... such as the can fantail be crashed, Mandai UAF equal to Cheyenne Mountain, and more lately the SAR-21 run-for-your-life handle. I kinda love the way he becomes all quiet when he realizes he cannot win and abandons the thread.
wrong topic bah. suggest lionoisy to move it to chit chat
Originally posted by arball:wrong topic bah. suggest lionoisy to move it to chit chat
That, unfortunately, would be a rational act.
oh bro!!
really bad news.Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. dropped more than 30% .billions dollars of value gone lah.
quote, ;
thus can i safely infer that lionnoisy is incredibly noisy and irrational? lols.
anws, would all this US economy downturn cause a drastic scaling back of US force deployment in the long term in order to cut cost? i expect not.
arball, you might actually be right. Deploying its forces into Iraq isn't exactly "low" daily expenditures.
The federal government would most probably have to start pouring money into the situation, and if they can cut forces deployed to Iraq, they might be able free up more $$. We shall see.
For once, I'd give Lionnoisy some credit on this. The military runs on $$ after all.
He seems to think that bad news for the yanks is good news for us?
Has he been listening to anything PM Lee is saying?
But considering he's the one who suggested inline skate force... LOL, I'm not to surprised.
How long more before he's banned from here?
Haha! To some extent its true wad. Go on ur dream vacations to the US NOW. While the exchange rates are good!
Heck bring out ur credit cards and start shopping!
Lehman Brothers Holdings IncLEH (NYSE)
$ 31.75(a share)
Change:-($) at market closed on Monday.
1.How can a company of 160 years perform like this?
2.What is wrong with US market??
The Bear Stearns Companies IncBSC (NYSE)$ 4.81
Change: -$25.19, -83.97%.
Drop from $171 on 19 jan 2007 to $2 on bailout 16 Sunday Mar 2008!!!!???
Originally posted by lionnoisy:
Lehman Brothers Holdings IncLEH (NYSE)
$ 31.75(a share)
Change:-($) at market closed on Monday.
1.How can a company of 160 years perform like this?
2.What is wrong with US market??
The Bear Stearns Companies IncBSC (NYSE)$ 4.81
Change: -$25.19, -83.97%.
Drop from $171 on 19 jan 2007 to $2 on bailout 16 Sunday Mar 2008!!!!???
Uhh..... 'what's wrong with the US market'?
You might want to answer this question first: 'Why is this in Military Nuts'?
Originally posted by fudgester:Uhh..... 'what's wrong with the US market'?
You might want to answer this question first: 'Why is this in Military Nuts'?
Um, probably because lionnoisy heard that Bear Stearns' CFO's cousin's daughter's office colleague's uncle's pool cleaner's hairdresser's pimp's son serves as a reservist in the National Guard. Hence the "military" connection.
Well, there IS a political connection between the military and money. I think they'll prefer to print more $$ than to pull troops out of Iraq to free up liquidity, if thats even possible.
In any case, we can help them by shopping online more!
Sigh. I logged in to see this one fine morning.
Thread closed.