Sep 11, 2007 18:31 | Updated Sep 11, 2007 18:31Cheers,
'IAF targeted Iranian weapons in Syria'
The Israel Air Force jets that allegedly infiltrated Syrian airspace early last Thursday apparently bombed an Iranian arms shipment that was being transferred to Hizbullah, CNN reported Tuesday.
A ground operation may also have been part of the foray, according to the network. Neither Jerusalem nor Damascus have confirmed the report. But Damascus has denied the presence of any Israeli ground forces on its territory.
CNN said the operation involved ground forces and that the aerial strike left "a great hole in the desert." Although it did not name a specific source, the network cited "US government officials." The jets have been identified by the Turkish authorities as IAF F15Is, Israel's long-range bomber, after fuel tanks were found in Turkish territory.
The CNN report said the IAF's targets were likely weaponry delivered to Syria that was possibly intended for use by Hizbullah.
CNN's chief international correspondent, Christiane Amanpour, delivered the report and quoted sources saying that Israel was "very happy" with the results of the operation.
Damascus complained to the United Nations about an "aggression and violation of sovereignty," saying Israeli warplanes dropped "military munitions" in Syria, the country's ambassador to the UN said Tuesday.
A US military official described the Israeli incursion as an air strike "deep into Syria" that succeeded in hitting a target. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because it was an intelligence issue, said he did not know what that target was.
Syria has called the incursion a "hostile act," but has been largely silent on the details of what happened. Israeli officials have refused to comment.
Syria's UN ambassador, Bashar al-Jaafari, said Damascus made its complaint in two letters to the UN secretary general and the president of the Security Council. The letters said the Israeli action violated a 1974 agreement reached after the Yom Kippur War.
On Thursday, Syria said its air defense systems had fired on IAF aircraft that had infiltrated its airspace near the coastal city of Latakia.
The government, including the Prime Minister's Office and the IDF, maintained their policy of refusing to comment on the incident following the CNN report.
Syria has been known to be transferring weapons of its own, as well as arms from Iran, to Hizbullah.
During the Second Lebanon War, the IDF discovered a wide range of antitank missiles and short-range rockets being used by Hizbullah that had originated in Syria. Several Iranian-made missiles were also in Hizbullah hands before the war, but these were mostly destroyed by the IDF before being fired at Israel.
Over the upcoming holidays, the IDF will continue to maintain a high level of alert along the Syrian border amid fears that Damascus will respond to the alleged flyover. Defense officials said earlier this week that tensions between the countries had begun to subside, but that there was a need to maintain a high alert "just in case."
Jerusalem Post staff and AP contributed to this report.
how about......the syrian airforce were craaap and even the earlier version of eagle can do it. It just that the Israeli really kiasu in terms of loosing the EW suits were a good insurance..Originally posted by LazerLordz:the IAF's EW suites are very capable. I'm not surprised. This was expected..
Originally posted by tankfanatic:how about......the syrian airforce were craaap and even the earlier version of eagle can do it. It just that the Israeli really kiasu in terms of loosing the EW suits were a good insurance..
but Lordz, not even a sueak of challenge form the Syrian airforce? (Never mind whether they can even locate the Israelis). They didn't even scramble fighters?Originally posted by LazerLordz:the IAF's EW suites are very capable. I'm not surprised. This was expected..
The secret IAF foray into Syrian airspace was in fact an Israeli air strike directed at a North Korean boat delivering suspected nuclear material to Syria, the Washington Post reported on Saturday.First and foremost... I am very angry with the Israelis disregard for soveriegnty and international law... It's pure and simple aggression. Should the syrian intercept and happens to down or damage the IDF F15... it will be a start of another Lebanon episode. The stories coming out of the Mass media will be changed to make perception that it was the Syrian who is the aggressor. - Trust me on that.
According to the report, the North Korean boat was disguised as a cement shipment. The Post report also claimed that the IAF attacked an "agricultural research center" which Israel believed was in fact a facility used by the Syrians to extract uranium from phosphates
I think if you are being fired rocket on a daily basis and your regional neighbours does not recognized your states. The tense relationship has built up for so many years and Since there is a UN resolution that call for disarmant of Herzbullah and no western countries are policing the resolution. I say this is a DIY.Originally posted by MobyDog:First and foremost... I am very angry with the Israelis disregard for soveriegnty and international law... It's pure and simple aggression. Should the syrian intercept and happens to down or damage the IDF F15... it will be a start of another Lebanon episode. The stories coming out of the Mass media will be changed to make perception that it was the Syrian who is the aggressor. - Trust me on that.
If you guys are reading the middle east news from none mass media sources.. Israel is actually pushing the US to attack both Syria and Iran.
Now lets look at the reports.. "Suspected".. "Nuclear".. "Disguised" .. North "Korean"... it's a fvcking psy-ops report. Just days before, the Israeli cliams that they had satelite photos of Syria's "suspected" nuclear facilities.. but no co-ordinates with given or even supplied to IAEA for verifcation.
Second.. if Uranium is indeed present on the NK Boat and "agricultural center" - where is the radiation fall-out ?.. The IAEA, Russian, French and Chinese will have detected it... wouldn't it ?
It's pure provocation to start/puch a war with Iran... as, if Israel launch an "Shock and awe" on Syria... Iran who has a defense agreement with Syria, would help defend Syria.. Hold and Behold... a NEO-con wet dream.
Using words like 'suspected' and the two most aggressive nation of earth thinks they can do anything they like. of course till this day.. it seems they can
Syria.. fired rockets dialy into Israel ? Don't forget.. Israel is occupying Palestinian, building settlements and walling up their into parcels, and at this present moment is supporting Fatah, against HAMAS - who is incidentally democratically elected. BTW, does Israel recognise the state of Palestine.. I don't recall they ever saying so ?Originally posted by Arapahoe:I think if you are being fired rocket on a daily basis and your regional neighbours does not recognized your states. The tense relationship has built up for so many years and Since there is a UN resolution that call for disarmant of Herzbullah and no western countries are policing the resolution. I say this is a DIY.
In any case u don't have to be mad....similar case happen in SG it will be the same. DIY. nobody is going to come for a Pokito.
Did I said Syria? It is Hamas.Originally posted by MobyDog:Syria.. fired rockets dialy into Israel ?
Don't forget.. Israel is occupying Palestinian,building settlements and walling up their into parcels, and at this present moment is supporting Fatah, against HAMAS - who is incidentally democratically elected.
BTW, does Israel recognise the state of Palestine.. I don't recall they ever saying so ?
In any case, Hez was formed in response to the Israeli occupation of Lebanon. Only three country recognise that Hez is an terrorist organisation.. US, Israel and Brits (no surprise there).. There is also a international law for Israel not to intrude into Lebanon.. for sonic booming and test bombing runs against UN.
Originally posted by Arapahoe:But the topic at hand.. is about Syria. You brought it up.. and it seemed that you are equating it to Syria
Did I said Syria? It is Hamas.
You might as well goes back to the Turks about conquring from Israel. It will never ends. Israel is here to stay not going away.As things goes.. I agree, but Palestine was a state split up in two by the brits. During the British Mandate, semite jews and Arabs were living togather in relative peacefully for centuries.. then came the eupropean jews (Kharzars) who came and forcefully chased the Arabs out of their villages and city homes. Only about 12% of the land were bought by Jewish but they gained about 60% of the land thru the split. Palestine is also here to stay and should not be forcefully merged with Israel.
Hamas has been elected Yes. And Refuse to denouce the use of force against Israel.Why would they denounce the use of force when Israel are allowing Jewish Settlements in their land, with roads serving them that the Palestinian cannot use or cross at will ? And those walls.. they are effectively imprisoning them. Palestine is under Israeli ccupation, by denoucing to the use of force, is as good as, placing palestine on a platter.
Hezbullah is base out from southern Lebanon, And Lebanon which has a seat in the UN. Does Hezbullah has a seat in the UN? Tell me an organization that has independent army from the state and can carry out attack on neighbouring states.Hez does have afew seats in the Lebanese parliment.. and the Lebanese armed forces were too weak to stand up to Israel. Hez for a long time did not attack Israel proper (except during Last Sept), but did launch attacks in Shebaa Farms area (which is occupied and settled by Israel). Last September seizure of the two soldiers were attempt for prisoner exchange.. Israel also sieze lebanese in Beirut routinely.. and have hundreds of prisoners in Israel. But it's different if the other side does it ?
Why Syria's Air Defenses Failed to Detect IsraelisCheers,
Posted by David A. Fulghum at 10/3/2007 5:41 AM
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said the Israelis struck a construction site at Tall al-Abyad just south of the Turkish border on Sept. 6. Press reports from the region say witnesses saw the Israeli aircraft approach from the Mediterranean Sea while others found unmarked drop tanks in Turkey near the border with Syria. Israeli defense officials admitted Oct. 2 that the Israeli Air Force made the raid.
The big mystery of the strike is how did the non-stealthy F-15s and F-16s get through the Syrian air defense radars without being detected? Some U.S. officials say they have the answer.
U.S. aerospace industry and retired military officials indicated today that a technology like the U.S.-developed “Suter” airborne network attack system developed by BAE Systems and integrated into U.S. unmanned aircraft by L-3 Communications was used by the Israelis. The system has been used or at least tested operationally in Iraq and Afghanistan over the last year.
The technology allows users to invade communications networks, see what enemy sensors see and even take over as systems administrator so sensors can be manipulated into positions so that approaching aircraft canÂ’t be seen, they say. The process involves locating enemy emitters with great precision and then directing data streams into them that can include false targets and misleading messages algorithms that allow a number of activities including control.
A Kuwaiti newspaper wrote that "Russian experts are studying why the two state-of-the art Russian-built radar systems in Syria did not detect the Israeli jets entering Syrian territory. Iran reportedly has asked the same question, since it is buying the same systems and might have paid for the Syrian acquisitions."
The system in question is thought to be the new Tor-M1 launchers which carries eight missiles as well as two of the Pachora-2A system. Iran bought 29 of the Tor launchers from Russia for $750 million to guard its nuclear sites, and they were delivered in Jan., according to Agency France-Press and ITAR-TASS. Syrian press reports they were tested in February. They also are expected to form a formidable system when used with the longer-range S-300/SA-10 which Iran has been trying to buy from Russia. Syria has operated SA-6s for years and more recently has been negotiating with Russians for the Tor-M1. What systems were actually guarding the Syrian site are not known.
Go read strategypage under Australian discussion thread.Originally posted by datafuser:Here is an analysis about how the Israelis could enter Syrian airspace undetected. It's written by David A. Fulghum, senior military editor of Aviation Week and Space Technology.