You might have seen it. I was surfing and found it. Some of the munitions are already here or close to being out in the market. It is only a matter of time before tubed artillery units around the world are using these. And with the number of tubed artillery guns that we have, we can draw a circle of death around Singapore(say 100km-120km) that could target and destroy with precision accuracy anything we deem threatening. Ahem..the enemy will be in a difficult position to put anything `precious' in that radius. They will work well with our Himars.
During AA2202(was it then ?), I posted an article that Singapore and Lockheed Martin had signed an agreement to research precision guided munitions(Flight? aviationweek?). Im not certain what has happened to it. Nevertheless, I think it demonstrates Singapore`s interest or desire to get these. Moroever, it fits our doctrine very well. Need to clean my room soon...will look for that report and have it scanned.
What is so nice about these developments is that many of these munitions will be available now or very soon.;_ylu=X3oDMTBvdmM3bGlxBHBndANhdl93ZWJfcmVzdWx0BHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12t9vinok/EXP=1192545976/**http%3a//