Originally posted by fudgester:
1. The Nazis would still have lost. The Allies would still continue firebombing German cities, which would actually make it easier for the Soviets to win.... which leads to point 2.
3. The Japs would still have lost, for the Pacific counterstrike was mainly an American effort. However, it would probably have taken longer, seeing that they would have to fight without Brit support. Also, the Soviets would have made greater advances into Manchuria and possibly Korea.
End result? The Axis would still have lost, and the Cold War would have been much, much worse....
I agree with your hypothesis.
Even if the W.Allies failed in their D-Day objectives, esp on gaining a foothold on French soil. The Nazi war machine would still be eventually be crushed...by the Soviet Army alone. The most is that WWII (for the Germans) would not end on May 8, 1945 but could be in 1946 or even in 1947. The end result for the Germans is still certain, not the question of 'IF' but 'WHEN'. Don't forget, the Soviet counter-assaults were already draining the German manpower considerably (heard what happened to the German Sixth Army at Stalingrad?). If you read books here, it is stated that most of the German defenders at the Normandy beaches were not the finest nor the fittest troops (mostly fresh from the Hitler Youth Camps and the old Volksstraum) except the SS Panzer reserve that were positioned at the wronmg places due to deceptive communique that were sent out by the Brits to fool the Germans.
However I disagree on scenario 2, allowing the Soviet Army to 'liberate' Hungary, Poland, Romania and the smaller Eastern Europe is one thing, but to allow the Soviet Army to roll into France is not accepatable by the W.Allies.